Brocade legend

Chapter 376 Spearhead

Chapter 376 Spearhead
Sun Quan was on an iron bridge, bent back to avoid the hammering of thick logs!
Lu Bing jumped up, and slashed his knife sideways, slashing several times in a row on the same position on the iron chain hanging from the steel blade.

The iron cable was cut open, and the heavy steel blade broke the iron cable, and the steel blade slammed heavily on the ground with a "clank".

At this time, the thick logs that collided back and forth also stopped under the force of the stone.

"There are still water, fire, and earth organs, everyone be careful." Sun Quan reminded.

Just as he was talking, Lu Bing had quick eyes and quick hands, and pulled Sun Quan back!
A stream of water sprayed across the place where Sun Quan was standing, and fell to the ground with white smoke, obviously poisonous water.

"Go quickly!" Lu Bing glanced, and there were several small holes in the wall.Immediately realized that it was the poisonous water jet!
Sun Quan didn't move. Instead, he stood by the small hole that had just been sprayed and looked at it. Then he put his ear to the wall and listened. He said, "There are people inside! It's not a mechanism, it's someone spraying water with a thin tube!"

"Yang Sen!" Lu Bing turned around and shouted at Yang Sen.

While Yang Sen nodded, he took out a few ox hair needles from the deerskin pouch on his waist, and quickly shot one each into the small holes on the wall.

Only a few muffled groans and screams were vaguely heard from the wall, and then there was no sound.

They didn't take a few steps forward when they were suddenly blocked by a burning wall of fire, and then a few streams of kerosene flowed into the shallow pits on the ground. Lu Bing and others jumped up quickly, and the burning tongue licked the soles of their shoes and burned them. stand up!

They climbed over the firewall and became even more embarrassed.

Dong Hai was wide and fat, and he was the most embarrassed. He cursed and said: "His grandma is a bear! It's either water or fire! It's these two things back and forth, and it's endless!"

"Haha!" Looking at Dong Hai who had turned into a grizzly bear, Yang Sen laughed and said, "Water and fire are ruthless, this kind of mechanism is the most powerful!"

Fortunately, several people are sensitive people, so they can pass through safely. If they react slowly, they will stay in this "water and fire".

Luckily, Lu Bing didn't bring a large group of people here, otherwise he didn't know how many people he would lose.

Lu Bing saw that Yang Sen and Dong Hai were a little slack after passing several levels in a row, and reminded: "Don't be careless, the five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, still have one soil left."

While talking, he turned a corner and realized that he had come to an end!
Sun Quan groped for a long time at the end of the passage but couldn't find the stone gate.

At this moment, a hole suddenly opened above their heads!

A large amount of sand and soil slipped in from the hole, poured into the passage in an instant, and soon buried it to the calf!

They hurriedly backed away, but they looked at the burning redness behind them.

Suddenly, Lu Bing's eyes lit up, and he pointed to the hole two feet above his head, where sand and soil kept pouring in, and said, "Isn't there the way out?"

After hearing this, Sun Quan was also reminded, and said: "Master said, sometimes the end of the road is the end of life. It is estimated that after a while, it will be almost filled here, and they will cover it! We have to rush out first!"

When Sun Quan was speaking, the sand had already buried his waist!
"Pull me up!" Sun Quan stretched out his hand and said to Shi Shi.

The stone is tall, and the sand only reaches his thighs.He pulled Sun Quan up, and Sun Quan climbed onto the stone like a monkey.

Sun Quan asked Shi Shi to fold his hands on top of each other, and he stood on Shi Shi's hands.

Stone understands, arms hard!Throw Sun Quan up!

Sun Quan pushed his legs hard at the same time, and with the help of the stone, he kicked his feet!Straight through the mouth of the pouring sand!
I only heard the sound of swords and soldiers clashing outside!Yang Sen couldn't hold back, he also followed Sun Quan's example and jumped out!
After a while, the sand stopped leaking in, and a few drops of blood fell on the sand in front of Lu Bing.

At this time, the sand had already buried Lu Bing's chest.

But Lu Bing didn't panic. After a while, a rope came down. Lu Bing saw that it was made of twisted clothes.

Lu Bing went up first and saw several naked corpses on the ground.

Immediately after, Shitou and Dong Hai also climbed up with difficulty.

After all, the two of them are big in size, so it took a lot of work to climb up.

This is the fifth organ.

"This should be the upper level." Sun Quan said.

"That's right." Yanshi's voice sounded: "Congratulations on passing the first five levels. The organs of Liuhe, Seven Stars, Eight Trigrams, and Nine Palaces on this floor are integrated into one."

"What do you mean?" Sun Quan was taken aback.

"Haha! Come to realize it slowly!" Yan Shi's voice gradually faded away...

In less than a moment, they were dodging several arrows and spear walls. After using mechanisms such as falling stones and falling stones, I finally discovered something strange.

This level is not connected to each other like the one below, but a maze!
This entire floor is a big maze!

And the messy trap mechanism is in this maze...

Apparently they had to get out of the maze, through the traps on the right path, to find the exit.

And Liuhe, Qixing, Bagua, and Jiugong are not only reminders of the correct route, but also four organ formations that the route passes through!
Lu Bing and the other five began to break through the formation with difficulty.

They kept moving forward against the wall on the left hand side, and under Sun Quan's judgment, they passed through one mechanism after another without any danger.

It seems that it will take a long time to pass this level...


In the capital, the emperor suddenly issued an order, as if getting excited, and wanted to take care of his own army.Not only were the senior officials of Jinyiwei generously rewarded, but they were also promoted and their salaries increased one after another.

Among this large number of promotion rewards, there is a promotion order that is not too conspicuous.

Xue Yang, the governor of Beizhen, has worked hard and worked hard to guard the prison. He was specially promoted to be the commander of Jinyiwei, and he was transferred from the prison to take another important position.

This decree seemed to commend promotion, but it transferred Xue Yang out of the imperial prison...

But the person who took Xue Yang's position was an unknown figure.

Before Yang Lin could react, the guy who took over went to the prison to take up his post...

Since Xue Yang guarded the imperial prison, even the first and second rank officials in the court did not dare to provoke Lu Bing's loyal dog easily.

Because this loyal dog is actually a mad dog, it bites people hard and accurately, and it doesn't give anyone face.

What's more, it depends on the owner to beat the dog.

Now the dog owner is gone, but the mad dog has not restrained in the slightest.

He almost refused the successor's request without thinking. The successor moved out the emperor's order and yelled five times and six times. In the end, Xue Yang beat him half disabled and threw him out in the name of storming the imperial prison.

The emperor was furious immediately, and very quickly, and then immediately issued an order, angrily reprimanding Xue Yang for resisting the order and deceiving the emperor!Let the agent direct Zhu Liu and punish him severely!
When Yang Lin received the news, he immediately felt that something was wrong, and rushed to Beizhen Imperial Prison.

However, when he went out, Zhu Liu had already arrived at the Imperial Prison...

Zhu Liu came to the Imperial Prison with a few guards in brocade clothes, but he couldn't enter the door immediately.

Zhu Liu took it for granted, knowing that this was the rule of the Imperial Prison, he was neither surprised nor angry, and asked the Jin Yiwei at the door to report to Xue Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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