Brocade legend

Chapter 377 1st

Chapter 377 The First

After a while, Xue Yang greeted him personally.

At this time, Xue Yang was still showing resentment, roaring ho ho, and complaining to Zhu Liu with gestures.

"Go in and talk." Zhu Liu left the Jinyiwei outside the door, and brought only two unfamiliar Jinyiwei, and entered the imperial prison.

Xue Yang came to work in the room, and Zhu Liu took out the freshly baked imperial edict.

After reading it, Xue Yang was dumbfounded.

Zhu Liu sighed, and said, "Your temper is all spoiled by elder brother!"

Xue Yang showed anger, and quickly gestured: "There are many important people imprisoned here. Without Master Lu's order, I will not hand over to the prison. That bastard will make trouble as soon as he comes in, and beating him is light. If I hadn't been concerned about the emperor, I would have killed him with one knife."

Zhu Liu straightened his face and said: "It is the emperor's order that I will take you down and punish you severely, so as to imitate others... But we are brothers after all... You leave the prison and ask the emperor for your sins, and I will help you Say something nice and get over this."

Xue Yang was taken aback for a moment, then became even more angry, his eyes were puzzled but unwilling, he was a little dazed.

But Zhu Liu's eyes were a little dodgy, and he continued: "If you are stubborn, I can only take you down first and hand it over to the emperor."

Xue Yang was dumbfounded, and after a while he made slow and heavy gestures: "What's wrong with you?"

"..." Zhu Liu didn't answer.

"We...are brothers!" Xue Yang felt aggrieved, and then became even more annoyed, gesturing faster and faster: "I will not leave without Master Lu's order. You want to take me down, but you have to ask me Brother..." Xue Yang patted the same long knife on his waist as Zhu Liu's waist, and continued to gesture: "There is also a long knife on my waist, promise or not!"

Zhu Liu opened his mouth slightly, and wanted to try harder to persuade him, but one of the two Jinyi guards who came in with him said eccentrically: "This Jinyi guard is the emperor's Jin Yiwei, and this prison is the emperor's prison, and the emperor wants to deal with his own." Dog, do you still need to promise to take back your own things?"

"Crack!" Xue Yang slapped the table heavily, glaring at him, meaning——Bold!
The Jin Yiwei, who had a strange mood, ignored him, but turned his face to Zhu Liu and said, "Master Zhu, the emperor is still waiting for your reply!"

Seeing this strange Jin Yiwei, Xue Yang frowned suspiciously.

Zhu Liu let out a long sigh, and said to Xue Yang, "Brother, bind yourself...I will protect you from death."

After hearing Zhu Liu's words, Xue Yang really realized that Zhu Liu was really going to take him down. He looked at Zhu Liu in disbelief, and after a while, he was furious, and pulled out his saber out of its sheath!

The yin and yang Jin Yiwei grinned and said, "Hey, I want to do something! Disobeying the emperor's order is considered a rebellion! Shoot and kill!"

"Enough!" Zhu Liu raised his eyebrows and shouted at the strange Jin Yiwei: "If you talk too much, I will kill you first!"

"Hmph!" The other Gao Zhuang Jin Yiwei who had been silent all this time snorted heavily.

Hearing that, Zhu Liu's pale face actually revealed that evil smile, squinting his eyes, his gaze streamed in through the slits, cold as a thin blade scraping a bone: "No, I'll kill you first!"

The tall and strong Jin Yiwei took a step forward!
But the strange Jin Yiwei grabbed the tall and strong Jin Yiwei, and said to Zhu Liu: "Okay! Since Mr. Zhu doesn't like our brothers to be troublesome, then we will go outside and wait for Mr. Zhu to come... However, if Master Zhu came out empty-handed, and we brothers can only offend... We have worked hard to help Master Zhu."

"Get out!" Zhu Liu blushed coldly and drank!
That tall and strong Jin Yiwei frowned, and was about to get angry, but was pulled out by that strange Jin Yiwei!
These two nondescript brocade guards were just black and white impermanence pretending to be.

After Black and White Wuchang left, Xue Yang gestured to Zhu Liu strangely, "Who are they?"

Zhu Liu frowned, did not answer, and pulled out the long knife with his backhand!

Xue Yang saw Zhu Liu's sword coming out, and raised the sword to his chest vigilantly.With complicated eyes in Xue Yang's eyes, he added obviously: "Are you really going to do something to me?"

Zhu Liu sighed, and said, "You insist on not leaving...then I can only do it...I hope you can understand my difficulties."

"There are can say it." Xue Yang waved his hand.

"It's useless to say it..." Zhu Liu sighed again, and said, "You don't need to greet anyone anymore, the two at the door are both masters, and your subordinates are not their opponents, so you don't need to lose your life in vain... Let's settle it between us brothers! If I defeat you, if you follow me honestly, you may still have a way to survive. If I lose, then you can do whatever you want."

Xue Yang smiled wryly, he was Zhu Liu's opponent.

However, he could see that Zhu Liu's words were very serious.

He also knew that this match would be impossible if he didn't fight...

Xue Yang gritted his teeth and fought hard!
Anyway, he can't hand over the imperial least before Mr. Lu returns to Beijing!
Although he was speechless, he was not stupid.

Through this incident, he saw the clues of some strange situations recently.Although he couldn't see the whole picture, he could clearly feel that... dealing with himself was not entirely for the purpose of getting the imperial edict... but for targeting Master Lu, to hit Master Lu!

Thinking of this, you will fight to the death to win!

Perhaps Zhu Liu has some difficulties, but help others deal with Mr. Lu!It is a traitor!
After Xue Yang thought about it, his eyes gradually became crazy and bloody.

He can't let the situation escalate!
He wants to defeat Zhu Liu!Shut Zhu Liu into the Imperial Prison, and wait for Master Lu to come back and punish him!

If you want to defeat an enemy who is stronger than yourself... you must act first!

Xue Yang shakes his sword!Shot first!
Pain and hesitation flashed across Zhu Liu's eyes, and finally turned into firmness and indifference.

Both of them are experts in wielding knives, and they can't stop hearing the clanging and clanging, which is inseparable for a while.

Xue Yang's ruthlessness gave him a slight advantage in the first few strikes.

But when Zhu Liu made up his mind, this advantage disappeared...

Zhu Liu is superior to Xue Yang in terms of moves, strength, and speed!
He mastered the rhythm of the battle, overwhelming Xue Yang!
Xue Yang struggled hard, but it was difficult to get a chance to fight back...

Finally Xue Yang roared and changed his style of play!

It turned out to be a life-threatening style of play!
You can only attack but not defend...

Zhu Liu was knocked back a few steps...

But then, after Zhu Liu exerted his strength, he suppressed Xue Yang's resistance again...

Xue Yang was desperately trying...but his resistance was somewhat powerless in front of Zhu Liu.

Xue Yang knew it well, and was smiling wryly in his heart... He has never won so many times... How could he win today.

Zhu Liu really knows his tricks and habits too well...

But... If you can't win, you have to fight!
Zhu Liu looked at Xue Yang who was attacking madly, and a flash of unbearable flashed in his heart...



Zhu Liu's knife cut through Xue Yang's clothes, cut open his flesh, and spurted out blood...

Xue Yang staggered, Zhu Liu kicked Xue Yang down!
"You lost!" Zhu Liu gritted his teeth and said, "Follow me!"

Xue Yang glanced at the wound on his thigh, struggled to get up, staggered and threw himself at Zhu Liu with the knife.

A stern look appeared on Zhu Liu's face... Then, Xue Yang was kicked back, and at the same time the knife in his hand was shot down by Zhu Liu.

Xue Yang crawled to pick up the knife, Zhu Liu took a step forward, kicked the knife away from the ground, then put the long knife in his hand on Xue Yang's neck, and shouted fiercely: "I still don't admit defeat!"

"You killed me!" Xue Yang ignored the sharp knife on his neck, raised his head vigorously, looked into Zhu Liu's eyes, and expressed like this.

Zhu Liuhuang was in a daze, before he raised the blade in time, the blade cut Xue Yang's neck, which looked shocking.

Zhu Liu gritted his teeth, turned around and opened the door, and said to Black and White Wuchang: "Tie him up and carry him away!"

Black and white impermanence walked in with a blank face and a giggling smile.

"Yo, it's quite ruthless!" Bai Wuchang teased cynically.

"Hurry up!" Zhu Liu gave him a disgusted look.

"Okay, okay!" Bai Wuchang responded repeatedly, but he winked at Hei Wuchang who was walking towards Xue Yang.

Subconsciously, Zhu Liu didn't want to see Xue Yang being tied up. Just as he turned around, he suddenly heard Bai Wuchang's scream: "Be careful!"

Zhu Liuyi turned his head and saw Xue Yang bumping into him!

Before Zhu Liu had time to react, he raised the knife subconsciously...

Forged by the magician Tietou himself, it belongs to the standard weapon of the Thirteen Taibao. The two-handed long knife pierced Xue Yang's lower abdomen...

Looking at Xue Yang with wide eyes and blood spurting from his mouth, Zhu Liu was stunned. He didn't even know that Xue Yang sprayed blood all over his face.

Xue Yang's eyes widened vigorously, wanting to look at the man in front of him... He is the man he regards as his elder brother!
"Aren't we... Brothers?" Xue Yang couldn't utter a complete sentence with his incomplete mouth, and he said a few words meaninglessly. He tightly grasped Zhu Liu's wrist with his blood-stained hands, and desperately expressed his words with his eyes. This means: "We...are brothers!"

Xue Yang's eye sockets burst, blood and tears flowed down his cheeks, he died....

Xue Yang hung limply on the knife, and when it was slowly sliding down, Zhu Liu hugged him subconsciously.

Zhu Liu's mind was confused and confused.

Zhu Liu's heart... hurts...

He thought he only cared about one person, but at this moment, he realized that there was more than that one person... But it was too late...

The road of no return...the road of no return...

"You! It's you!" Zhu Liu suddenly realized something was wrong, forced himself to calm down, finally figured it out, and looked at Bai Wuchang angrily!
"Yo! Master Zhu said that." Bai Wuchang was smiling, but he was very cold: "He wanted to attack Sir, and Sir killed him, how can it be blamed on me? I don't want to compete with Master Zhu."

"You threw him over!" Zhu Liu yelled angrily, but from the corner of his eyes, he saw Hei Wuchang's arm behind his back, revealing his blood-stained cuff, and said angrily to Hei Wuchang, "No! It's you!"

"Lord Zhu, it doesn't matter who you are, what matters is that he deserves to die, so he died." Bai Wuchang's expression turned cold, and he said, "It's a good death, a good death!"


(End of this chapter)

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