Brocade legend

Chapter 368 Shura

Chapter 368 Shura
Lu Bing looked at the passage leading to the next level, and said: "Others, keep going!"

The dark passage, eroded, occupied, swallowed up by the light from the torches...

Lu Bing led the Eight Hundred Brocade Guards and continued to move forward...

Everyone was silent, only the sound of footsteps, heartbeat, and breathing echoed in the passage.

In the first level alone, under various calculations, more than 200 people were lost... This made Lu Bing, the Taibao, and the Jinyiwei who lost their comrades all feel heavy.

From Feng Delu's mouth, I learned that the next level in the direction of the prison, that is, the second level, is called the sea of ​​​​blood.The master guarding this level is called Shura, and his subordinates are called Shura.

In Buddhism, Shura is also called Asura, which comes from Sanskrit.The meaning of Shura is "correctness". The "A" in Sanskrit is a negative word, and the translation of Asura is called "no correctness".

Shura is one of the Six Paths of Buddhism and one of the Eight Gods of Heaven and Dragons.In Buddhism, it is said that it is a god, but it does not have the good deeds of the gods, and it is similar to ghosts.It is said to be a ghost, but it has the power of a god.It is said that it is a human being. Although it has the emotions and desires of a human being, it also has the power and viciousness of gods and ghosts.Therefore, it is a monster that is not a god, a ghost, or a human, and is between gods, ghosts, and humans.

Who is this so-called Asura master?
Sea of ​​Blood, what sinister mechanism is there?
In less than a moment, Lu Bing and others came to another stone gate.

Under Sun Quan's skillful hands, the stone gate opened in a short time.

Lu Bing took the lead and walked into the stone gate.

Behind the stone gate, there was actually a pool of blood measuring one foot long and one foot wide, and the smell of blood came to the nostrils.

In the middle of the pool of blood, there was a man with his upper body naked, with bruise ghost face tattoos all over his body strangely, even his face was covered.

The man faced Lu Bing and sat cross-legged. Behind him was the stone gate leading to the next pass.

Seeing Lu Bing and the others coming in, the man showed his white teeth, smiled slightly, and said, "As long as you can defeat me, you can pass."

Yang Sen snorted coldly, raised his hand and a silver light went straight to the tattooed man.

The tattooed man remained motionless, Yang Sen's complexion changed, and with a flick of his finger, the silver light circled in front of the man and returned to Yang Sen's hand.

The tattooed man pressed his hand on a hemisphere in front of him, and said, "If you don't retract the hidden weapon, I will press it down."

"You are Shura." Lu Bing asked.

"That's right, I'm Shura." The man was still smiling. Although he was covered by tattoos, he was handsome with his straight nose and piercing eyes.

"What kind of institution is that?" Sun Quan also asked.

"This is not a mechanism." The man said with a smile: "This is just a valve to control the blood sea."

The man pointed to the pool of blood, and said: "Just press it down, and the poisonous blood will spray out from around the wall. Except for me, anyone who is stained with poisonous blood will not be able to survive."

"Who made all of your institutions?" Sun Quan pointed to Shimen, then to the blood pond, and said, "Is it the one who spoke?"

"The one who spoke?" Shura smiled, his teeth white: "Oh, yes, that's Yanshi. He doesn't like to show his face, and he doesn't like to kill people with his own hands. He likes to manipulate organs in the dark, and use his organs to kill people... A lot of people."

"Then what do you like?" Lu Bing asked suddenly.

"I like to beat people into the sea of ​​blood one by one." Shura suddenly stood up, and he was eight feet tall!
"As long as you all come up to fight me one by one, I won't step on it." Shura tapped the semicircular protrusion with his toes, and said, "But if you violate the rules..."

The seemingly one-piece stone on the stone wall actually opened eight small stone rooms with more than one person. In the room, there was a person covered in tattoos like Shura, holding a bamboo pipe in his hand... These eight people should be the Shuras. up.And the bamboo tube in their hands should be a tool for spraying poisonous blood.

"They can also control the blood, you'd better come one by one." Shura still smiled.

Lu Bing showed impatience on his face, he wanted to do it himself, and make a quick decision.

Dong Hai was the best at observing words and expressions, and by looking at Lu Bing's expression, he knew that the Lord wanted to do it himself.

However, to fight against the enemy on the round platform with a radius of only three feet above the blood pool... What if it is a trap?
Dong Hai didn't wait for Lu Bing to open his mouth, and ordered: "Who is going to wring his head off!"

Many Jinyiwei took a step forward almost at the same time.Before Lu Bing could open his mouth, a guard in Jin Yi had rushed over!

However, the round platform where Shura was located was only three feet in radius, and it was already as difficult as reaching the sky just to climb it.

Sure enough, the guard in Jin Yi rushed forward bravely, but was kicked into the pool of blood by Shura's lightning-like kick.

That Jin Yiwei fell into the pool of blood, and before he could scream, the poisonous blood poured into his mouth had already melted his throat!

But you can see his pain from his expression!
Soon, he seemed to melt away, turning into a white bone and sinking to the bottom of the pool of blood.

However, the guards in Jinyi did not back down, and two more guards in Jinyi rushed forward together, one confronting the enemy head-on, and the other wanted to take the opportunity to take the stage.

Shura smiled coldly, and with long legs like whips, he swept the two Jinyi guards into a pool.

"If you break the rules again, I won't be polite." Shura warned.

"Yang Sen!" Lu Bing roared angrily!At the same time pounce on Shura!
I saw Yang Sen raised his hands together!Turn around in a circle!Eight silver threads flew out of his hand!In the blink of an eye, it was nailed to the throats of those eight Asuras!

Shura was furious, and wanted to step on the semicircle raised mechanism!

But Lu Bing has already arrived in front of his eyes!
"Ha!" Lu Bing yelled loudly, and punched out!
Shura held onto it with both hands, but was pushed back a step and almost fell into the pool of blood!
When he stood firmly, Lu Bing had already stepped on the disc in the center of the blood pool.

Shura moved his hands, and the smile disappeared from his face: "Master Lu is really good at kung fu."

Lu Bing ignored him, just stood there, and the semicircular raised mechanism was between his feet.

Sun Quan immediately jumped up, stepped on the wall and walked towards the stone gate behind Shura.

Shura was furious and raised his leg to attack Lu Bing!
Lu Bing didn't panic, he saw the tricks, not only protected himself, but also protected the mechanism under his feet.

The two played against each other for seven or eight rounds, but Shura had no achievements.

Over there, Sun Quan has already opened the stone gate in threes and fives.Dong Hai immediately directed the Jinyi guards to stick to the edge of the blood pool, passed this level, and entered the passage first.

Shitou and Yang Sen didn't want to leave the passage, but stood by the Shimen, waiting to meet Lu Bing.

Seeing that the Jin Yiwei had already passed, Shura stopped the offensive.

In this confrontation, the two only relied on their bodies to fight head-to-head, and they didn't take advantage of it.

(End of this chapter)

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