Brocade legend

Chapter 378 The 9th Palace and 8 Hexagrams

Chapter 378 Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams

"Hey Hey Hey."

Looking down at the dying Xue Yang, Zhu Liu suddenly laughed strangely.

Black and white impermanence felt a chill in my heart at the same time, so be careful.

Zhu Liu put down Xue Yang's body and stood up...

Zhu Liu stepped over Xue Yang's body in one step, and kicked Bai Wuchang with a flying kick!

Bai Wuchang picked it up with both hands!Hei Wuchang also decisively attacked Zhu Liu!

However, Zhu Liu's long knife had already slashed towards Hei Wuchang.Hei Wuchang had no choice but to return to defense, but Bai Wuchang, who was hard-pressing Zhu Liu's foot with both hands, was kicked into the wall by Zhu Liu!The wall cracked!

Bai Wuchang spat out a mouthful of blood, his face paled in shock!
Unexpectedly, Zhu Liu, who shot with hatred, was stronger than they imagined!
And Heiwuchang, who had always been expressionless, lost his hard expression for the first time, staring blankly at the torn clothes on his chest, and on his exposed chest, there was a scratch that was oozing blood.

"You are still I won't kill you." Zhu Liu put the knife back into its sheath: "But if you dare to move your mind lord will let you die without a whole body!"

Zhu Liu stepped over Xue Yang's body with his head held high, stepped on Xue Yang's blood that had not yet cooled down, and walked out of the room without moving his head, leaving only a row of bloody footprints...

Black and white are impermanent, looking at each other in blank dismay, and after a while, hurriedly followed...

Zhu Liu didn't look at Xue Yang again... The matter is now... He won't have any hesitation...

He's going to go all out!
Since you can't turn back, go to the other side!
Zhu Liu didn't even realize it... He was subconsciously rubbing a faded red rope with jade beads and a jade sheath on his wrist...

The already whitish red rope was now stained black by blood...

Zhu Liu's fingers were rubbing desperately...his hand, trying to wipe off the blood on the jade and the rope...but more blood was stained on his hand...

Zhu Liu walked out of Beizhen Fusi under the angry, fearful and suspicious eyes of the Jinyi guards guarding the imperial prison.

He saw a man galloping towards him on a horse from a distance...

Zhu Liu suddenly felt a pain in his heart!
He subconsciously covered his chest, but felt something hard...

That thing suddenly became hot, burning his heart...

He remembered what it was...

He also knew who the fast horse was coming.

At this time Black and White Wuchang caught up, Zhu Liu turned and went in the opposite direction.

At this moment, he still doesn't want to meet the visitor...

Zhu Liu took a step, seemingly slow, but at a speed that seemed to be trotting, he left the gate of Fusi Yamen in Beizhen, and turned at the first alley...

The man who came on a fast horse reached the front of Beizhen Fusi's gate, and only then pulled the reins vigorously, and let out a long cry!
The horseman stood up and hissed long, before the front hooves touched the ground, the man on the horse had already floated down.

The person who came was Yang Lin who had no smile at the corner of his mouth.

Yang Lin glanced at the entrance of the alley, with a complicated look on his face.

At this moment, someone from Fusi Prison in Beizhen ran out to meet him!

"Master Xue!" Yang Lin hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Xue...Master Xue!" The guard in Jin Yi couldn't help crying when he thought of Xue Yang's righteousness and protection of weaknesses in daily life, he couldn't speak...

Yang Lin froze for a moment, clenched his fists hard, resisted the urge to chase after that alley, and ran towards the prison!

For the first time in Yang Lin's life, he rushed into the door in such a haste and disregarded his image...

Looking at Xue Yang lying in a pool of blood...Yang Lin's chest was so tight that it was about to explode!
He realized that he had made a serious mistake... that he... had been deceived!
And the price is right in front of him... This price is unbearable for him!
He didn't expect...he didn't expect...he didn't could he think!
He couldn't help but growl loudly!



"Endless!" After destroying a flame vent again, Yang Sen finally became irritable.

But Sun Quan still took the trouble to grope forward, trying to solve the threat in advance.

They've been on the second floor for two days...

They destroyed an unknown number of organs, but they still didn't see the exit.

With the help of the powerful defensive ability of the stone, they broke the Liuhe formation.

In that small room, sometimes it was weird and unpredictable, and sometimes it rained arrows, but they couldn't break through the big shield of stones, and finally the control center was smashed by the stones.

There is also the Seven-Star Array, which is composed of seven huge hammers, and surrounds people in the array according to the directions of Tianxuan Star, Tianji Star, Tianquan Star, Yuheng Star, Kaiyang Star, Yaoguang Star, and Tianshu Star. , Flying hammer into seven balls, continuous.In the end, Yang Sen also used a flying knife to cut off the translucent tendons that were secretly controlled, making it useless.

The gossip, however, coincides with the nine palaces, and is a maze within a maze.

Fortunately, Lu Bing was close to the emperor, and had come into contact with Taoist records of such secret techniques in the palace.There is also the vast sea of ​​books in the Laoxing Palace, and he himself is good at essays and strange talks, so he has some understanding.

Lu Bing preached to Yang Sen, Shitou, Dong Hai, and Sun Quan: "The eight trigrams are Qiantian, Kundi, Kanshui, Lihuo, Zhenlei, Genshan, Xunfeng, and Duize. And the eight trigrams are matched with each other to get 64 Hexagrams. Nine Palaces is a diagram of eight trigrams, divided into Qiangong, Kangong, Gengong, Zhengong, Zhonggong, Xungong, Ligong, Kungong, and Duigong by well characters. Nine palaces and eight trigrams array, nine is the extreme number, and six lines are taken The number derived from three and three. It is easy to say that one life is two, two is three, and three is all things. There is also the so-called Taiji that produces two forms, two forms produce four phases, four phases produce eight trigrams, eight trigrams change 64 lines, and from then on, there are endless changes... ...I'm afraid it's not easy to pass this level."

Sun Quan laughed, and said: "My lord, do you know that my master's craftsmanship is passed down from our ancestors?"

Lu Bing was taken aback for a moment, then thought of one person and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

According to legend, the Jiugong Bagua array was passed down from Wuhou Zhuge Kongming, who once trapped Lu Xun, the governor of Eastern Wu, by the river.

Legend has it that in order to realize the countermeasures he gave Liu Bei when he was in Longzhong, Zhuge Liang planned to help Liu Bei plan to go to Xichuan first, so as to realize three points of the world.

At that time, both of them set off and sent Guan Yu to guard Jingzhou, but Guan Yu looked down on Lu Meng because of his arrogance. As a result, Lu Meng forced him to leave Maicheng, carelessly lost Jingzhou, and was later killed by Soochow.

Zhang Fei learned that his second brother Guan Yu had been beheaded and died tragically. He was intoxicated in grief all day long, drunk and beat his subordinate officers and soldiers, and his subordinates chopped off his head and dedicated it to Sun Quan.

Liu Bei lost two sworn brothers at once, filled with grief and indignation, and disregarded Zhuge Liang's dissuasion, he raised an army to attack Soochow.

At the beginning, they won consecutive battles, but later, due to Liu Bei's strategic mistakes in deploying the barracks, Lu Xun, the new commander of Soochow, saw an opportunity to take advantage of, and burned the company overnight, defeating the Shu army.

Liu Bei fled to Baidi City, but he couldn't get sick, and died in Baidi City entrusting Gu Zhuge Liang.

Lu Xun, the general of Soochow Wu, sent an army to chase and kill Liu Bei while he was fleeing.But when he got to the river, he strayed into the stone formation made of chaotic rocks and got lost and couldn't get out.

Later, he met Zhuge Liang's father-in-law, Huang Gong Huang Chengyan, and was able to escape.

That pile of stones is the gossip array set up by Zhuge Liang.

Sun Quan's master Huang Duxian was surnamed Huang, and Zhuge Liang's father-in-law Huang Chengyan was also surnamed Huang...

After hearing Sun Quan's explanation, everyone couldn't help being amazed.

However, the five of them walked around there for a long time, but still couldn't get out.

It seems that the Eight Diagrams Formation formed by Xiao Xitian taught by the White Lotus is more exquisite than Zhuge Liang's pile of stones.

The origin of gossip can be traced back to ancient times.Today's gossip formation is a formation evolved by the world.

The eight trigrams respectively symbolize the eight kinds of substances in nature, heaven, earth, thunder, feng shui, volcanoes, and lakes, which are the material basis of all things.

Among them, the two hexagrams of Qian Kun and Tian Di are the mother of all things, and all things are born between the heaven, earth and universe.Water and fire are the source of all things, the foundation of yin and yang, and the wind and thunder agitate them, and the mountains and swamps are finally formed. With the mountains and swamps, creatures begin to breed, life begins to conceive, and human beings multiply.

The eight trigrams represent its nature with the combination of Yin Yao "-" and Yang Yao "-".
There are two kinds of arrangement of gossip: congenital gossip and acquired gossip.

The former is said to be invented by Fuxi, and the latter is said to have been created by King Wen of Zhou.

"Yellow Emperor's Yinfu Jing" says "Bagua Jiazi, magic machine and ghost hide".

Liushihuajiazi, which is composed of ten celestial stems and twelve earthly branches, is a holographic symbol with time as its main feature, and Jiugong Bagua, which is based on Tian Bagua, is a holographic symbol with space as its main feature.

According to legend, the two are combined according to certain rules to form a fusion of time and space, including heaven, earth, people, and gods, so as to achieve a prediction method that predicts everything and seeks good fortune and avoids evil.

The ten heavenly stems are A, B, C, D, E, Ji, G, Xin, Wang, and Gui.

Among the ten symbols of heavenly stems, armor is handsome and is often hidden behind, so it is called Dunjia.B, C, and D are three wonders, which are the help of A.B is Wen, called Riqi; C is Wu, called Yueqi; D is the connection between the two, called Xingqi.

B, C, and Ding Sanqi can also be understood as the three strange soldiers, and they often rely on them to win by surprise.

It can also be explained from the concept of Yin-Yang and Five Elements why B, C, and D are called Sanqi, that is, A is the commander in chief and is Yangmu, who is most afraid of being killed by Geng Jin, and Yang Jin is the most vicious.

And B is a yin wood, and Yi Geng is in harmony, so that the threat of Jia wood is removed.

Bing is yang fire, wood makes fire, can kill Geng metal and protect Jia wood, so he is naturally a wonder.

Ding is Yinhuo, which can also injure Gengjin and protect Jiamu, so it is also a wonder.

Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren and Gui are called Liuyi.The ten heavenly stems are matched with the twelve earthly branches to form sixty Jiazi, and each of the ten heavenly stems will be used six times, thus forming Liujia, Liuyi, Liucing, Liuding, Liuwu, Liuji, Liugeng, Liuxin, Liu Ren, Liu Gui.

Heavenly Stems and Jiugong Bagua Formation are the "Qimen Dunjia" passed down from ancient times to the present, and it is also the largest metaphysics in China, also known as the study of emperors.

Among them, the secret is extremely secretive and must not be disclosed to outsiders. If ordinary people steal it, the person who discovers it will be beheaded, so it can be said to be a secret among secrets.The master only taught his disciples orally, and passed it down in a single line. So far, very few people have understood it.

This kind of Qimen Dunjia is used in military affairs, and it is the Jiugong Bagua Formation.Specifically, Qimen Dunjia itself is the Jiugong Bagua Formation.

Sun Quan told Lu Bing and the others in detail about the Nine Palaces and Bagua and Qimen Dunjia learned from the Huang family and Zhuge's two branches.

Said: The next chapter is to introduce the Eight Arrays of Marquis Wu, there is no plot, you can read it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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