Brocade legend

Chapter 367 Breaking the Cage

Chapter 367 Breaking the Cage

The mysterious man made no sound, and the sharp arrows on the top of the stone wall did not fall down.

Lu Bing smiled...

This is Lu Bing's plan.

Sun Quan has been looking for the key to open the stone gate, and Lu Bing is betting that the arrow above his head can only shoot one wave.I am also betting that the arrow-shooting mechanism is not in the hands of the mysterious person, or it is not so easy to operate!

If only Sun Quan, who was tightly protected by stones, was exposed in the field, would the mysterious man still be willing to shoot arrows?

In the end, Lu Bing made the right bet... What kind of trust and tacit understanding is this built on to seize the opportunity?

Lu Bing believes that Sun Quan will find a way to open the door, and Lu Bing believes that Shishi must understand what he means.

Thinking of the mysterious man who was out of breath at this time, Lu Bing smiled happily.

Sun Quan didn't hesitate for a moment, he took out an iron drill, aimed at a spot on the stone wall, and plunged into it fiercely!
Then he heard the stone roar, and the thick sword in his hand smashed on the iron chisel!

The iron chisel pierced into the stone gate, and Sun Quan quickly pulled it out, but the inside was actually hollow!
Sun Quan took out a metal hook connected with a string, and hung it into the hollow hole.

Sun Quan twirled the string with his fingers, then pulled it hard, and began to pull the string hard.

After a few breaths, the stone door was slowly and silently opened a foot and a half!
"Good trick!" The mysterious man suddenly said, "Jin Yiwei really deserves his reputation...then invite Master Lu to come to the next level!"

The door opened, but Lu Bing hesitated...

There are more than 1000 Jinyiwei behind him, should Shi Shi escort them one by one?How long will it take to pass?

If they pass by in a swarm... This is the first level, the loss is too great, what will happen next?
At this time, Dong Hai saw Lu Bing's hesitation.Dong Hai took a small step forward and said, "My lord, let's rush over!"

Lu Bing pondered, but did not answer.

"The phalanx is sparser. Let the masters pass first, and you won't lose too much." Dong Hai said: "Their arrows can only be shot once, and the people behind will be safe."

Lu Bing nodded slowly, this is the best way.

The masters of "Trust in the Mouth" and "Needle in the Tail" took off the iron hat, tightened the strap of the hat, and held the iron hat as a small round shield in their hands.

Shi Shi wanted to come back to escort Lu Bing, but was signaled by Lu Bing to protect Sun Quan.

Lu Bing pulled out his long knife and rushed out first! The masters of "Trust in the Word" and "Needle in the Tail" saw that Mr. Lu took the lead, they were excited, and followed closely behind!
Seeing Lu Bing rushing out, the members of the White Lotus Sect really didn't want to miss the opportunity!
The densely packed arrows above the head are like heavy rain!

The knife in Lu Bing's hand danced for a while, it was airtight, and water couldn't get in!
Within a dozen or so breaths, he crossed the stone chamber and entered the passage leading to the second pass.

Hearing the muffled humming behind him, Lu Bing let out a long breath, then turned around.

Dong Hai picked up a corpse with a seemingly clumsy body, and was the second to rush into the second level.

But behind him, the masters of "words in the mouth" and "needles in the tail" finally suffered casualties.

Although there were some who learned from Dong Hai and picked up dead bodies as shields, they couldn't pass through.

Seven or eight masters died on the way.

More than a dozen people came with arrows on their bodies.

Lu Bing sighed softly, and said: "According to the original plan, one hundred Jinyi riders will be left, and ten people will be left each for the "letter in the mouth" and the "needle on the tail" to guard the passage."

Dong Hai took the order and went to make arrangements.

The thousand Jinyi guards behind also came out of the passage, entered the cell one by one, and came towards the second pass.

At this moment, Sun Quan and Lu Bing heard a "click" at the same time!

"Not good!" Sun Quan exclaimed!
Lu Bing immediately understood what Sun Quan meant!
"Be careful!" Lu Bing had just yelled out before he knew it was too late.

The beehives on the top of the stone wall revealed another arrow, and they shot down without hesitation!

Immediately after...the third round...


"Holy Lord..." In the same dark stone room, the ghost-faced warrior knelt on one knee and reported: "Lu Bing entered Xiaoxitian through the passage of the cell just as we planned."

"How many people are here?" The holy master's leisurely voice came from the darkness.

"There should be more than 1000 people." Ghost-faced warrior replied respectfully.

"Did Yanshi succeed?" the Holy Master asked again.

"Lu Bing has opened the door to the sea of ​​blood..." The ghost-faced warrior said respectfully: "There is no news from Yanshi yet, and we don't know the casualties on Lu Bing's side."

"Okay, let Shura get ready... Even if he dies, he must leave at least three hundred brocade guards behind, otherwise..." The Holy Master snorted coldly, and said: "Otherwise, he would have escaped from Lu Bing's hands. Can't escape my palm."

"It's the Holy Master!" The ghost-faced warrior bowed his head and replied.

"Letting Lu Bing come in from the prison is to take advantage of those few levels to weaken Lu Bing's manpower advantage." The Holy Master sighed: "Although we stay here, they are all masters, but they are slightly short of manpower. The prison , Sea of ​​Blood, and the organs of the three levels of Purgatory are used to deal with large groups of people, so we must seize the opportunity to kill as many people as possible."

"Yes, Holy Master." Ghost-faced samurai said, "Your subordinate will pass on the order."

"Our large army has already left Xiaoxitian, and some of them are going to the capital to support Zhang Mo. We can raise the banner of the Madonna of the White Lotus in the capital when Zhang Mo's plan is successful! Occupy the capital first! At that time, no heroes in the world will dare No!" The Holy Master said in a mild tone, "I know that the prison, the sea of ​​blood, and the three passes of purgatory alone will stop Lu Bing. Therefore, as long as Shura and the bull-headed horse-faced people kill enough people, I will They are allowed to withdraw to the upper ninth floor, and they don't have to play with Lu Bing immediately."

"Yes, Holy Lord is merciful."


"Yes! This subordinate will leave!"

The ghost-faced warrior walked out of the secret room, hissing secretly.

The Holy Master is becoming more and more terrifying...


At this moment, Lu Bing's face sank like water.

He and many Jinyi guards thought that the mysterious man was reluctant to shoot the arrow just now, and it was true that the arrow could only be shot once.

But, I didn't expect... to be able to shoot three rounds...

Sun Quan was ashamed, he was too careless and overconfident. He didn't expect that there would be a master who could seal three rounds of arrows in the stone wall... He still hasn't figured out how to string the arrow!If it is prepared in advance, how to control the rotation and release the arrows separately! ?
"My lord..." Sun Quan wanted to say a few words, but was interrupted by Lu Bing.

"How about casualties?" Lu Bing asked.

Sun Quan bowed his head and said nothing, Dong Hai came over, wiped the cold sweat from his brow, and said, "79 people died, 160 people were injured..."

Lu Bing was silent for a moment, and said: "The wounded stay here, the seriously wounded control the crossbow, and the lightly wounded guard. Be sure to guard this place... and the corpse of my comrade!"

"Yes!" Dong Hai replied.

(End of this chapter)

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