Brocade legend

Chapter 366 Killing Prisoners

Chapter 366 Killing Prisoners

Lu Bing said to the masters of "Trust in the mouth" and "Needle in the tail": "You send out 130 eight people, and the battle is quick!"

"Yes! My lord!" To deal with those prisoners, these masters of Jinyiwei were naturally fearless and full of confidence.

Lu Bing asked the other Jinyi guards to retreat to the passage, and to the blind corner where the arrows could not reach, and stood under the big shield of stones.

But Sun Quan stood at the stone gate and did not leave.

The well-trained masters of "word of mouth" and "needle on tail" quickly came out with 130 eight people.

The clothing of "Kou Zhong Xin" is the same as that of "Tail Shang Zhen", both are black armor, a hat with a sticky hat, and an iron mask, but the equipment is different.

In addition to the hand crossbow and sleeve arrows that are equipped with each other, "Kou Zhong Xin" uses the Xiu Chun knife specially made for Jin Yiwei with an iron head by the "Master of Weaponry".But the "needle on the tail" prefers the thickened three-foot dagger used by Sun Quan.

"Sinners! Kill them! It's up to you whether you survive! Hahahahaha." The mysterious man laughed and gave the bloody order.

Although I couldn't see the expressions of the Jinyiwei masters under their iron masks.However, what was revealed in those numb or fanatical eyes was all bloodthirsty.


When the prisoner who is crazy for freedom collides with the master of Jinyiwei, there is almost no enemy.

The "needle on the tail" short sword, like a wasp's tail sting, slides silently into the enemy's chest or neck, killing him with one blow.

And the steel knife held by "Kou Zhongxin" is like a butcher holding a butcher knife towards a lamb to be slaughtered.

Almost just a face-to-face meeting, half of the prisoners fell in a pool of blood.

The masters of "words of mouth" and "needles on the tail" who kill one person will consciously withdraw from the melee. They are extremely confident in their companions. They think that their companions do not need their own helpers, but only need a larger fighting space.

Some of the prisoners were really skilled, but they were exhausted and weak, no matter how they were the opponents of Jin Yiwei, who was fierce and fierce, they also fell to the ground and died after barely sustaining for a few rounds.

This was a one-sided massacre, and the Imperial Guards won almost instantly.

"I am an official of the imperial court! I am a member of the imperial court! You can't kill me!" A thin prisoner shouted again when he was about to die under the sword of Jin Yiwei!
The Jin Yiwei continued to chop without hesitation, but when Lu Bing said "slow down", the knife of the Jin Yiwei master stopped firmly at the prisoner's neck.

"Bring him here!" Lu Bing said.

The Jin Yiwei escorted the prisoner to Lu Bing. At this time, only seven or eight people were still fighting.

Lu Bing waved his hand, telling the Jin Yiwei to remove the knife.

Jin Yiwei complied without hesitation, they had full confidence in Lord Lu, they didn't think anyone could kill him head-on.

The prisoner felt the sharp cold blade leave his neck, but instead of rushing directly to Lu Bing's feet for help, he stood up straight, tidied up his clothes, gave a respectful salute, and said gratefully: "My lord, The next official is Feng Delu, the Governor of Yunnan Province, I have met Your Excellency, thank you for saving your life!"

Dong Hai smiled from the side: "You are the governor of the government, but you are only a small official of the ninth rank. How could you fall into the hands of the White Lotus Sect? Could it be that you colluded with Bailian and turned against each other?"

"My lord! There is absolutely no such thing!" Feng Delu panicked: "The lower officials came here to collect taxes, and they were caught here."

Feng Delu can naturally see that this group of people are all the uncles of Jin Yiwei!
And the leader's majesty, plus the mysterious person just revealed the origin of the fat and thin, as a member of the officialdom, how could Feng Delu not know that the leader is the famous and powerful Master Lu Binglu!
At the same time, Feng Delu saw that Mr. Lu had no intention of saving him... Feng Delu, who was worried that he would be abandoned, gritted his teeth and said, "When Xiaguan was first arrested, they did persuade Xiaguan to join the White Lotus Sect. The official refused, and that's why he ended up in this situation! I hope your lord will see clearly!"

Lu Bing's expression was very indifferent. He had no way to know the truth of Feng Delu's words at this time, so naturally he couldn't talk about sympathy.

"My lord!" Looking at Lu Bing's face, Feng Delu became more disturbed, and hurriedly continued: "When I first came here, I was treated as a guest of honor by them for a period of time. I was somewhat free. I knew a little about Xiao Xitian, and I was a little bit familiar with my lord. It should be useful!"

After hearing this, Lu Bing glanced at Feng Delu, thought for a while, and felt that if he really knew some information, it would be of some use to the guards in Jinyi, who were still blind-eyed at this moment... Just take him with you and keep him under strict supervision , if he dares to make any changes, he can just slash him with a knife!

Lu Bing thought for a while, and said to Dong Hai: "Remember, after we go out, we must check the officialdom in Yunnan... He is just a small ninth-rank official, and he has been bribed... For the White Lotus Sect , Coercing or buying officials, you should be familiar with it, I don’t know how many officials are secret members of the White Lotus Sect in my Ming Dynasty’s officialdom.”

"My lord!" Dong Hai clasped his fists in response.

"Just follow us!" Lu Bing said to Feng Delu: "Tell me what you know..."

As Lu Bing was talking, the fight in the arena was over, and the voice suddenly sounded again: "Haha! Master Lu, I won this round!"

Lu Bing sneered, and glanced at Feng Delu, who shrank his head in fear.

"Now one of my prisoners is still alive, do you want to kill him? If you don't kill him, then I really won." The voice continued arrogantly.

Lu Bing still didn't answer, but looked at Sun Quan who was standing with his back against the stone gate.

Except for Lu Bing, no one noticed that Sun Quan had ever moved slightly.

Sun Quan frowned slightly, and Lu Bing said to the mysterious man, "You want me to kill him? Does he have any secrets about you? So he is quite important, so I can't kill him!"

"He's just a rat!" The mysterious man said coldly, "If you don't kill him, then you don't want to pass... I know you have gunpowder, but do you dare to use it? Even if you use it, when you pass, I am firing ten thousand arrows, how many of you are going to die? Which is more important, one person or the many guards under your command?"

At this moment, Sun Quan frowned slightly, and suddenly relaxed.

Lu Bing saw it, and touched the stone intentionally or unintentionally.

Stone lowered his head and did not move.

But Lu Bing continued to say: "You are trying so hard to convince me to kill him... Then I can't kill him!"

Lu Bing suddenly shouted!The stone started at the same time, the two legs kicked the ground vigorously, and the gravel exploded! Rush towards Sun Quan!
Before the mysterious man could react, Lu Bing had already retreated into the passage.The only ones exposed at this time were Sun Quan and Shi Shi who were protected under the huge stone shield.

(End of this chapter)

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