Brocade legend

Chapter 372 Tactics

Chapter 372 Tactics
When Rentu's middle door was exposed, Lu Bing took a step forward, inserted his right foot between Rentu's legs, squeezed a Japanese character with his right fist, and punched Rentu to the ground.

Rentu struggled a bit, sat up, spit out a mouthful of blood, and said with a grin, "Good good good good! It's a good fight! You can be my enemy with your force alone! However, a Whether the general is good or bad, we have to look at the soldiers under him!"

Lu Bing closed his momentum and stood tall.

Rentu got up, changed his knife, and said to Lu Bing: "If you can break my army formation, I will let you go."

Lu Bing turned around and walked back to Jin Yiwei's side, saying, "Form up!"

Under Dong Hai's command, the remaining brocade cavalry quickly formed five rows, staggering back and forth.

Lu Bing shouted: "Bow!"

I saw the Jinyi Cavalry taking off the bow bag on the back in a uniform movement, and took out the standard black bow of the Jinyi Cavalry.

"Arrow!" Lu Bing shouted again.

"Swipe!" The brocade knights unanimously opened their bows, raised their bows from the first row, and continued to increase the angle of the arrows until the last row was at an elevation angle.

Lu Bing said to Tu Lang, "You are known as the soldier of a hundred battles, so why don't you come and try my battle?"

Rentu's face was solemn at this time, and he could see that the army he was facing this time was by no means inferior to the five hundred elite soldiers he had trained.

The Jinyi Cavalry Army is of course best at riding and shooting. Although there are no horses in this cave, it does not hinder the Jinyi Cavalry's bow and arrow skills.

The arrows of the Jinyi Cavalry faintly enveloped the entire camp of the Hundred Warriors.

"We are so close, you can only shoot one round at most!" Rentu sneered, "I will use archers to cover, and I will use sword and shield soldiers to force you into your formation, and then the spearmen will press on. How do you break through?"

Lu Bing remained calm, but Dong Hai raised his hand high. Following the changes in his gestures, the five rows of brocade cavalry kept raising their bows and retracting their bows.

Rentu looked at it, his expression even worse.

Dong Hai's tactics were not very clever, but these Jinyi cavalry were trained like using their arms and fingers, and the formation changes between advancing and retreating were like machines.In such an army, any simple tactic can be used with maximum effect.

What Dong Hai demonstrated just now was shooting in batches.

Each time there are two rows of archers shooting arrows, and then immediately after they shoot, they load their arrows, and when they raise their arrows and open their bows, the other two rows also shoot arrows.Repeating this cycle, the rain of arrows can be endless.

At the same time, there is another platoon that is shooting freely and accurately to supplement, so that no enemy troops can break into the arrow array.

"The Jinyi cavalry is good at archery, and it really deserves its reputation." Rentu sighed in his heart: "Zhang Ju's arrow skills are outstanding, and he is known as Sai Zhebie. It is rare for him to train soldiers well..."

But Ren Tu was not convinced: "The defense is tight, but how do you let the archers attack?" Ren Tu Baisheng began to cheat: "This is my territory, and what I just said is for you to attack. Only you captured my army Only then can I let you go."

Lu Bing frowned slightly, feeling a little impatient.

"Total annihilation!" Lu Bing waved his hand, and under the command of Dong Hai, the Jinyi Cavalry began to approach step by step. While taking steps, the continuous rain of arrows sprinkled from the hands of the Jinyi Cavalry to the Baizhan soldiers!

Seeing Lu Bing attacking, Ren Tu did not panic. He commanded the sword shield and guards to block the rain of arrows as much as possible. The spearmen stretched out their spears from the gap in the shield wall. The warrior's archers also began to fight back.

It's just that the Hundred Warriors are obviously on the defensive. Although the shield wall makes the Jinyi Cavalry's precise shooting effect not good, the defense is not perfect after all. There are twice as many Jinyi Cavalry than the Hundred Warriors' archers. Stopped the bows and arrows of the hundred soldiers.

Within a few breaths, dozens of soldiers had been killed or injured, and the Jinyi Cavalry had also suffered more than a dozen casualties.

The people behind the shield wall gritted their teeth, but did not make an impulsive decision. They still pushed the shield wall unhurriedly, just waiting for the approach, and used spearmen and sword shield soldiers to tear apart Lu Bing's cavalry and arrow array!

The two armies kept approaching, and the closer the distance, the narrower the Jinyi cavalry's attack surface, and the effect of bows and arrows was gradually weakening.

Rentu was secretly happy, this was exactly what he expected.

The spearman behind the shield wall of the Hundred Warriors has already clenched his gun and is ready to attack!They stretched out the spear points outside the shield wall and aimed at the target!
When there were still more than ten steps between the two armies, the Jinyi cavalry in the first two rows had already put away their bows and arrows, took out the hand crossbow with one hand, and held the Xiuchun knife tightly with the other.

The Jinyi cavalry in the two rows in the middle were preparing to shoot the last round, and then drew out their Xiuchun knives to fight hand-to-hand with the enemy.

Only the last row of Jinyi cavalry stopped and started to retreat instead, but the bows and arrows in their hands did not relax. Their task was to shoot and kill the enemy troops and control the situation of the battle when individual soldiers fought!

Naturally, Tu Baisheng also noticed the changes in the Jinyi cavalry, and he stepped up the attack of the archers instead, which gave him some results.It's a pity that his shield wall also blocked the sight of his own archers, and the results of the battle were limited.

There are still ten steps between the two armies!
The brocade cavalry all put away their bows and arrows, and raised their crossbows!
Just when Tu Baisheng was about to yell to charge!
The formation of Jinyi cavalry suddenly split open!A team of dozens of people, under the leadership of Sun Quan, is like a long sword!Leaped out from behind the Jinyi Cavalry Army and directly attacked the Hundred Warriors Army!
The brocade guards of this team are all masters, so they are naturally "words of mouth" and "needles of tails"!
And what they are best at, of course, is beheading!
Sun Quan took the lead!Like a light and agile soft sword, slipping into a hundred warriors!The short sword stabs left and right, wiping up and down!Several hundred soldiers were killed instantly!
Then the brocade guards cleanly made a hole in the shield wall. After they determined Rentu Baiqi's position, they immediately followed Sun Quan to kill Rentu Baiqi!
This impact immediately collapsed the shield wall of the Hundred Warriors!

"Charge!" Naturally, Dong Hai would not miss this opportunity!
The Jinyi cavalry rushed over at a high speed, aimed at an enemy and pulled the trigger immediately, and then threw down the crossbow regardless of whether the target was dead or wounded, and started fighting with their knives!
While the vanguards of the two armies had fallen into a melee, Sun Quan also led the dozens of Jinyiwei masters to kill Rentu.

Although the hundreds of soldiers risked their lives to protect Ren Tu, there were still fewer and fewer guards around Ren Tu.

Yang Sen, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, sighed suddenly: "The hundred warriors are really extraordinary, they can kill the Jinyi cavalry as hard as they can, they are indistinguishable."

Lu Bing nodded, and said: "This man called Rentu is indeed a general. His soldiers are worthy of the name of hundreds of battles. Individual force, he still faintly overwhelms the Jinyi cavalry. In terms of not fearing death, he is even more powerful. It is slightly better than the Jinyi Cavalry. If it is in other environments, it is not certain who will win!"

While the two were talking, Sun Quan was already approaching Rentu.

Sun Quan jumped up!Go straight to the slaughter!But he was forced to retreat by a butcher.

Sun Quan's force was obviously weaker than Rentu's, so Sun Quan had no choice but to fight around and entangle Rentu.

Two more Jinyiwei masters approached Rentu, and Rentu let out a loud shout, and hacked the two masters to death with two sabers!When Lu Bing saw it, he couldn't help but marvel at his bravery.

But when Ren Tu was distracted, Sun Quan also left a bloody mouth on him!
Lu Bing said to Yang Sen: "Help Sun Quan take him down!"

Hearing this, Yang Sen put his hand into the deerskin pouch on his waist, and saw him wave his hand, and with the snap of his fingers, three throwing knives were like a line, straight at Rentu's face!
The three flying knives looked like a silver chain, from Ren Tu's perspective, only one could be seen!
Rentu was careless for a while, blocked a flying knife with his knife, only to find that there was another one behind him!
At this critical juncture, Ren Tu was not in the least messy, fighting the danger of being stabbed from behind by Sun Quan's sword, he even grabbed the flying knife!

The second flying knife pierced Rentu's palm, but Rentu had no time to deal with the third one!

Rentu's eyes widened, and he barely twisted his body. Sun Quan's thickened short sword came out from his back shoulder blade, and the sword pierced through!
And the third flying knife slashed across his cheek, tearing open the flesh, exposing the gums and big white teeth, and finally crushed the little bit of flesh and blood at the lower end of his earlobe, leaving a trace of blood.

The hundred warriors saw the human slaughter and were injured!Abandoning his opponent like crazy, he turned around and joined Rentu!

The Jinyi cavalry took the opportunity to hide and kill!None of the hundred warriors turned their head back, dozens of people were stabbed in the back and died unexpectedly.

"Whoever moves again, I will kill him!" Sun Quan drew out his short sword and put it on Rentu's neck!

The hundred warriors stopped immediately as if they had heard the order!A few Jinyi cavalry failed to catch up, and killed and wounded several hundreds of soldiers.But those hundreds of warriors gritted their teeth and didn't let out a cry of pain!
The other hundred warriors were also unmoved at all, they just held their weapons tightly and stared fiercely at the sword in Sun Quan's hand, wishing that it was themselves who fell under the sword.

Lu Bing was very surprised by the loyalty of the rebels!

At this time, Rentu, whose blood was gushing like a fountain, suddenly showed a smile on his pale face. The smile affected his broken cheeks and his big white teeth under the blood color, making him look particularly terrifying.

"The Jinyi Cavalry Army is really powerful." Rentu said vaguely: "The command is not bad...but at least I still have a chance to draw!"

"Oh?" Lu Bing squinted his eyes and said, "The matter has come to this, how do you want to make it even?"

"Sad soldiers will win!" Rentu actually stood up, he was much taller than Sun Quan, Sun Quan could only hold his sword as much as possible.Without Lu Bing's order, Sun Quan did not dare to kill Rentu immediately.

After hearing Rentu's words, Lu Bing actually became thoughtful, and after a while, he said, "That's right, you're right."

Lu Bing glanced around and saw that Jin Yiwei had lost another hundred people, and his heart tightened.

There are still about 400 people on our own side, and there are still two to three hundred soldiers in the Hundred Battles. If the bloody battle is over.Although Lu Bing is confident that he can wipe out all the soldiers, but in the melee, it is inevitable that there will be more casualties on his own side.

(End of this chapter)

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