Brocade legend

Chapter 369 Purgatory

Chapter 369 Purgatory
Shura was attacking with all his strength, but Lu Bing was a little timid in order to ensure that the mechanism would not be touched.From this, it can be seen who is higher and who is lower.

Shura suddenly smiled strangely, and said: "You can't enjoy playing like this, I will wait for you at the next checkpoint. Then we will have a good fight."

Shura said, turned around and crossed the blood pool, went straight to where Lu Bing and the others came from, and disappeared into the passage.

Lu Bing frowned and didn't chase after him.

This level is too dangerous, it is said that water and fire are ruthless, and the water is poisonous, so it is even more dangerous.It's better to leave this level first.

Thinking so, Lu Bing leaped to land beside Yang Sen and Shitou.

Just when everyone thought this pass was passed safely.

Hearing the mysterious man named Yanshi suddenly, he chuckled softly twice.

The sound of "quack" sounded, Sun Quan followed the sound, turned pale with fright, and shouted: "Run!"

The blood pool opened a gate in the direction of Lu Bing and the others!
That pool of poisonous blood poured in towards the passage leading to the third level!
"Run, run, run!" Sun Quan ran with all his might, heading for the third pass, he was going to open the stone gate ahead of time!

A group of Jin Yiwei began to run along the passage to the third level!

But this narrow passage, 800 people poured in, crowded, how to run fast?

The screams began to sound, and they became more and more intense!

Lu Bing and Dong Hai looked at each other and couldn't help but change their colors.

Now, I'm afraid the loss will be heavy!

The next level is not far away, but Sun Quan in front of the stone gate is still busy with sweat.

Lu Bing gritted his teeth!Pull the stone to the front!
Stone tacitly erected a huge shield!

"Everyone use force together to crash in!" Lu Bing shouted loudly!
Amidst Lu Bing's shouts, the guards in Jinyi no longer ran blindly, but gathered enough strength to go all out!Let's work hard together and rush forward!
Sun Quan in front of the stone gate hurriedly jumped up, with his legs straight, kicking against the walls on both sides!

The strength of hundreds of Jinyiwei gathered on the stone!Then it was transmitted to the giant shield in the hands of the stone!

The huge iron shield hit the stone gate!

Shimen was smashed into several pieces!Squirt out!

Shitou rushed forward seven or eight steps in disgrace before he stopped, and the other Jin Yiwei also stumbled into the third level.

The poisonous blood finally vented its energy in the third level, flowed in a piece, remained still, and then slowly soaked into the ground.

In that passage, there are many bones...

The Jinyiwei who entered this level, looked around, there were less than 700 people...

But Lu Bing and others have no time to take care of these...

Because of the hot ground and several magma pools, this level is like a furnace...

From the mouth of Feng Delu, who was caught in the crowd and survived by chance, Lu Bing and others knew the name of this level.

This level is called purgatory.

The name... is apt.

And the bull-headed horse face guarding the next level makes this level sound more appropriate to the name...

A stout and fat man with a horned helmet made of a bull's skull on his head, holding a short-handled mace in his hand.

Another tall and thin man wore a mask made of horse bones on his face and held a serrated broadsword in his hand.

Both of them were naked to the upper body, only wearing a pair of linen trousers that were rolled up to the heels of their legs.

Seeing Lu Bing and the others in a panic, the two laughed without any scruples!

"According to our intention, we might as well set fire to you." Niu Tauwen said angrily.

"But the Holy Master has spoken, asking our brothers to keep a few more of you." Ma Mian continued.

"If we don't guard the gate, and you run out too much, the Holy Master will be angry." Niutou said again.

"Then we have to have a fight." The two said one sentence at a time.

"You don't have to knock on the door anymore, our brothers will open the door for you to enter."

"However, you have to die enough!"


When the two were talking, the magma in those pools was churning more and more!

"There is a problem with this pool." Sun Quan said to Lu Bing, "That Yanshi, I'm afraid he has been manipulating the mechanism in the dark."

"Kill those two people!" Hearing Sun Quan's words, Lu Bing ordered decisively.

Shitou, Yang Sen, Dong Hai, and Sun Quan rushed forward, thinking that two of them would fight against one and a quick victory would be achieved.

But in this confrontation, it was discovered that the bull-headed and horse-faced two men advanced and retreated together, and their cooperation was very tacit. The joint efforts of the two actually exerted the effect of no less than four people.

Just when Shitou, Yang Sen, Dong Hai, and Sun Quan were unable to attack.

The magma surged higher and higher, and spread out!

In the narrow stone room, the place to stand is getting smaller and smaller...

The brocade guards huddled together and avoided.

The activities of those four magma pools became more and more intense, and they seemed to be erupting!
Moreover, the overflowing magma gradually connected together, dividing Jinyiwei into several pieces!

Finally, Jin Yiwei's feet were eroded by magma!

That Jin Yiwei couldn't help screaming out!
Other peripheral people involuntarily backed away.

Someone stepped back and squeezed the other party into the magma!
Fear is heating up, panic is spreading...

Seeing this situation, Lu Bing joined the battle group a long time ago. Some Jin Yiwei also wanted to go together, but he found that he could only get in the way by rushing up... There was no choice but to retreat and wait for death.

"We can't die like this!" Suddenly, an ordinary Jin Yiwei said: "Since we are going to die! It's worth dying!"

That Jin Yiwei actually took the initiative to step into the magma not far from him!

His face was flushed with pain, but he gritted his teeth so as not to scream, and said between his teeth: "My name is Zheng Ming! I live in Gouwei Hutong in Beijing! If there is a brother who can go back alive, please see my mother for me! "

After he finished speaking, he actually lay down on the floor with a fierce expression on his face!
The hot magma immediately turned his clothes into ashes, and within a few breaths, his face was completely changed...


The guards in Jinyi were all stunned!

They all understood what Zheng Ming meant!
He wants to use his body to step up for his brothers!

"My name is Li Xiaoen! I live in Wadang Hutong in Beijing! There is a brother who can go back and take care of my wife and children for me!"

"My name is Zhou Mubai! I live in..."

"My name is Dong Peng!..."

"My name is Li Tianqi!"


Jin Yiwei lay down one by one, becoming stepping stones for the brothers in the same robe...

They used their own bodies to build life-saving reefs for their brothers in the same robe that could not be shaken by wind and rain!
The confrontation between Lu Bing and the others and the bull-headed horse face only took a dozen moves, and nearly a hundred Jinyiwei were killed or injured in the scalding magma...

Lu Bing's eyes were blood red, and he was furious!
Shitou, Yang Sen, Dong Hai, and Sun Quan were also furious!

But...the more angry and anxious they are, the more chaotic they are...

The bull-headed horse faced Shimen with its back, and it was not difficult to deal with their attacks.

Lu Bing suddenly shouted: "Get out of the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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