Brocade legend

Chapter 375

Chapter 375

Just when several people were running for their lives, the voice called Yanshi came again: "Next, there are fifteen organs, you can enjoy it slowly! If you are lucky! See you in the Hall of Yama! Quack!"

The laughter is getting farther away, but the thunder and thunder are getting closer!

"How did this rolling stone break!" Dong Hai asked Sun Quan out of breath.

"Rolling stones are made of boulders carved into balls and rolled down the slide..." Sun Quan quickly replied: "My master said that the more stupid a mechanism is, the more impossible it is to break..."

"Then what should we do!" Yang Sen remembered!
"Run first! See if there is any solution at the end of the passage!" Sun Quan ran faster and faster: "Hurry up! Otherwise, you will be crushed into meat!"

After listening to Sun Quan's words, Lu Bing and the others stopped talking and accelerated forward!
These people are all masters of martial arts, and they finally rushed to the stone gate at the end of the passage!

Sun Quan quickly knocked on the stone gate, and the roar of the huge stone ball rolling was deafening, and the ground trembled slightly.

Sun Quan took out the iron rod, found the right position, and prepared to punch the hole to open the door.

But the huge stone ball is already visible in the distance!

Before Sun Quan could get through the stone gate, the stone ball had already come quickly!

The stone ball is getting closer!The sense of oppression that hit their faces made several masters suddenly feel the weakness of their manpower...

At this moment, Shi Shi took off the thick iron rod behind the boy's arm, pointed it diagonally at the ground below the Shimen, let out a loud roar, and inserted it hard!

Under the huge force of the stone, the iron rod penetrated more than three inches into the rock!The gravel cracked!

Shi Shi held the mixed iron rod with both hands, like a glaring King Kong, waiting for the stone ball to hit!

The rest of the people naturally saw the intention of the stone, and they all stood close to the stone gate.Only Sun Quan was still sweating profusely, busy!
The huge stone ball, in the process of rolling, is constantly accelerating, and the force it brings is getting stronger and stronger!The momentum is getting bigger and bigger!

No one knows whether the iron rod can withstand this huge force.

No one knows whether the power of the stone can control the mixed iron rod hit by the boulder!
No matter what they thought in their hearts, the stone ball still came with a bang!

Then, in the worry of several people, he slammed into that bastard iron rod fiercely!
The gang iron rod suddenly bowed, pushing up the rock that was pressing down on the gang iron rod!
Shi Shi desperately grasped the iron rod and pressed it down!

The iron rod mixed with the ground and boulders, and at the same time, there was a messy and piercing moan of "creak" and "creak"...

In the end, the huge stone ball was supported by mixed iron rods and stones!

One end of the mixed iron rod was inserted deeply into the ground at an angle, and the other end was pushed into the stone ball. A large piece of the stone ball collapsed, and several cracks appeared in all directions.

Several people held their breath, and after a while, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Sen smiled and was about to speak when he heard another loud noise!
The familiar sound of heavy objects falling, as well as the endless rumble of thunder, made several people change their colors!
There is actually another one!
"Quick! Open the door!" Dong Hai urged!

"This stone gate is too thick!" Sun Quan said anxiously, not daring to stop for a moment: "It is much thicker than the previous ones! It must have been specially strengthened to cooperate with the rolling stone mechanism! It is not easy to pinpoint the location It’s one! It’s also hard to pinpoint!”

The faces of several people changed, Lu Bing simply closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting for the final result.

Dong Hai and Yang Sen also erected stone and iron shields against the stone ball, hoping that nothing would be better than nothing.

The roar is getting closer...

Just when the familiar vibration was transmitted to the body from the ground under the feet, the complexions of several people turned slightly pale, because they all knew that the stone ball was within reach...

"Found it!" Sun Quan, who was exploring the mezzanine inside the stone gate with an iron hook, finally exclaimed in surprise, and at the same time pulled hard with his hand!
The heavy stone door slid open just like that!It seems that the weight of the broken road just now is not it.

"Go!" Sun Quan shouted!
Several people hurried out of the stone gate, but there was nothing under their feet!
In the darkness, everyone turned pale with fright!Could it be another trap!

After two breaths, several people stumbled to the ground.

Several people quickly got up, stood with their backs facing each other vigilantly, and guarded their surroundings!
Sudden!The torches are bright!

Several people subconsciously closed their eyes and raised their foreheads!There was a loud explosion!
Lu Bing was the first to think of what happened!
"The stone ball is rushing down! Hide!" Lu Bing shouted!
Several people debated their positions, and scrambled and crawled to avoid falling gravel and those two huge stone balls!

The sudden light temporarily dazzled the five people, and they ran away from the stone ball in a panic.

There was only a sound of "dang", followed by a rumbling sound drifting left and right. After a few breaths, they could see things in front of them, and then they could see the current environment clearly.

This is a stone pit with a radius of no more than three feet.

On the upper edge of the stone pit and on the roof of the cave, there are many polished silver mirrors!

Behind more than a dozen torches, and at the opposite corners, there is a silver mirror that continuously reflects the light, making the stone pit extraordinarily bright and dazzling!
The two stone balls finally stopped moving, and Lu Bing and others could see things with their eyes, and they were finally able to gather together.

A few people had lingering fears, such a big stone ball fell into the pit, it would die if it was crushed, and it would hurt if it was rubbed!
"This level is to use light to interfere with our sight, and then when we panic, our eyes can't see... Naturally, we can't avoid the falling stone ball..." Sun Quan analyzed: "These two mechanisms are really clean and neat. , making it impossible to break.”

"Yeah!" Yang Sen nodded: "Only the first level is enough. If there are no strange people like Shi Shi and Sun Quan, no one can escape. Even if you escape, facing such a trap, you can only Can wait to be smashed to death."

"This all about luck!" Dong Hai said with lingering fear, just now the boulder fell in front of him, scaring him so much that he almost sat on the ground.This is falling in front of him, if he falls behind, he will be crushed to death or injured.

Lu Bing's ear strength is outstanding, so he dodged it relatively easily, and Yang Sen dodged the stone ball with his lightness and lightness.

And the "dang" sound just now was the stone blocking the sound of the stone ball rolling by with a shield.

Shi Shi moved his numb wrists, did not speak, but his expression was very solemn.

"It's very troublesome to use such a large rolling stone mechanism to restore it to its original shape." Sun Quan continued to analyze: "So they must have used one first. Seeing that we resisted it, they put in the second one."

"That is to say, these organs are not dead, but someone is operating them." Lu Bing looked solemn.If so, the difficulty of this organ formation must have increased by [-]%.After all, under manual operation, there will be more changes, and it will be more difficult to crack and prevent.

"Yeah." Sun Quan nodded: "I think so... the second stone ball should be used only if the first test is broken, or the first stone ball doesn't work... Eh..."

Sun Quan suddenly thought of something...


The five jumped onto the stone ball and found that there was no stone gate in this level, so the five directly entered the third level.

There was nothing surprising about the third level, Sun Quan saw something wrong at a glance, and the five of them easily avoided the rain of arrows sprayed from three places!

The fourth level is the flames ejected from the four animal heads at the four corners of the stone chamber.

The five people passed through the flame-spraying mechanism formation. Although their clothes were burned and their hair was scorched, they were safe and sound.

After passing the fourth level, Sun Quan suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "I know!"

Sun Quan thought that Feng Delu had mentioned it before coming here. Feng Delu had heard the names of these organ arrays mentioned by people from the White Lotus Sect. They seemed to be some Taoist words.

When it comes to the number rules of these levels, Sun Quan suddenly feels that there are traces to follow.

The other four looked at Sun Quan, and Sun Quan hurriedly said: "The first level is a ball, one ball. The second level is two balls, the third level is three arrows, and the fourth level is four animal heads.... "

After listening to Sun Quan's analysis, Lu Bing frowned slightly, and immediately left. He also thought of possible laws.

"Taoists say one Tai Chi, two Liang Yi, three talents and four phenomena, and five elements and six combinations. Presumably these few times are to observe this law." Sun Quan continued.

"Master Sun deserves to be a master of concealed weapons under Huang Duxian's apprenticeship." Yan Shi's voice suddenly sounded again: "I didn't expect you to pass the four levels so quickly...Since you can think of the origin of these levels, I will simply let you go." I will also tell you about the next few levels. Huang Duxian claims to be the best in the world in breaking levels and unlocking locks, so come and challenge me to see if my mechanism is stronger, or your method of breaking levels is better!"

"Hmph." Sun Quan snorted coldly, and said, "I only have the master's three success powers."

"Hehe." Yanshi obviously recognized Sun Quan's ability through the previous agencies.He didn't play tricks any more, but really wanted to compete with Huang Duxian on his favorite technique.He simply said generously: "The next few levels are seven stars, eight trigrams, nine palaces, ten heavenly stems, eleven kills, twelve earthly branches, thirty-six heavenly gangs, seventy-two earth evils, and one hundred and eight heavenly formations! I'll wait for you to come break!"

Lu Bing glanced at Sun Quan who was smiling wryly, and felt a little worried.

The first four levels have already made him look ashamed, and there are still eleven levels left... and judging from the man's tone, there may be other levels behind...

This is just the tip of the iceberg, but if an ordinary army attacked Xiaoxitian, even ten thousand people would not be able to break it.It's no wonder that it will become the home of the White Lotus Sect.

The underground palace of the White Lotus Sect is called Xiaoxitian, but the levels inside are Taoist nouns. It is so nondescript, and it is indeed the style of the cult of the White Lotus Sect.

Lu Bing patted Sun Quan on the shoulder and said, "Don't be too stressed, we have confidence in you."

After Lu Bing finished speaking, he took the lead to go to the next level.

This pass is called the five elements.

Everyone was on guard, a steel blade half the height of a person suddenly brushed past like a pendulum!Facing Lu Bing, who was walking behind Sun Quan, fortunately, Lu Bing had been on high alert all along, and hurriedly shrank his head back three inches, and the steel blade brushed past Lu Bing's nose.

Lu Bing quickly jumped away, and the steel blade came back again!
"This is gold among the five elements." Sun Quan was talking, when a log bumped into Sun Quan!
(End of this chapter)

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