Brocade legend

Chapter 373 The masters are all out

Chapter 373 The masters are all out
Thinking of this, Lu Bing said: "Okay, this game is considered a draw... I will let you and your people go, but here... we have occupied it!"

Rentu smiled, but before he could speak, the voice called Yasha rang out: "Rentu, you dare to fear war!"

Hearing this sentence, Rentu's expression darkened, but he immediately said, "Retreat!"

"Human slaughter! How dare you!" Yasha was furious!
"Don't get angry." Rentu actually smiled and said, "You want to teach me a lesson? I'll go find you right away."

Yasha's voice disappeared...

Ren Tu took the remnant soldiers and withdrew...

Lu Bing did not pursue, let alone obstruct...

He immediately put the uninjured Jin Yiwei on defense, and the others rested on the spot!
And he personally took Shitou, Yang Sen, and Sun Quan to the exit of the cave.

Sun Quan sent several Jinyiwei masters out to contact the army outside and prepare for the next step.


The human Tu Baisheng was carried away by the Holy Master for treatment.

And Shura, Bullhead Horse Noodle and Yasha also gathered in the underworld first.

Thinking of Bai Sheng, Yasha couldn't help feeling a little chill in his heart. Although his personal force was stronger than Bai Sheng's, he didn't have so many loyal subordinates.

And Rentu Baisheng's hundred warriors are the most elite troops under the Lord, and Yasha doesn't want to conflict with them.

He still clearly remembered Bai Sheng's origin.

Ren Tu Baisheng, this brave general of the White Lotus Sect, was not born, but created by the Holy Lord!

That depressed scholar, that self-defeating young man—that young scholar surnamed Bai, under the secret technique of the Holy Lord, actually believed that he was the reincarnation of Bai Qi, that he was the future Buddha Maitreya released from hell, Go to the mortal world and use killing to atone for sins, and assist the Holy Lord to save all living beings!

Only Yasha knew that Bai Sheng thought that the memory of his previous life inspired by the Holy Master was instilled into his brain by the Holy Master using the secret method of illusion... Such a method is really a magic trick!
Bai Sheng's changes were seen by Yasha.

Seventy-seven and 49 days of uninterrupted casting of spells brainwashed Bai Sheng, causing the Holy Lord to almost vomit blood and die.

However, these hardships are worth it. The weak scholar has gradually turned into a brave general. The Holy Lord has his most powerful army and most steadfast followers.

It is the existence of Bai Sheng that makes Yan Luo, who has his own school, and Ksitigarbha, who has a high reputation among the congregation, cooperate so well.

Otherwise, the Holy Master would not be able to successfully take over the position of the Holy Master and continue to control the White Lotus Sect after the old Holy Master and his brother left.

The current Bai Sheng, if he puts on his battle armor, he is a human slaughterer, and if he takes off his battle armor, he is Bai Sheng, a dilapidated scholar.

The consciousness of these two people made Tu Bai a lunatic who seemed to have two souls.

However, this lunatic, inspired by the Holy Master, unexpectedly exploded with strange power that ordinary people do not have. In just a few years, he became a master of the top five in the White Lotus Sect.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of being crazy that he can have such great power.

Thinking of the means of the Holy Master, Yasha shuddered a little...

And at this moment, the capital also ushered in some uninvited guests...


"Let me introduce you to my lord." Zhang Mo smiled and introduced two weird middle-aged people to Zhu Liu: "These two are well-known masters in the world, black and white are impermanent. I specially invited them here to help us A helping hand."

Zhu Liu carefully looked at the two masters.

Both of them were wearing strong clothes, but one was black and the other was white. The one in black was tall and stern with a serious face. He should be a practitioner of foreign martial arts.

And the man in white smiled when he saw Zhu Liu looking at him, his expression was frivolous, but his demeanor was cold.

"Jin Yiwei is full of masters, and we are really struggling to deal with them." Zhang Mo said to Zhu Liu, "With the help of these two masters, we can be more calm."

Zhu Liu nodded and didn't say much.

Zhang Mo paused, and said: "It's been a while since I returned to Beijing, and now the Jinyiwei of Nanzhen Fusi can almost control it... Words came from the palace, asking when our next plan will be implemented?"

"Dong Hai and Zhang Ju are not here, Tietou usually doesn't like to take care of chores, and Zhou Bin is somewhat separated from other people, so we can control Nanzhen so smoothly." Zhu Liu said lightly: "However, the North Town controlled by Yang Lin The Zhen Fusi is not so easy to intervene... Besides, I have been back to Beijing for many days, and Yang Lin did not come to see me, so I am afraid he has noticed it."

"Isn't this situation exactly what Master Zhu wants to see?" After hearing Zhu Liu's words, Zhang Mo sneered, and said, "After Master Zhu returned to Beijing, he intentionally or unintentionally kept a distance from the other Taibao, didn't he just want to remind him?" Are they?"

Zhu Liu looked at Zhang Mo with a half-smile and said, "So what?"

Zhang Mo felt depressed and raised his eyebrows, but before he could question him, Zhu Liu continued: "We have been brothers for many years, although we are about to fall apart, we can't fight without declaring it?" Zhu Liu said to Zhang Mo with a sneer : "Do you have an opinion? Then you go to the emperor and sue me!"

"You!" Zhang Mo said angrily, "Do you know how difficult it is to convince the emperor to trust you? Don't go too far."

"So what if it's too much?" Zhu Liu still sneered, "Do you have any other choices?"

Zhang Mo was speechless for a while... The matter has come to this point, and the cooperation with Zhu Liu has been put on the table, and it is really not easy to turn his face.

At this moment, Hei Wuchang snorted heavily suddenly, and Bai Wuchang said with a smile: "Since we have decided to cooperate with our sect, then we must have a cooperative attitude, don't toast or eat fine wine..."

"Oh?" Zhu Liu squinted his eyes like Lu Bing, showing a familiar evil smile, and said with the corner of his mouth hanging slightly: "How do you eat fine wine? Let me have a taste of it?"

"Hee hee." Bai Wuchang raised his orchid fingers, covered his mouth with a smile and said, "I knew you would not obey discipline, and our brothers are here, but I can't tolerate your arrogance!"

As Bai Wuchang was speaking, Lan Hua suddenly pointed and flicked his finger, a silver thread went straight to Zhu Liumian's door!

Zhu Liuyi turned his head to avoid the silver thread, which was nailed to the window lattice, it turned out to be a long and thin silver needle!
Bai Wuchang gained power and was relentless, he followed the silver needle with his palm and slapped Zhu Liu's face.

But Zhu Liu didn't dodge any more, his left hand supported Bai Wuchang's elbow, he turned Bai Wuchang's palm to the side, his right hand made a fist, and hooked Bai Wuchang's lower abdomen.

But before Zhu Liu's fist hit Bai Wuchang's lower abdomen, a big hand had already blocked Zhu Liu's punch, and it was the strong Hei Wuchang who struck.

Zhu Liu twisted his wrist and broke free, his hand was like a hook, pecking at the thick wrist like a bird's beak.

The wrist sank from Zhu Liu's peck, just as Zhu Liu was about to clamp down on the pulse gate.Bai Wuchang's embroidered palm strikes face to face again!
Zhu Liu's complexion sank, and he simply put on airs, repelled Bai Wuchang with punches and kicks, and then punched Hei Wuchang head-on!
(End of this chapter)

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