Brocade legend

Chapter 379 Chapter 67 Eight Arrays

Chapter 379 No.60 Seven-Eight Formation

According to legend, when Zhuge Kongming defended against the enemy, he piled up rocks to form a stone array, and divided them into eight gates of rest, life, injury, du, scene, death, surprise, and opening according to the armor.

As far as future generations are concerned, those who are proficient in this formation are very rare.

According to "Shu Zhi Zhuge Liang Biography" in "Three Kingdoms", "Liang deduced the art of war and made eight formations." Later generations studied his remains and drew them into graphics.

According to records, there are three relics of the Bazhentu: "Shui Jing_ Mianshui Zhu" says it is in Mian County, Shaanxi, east of Zhuge Liang's tomb in the southeast;
"Huan Yu Ji" says that it is by the Nanjiang River in Kuizhou, Sichuan.

"Ming Yi Tong Zhi" said that it was in Moumi Town, thirty miles north of Xindu County, Sichuan.

There is also "Eight Forms of Art of War after the Wind".The picture is divided into nine parts, one is the front view of eight formations, and the other eight are eight formations, namely: sky-covering formation, ground-carrying formation, wind-raising formation, cloud-hanging formation, dragon-flying formation, tiger-wing formation, Bird flying array, snake coiling array.There is a text description next to the picture, which introduces in detail the tactical application of each formation's offensive and defensive tactics under special circumstances.

According to "Historical Records", Feng Hou was a general of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor.

The Tang Dynasty military strategist and governor of Changzhou, Duguji, left the site of Yunyan official in Mixian County, Henan Province. The stele of "Yunyan Official Fenghou Eight Arrays" records in detail the deeds of the Yellow Emperor and Fenghou's research and creation of "Eight Arrays".

Zhuge Liang advocated Legalism and Huang-Lao thought, and was proficient in Yi Xue. The essence of "Book of Changes" is to regard heaven, earth, and man as a whole, and connect things of different qualities and states together to explore the laws of their operation.

Zhuge Liang paid great attention to the comprehensive investigation of heaven, earth and people when he governed the country and used soldiers.He wrote in "General Yuan Zhiyong": "Follow the sky, adapt to the time, and rely on people to win." He emphasized that an excellent general should "know astronomy from the top, observe personnel from the middle, and geography from the bottom. Treat it like a home."

"There are three ways to march your troops: one is the sky, the other is the earth, and the third is the people. The power of heaven, the sun and the moon are clear and bright, the five stars are in harmony, the comets are not harmful, and the atmosphere is harmonious. The terrain is that the city is steep and cliffs, and the waves are thousands of miles away. , The stone gate is secluded, the sheep intestines are fertile. Those who are powerful, the masters are the sages, the three armies are governed by ritual, the soldiers use their lives, and the food and armor are well prepared. Good generals, according to the time of the sky, according to the situation of the place, according to the interests of others, Then the target is invincible, and the target is invincible."

This is the most vivid expression of the thought of integrating heaven, earth and man in "Book of Changes".

Judging from Zhuge Liang's relevant works handed down from generation to generation, as well as Huang Jia's studies, it not only involves the theory of "Yi", but also reveals Zhuge Liang's mastery of hexagrams, divination and divination.

For example, the "Yin Fu Jing Zhu" says: "The sky hangs down, the sage follows it, pushes the armor, draws the gossip, examines the tortoise, and checks the law and calendar, then the emotions of ghosts and gods, the principles of yin and yang, and the principles of yin and yang, reveal the flat phenomenon, and there is no end to it. The gossip Xiang, apply it when you apply it, and use it again after sixty Jiazi, the gods come out and the ghosts come in, and everything is one." The so-called "the image of the eight trigrams, apply it after extension" refers to the divination method in "Book of Changes".

"Three Kingdoms Shu Zhi Zhuge Liang Biography" records: "Liang is good at ingenuity, the profit and loss of the crossbow, the wooden cow and the horse, all come out of his mind; deduce the method of Qiu, make the eight formations, and get the key points."

As a battle formation and troop deployment map in ancient wars, although Zhuge Liang's original "Eight Formation Map" is not seen today, there are legends that it is the so-called "Eight Formation Map" at the site of Zhuge Liang's military training.

Li Daoyuan's "Shui Jing Zhu·Jiang Shui" states that this kind of "map base" is all made of fine stones.There are three places: one in Mian County, Shaanxi; one in Fengjie, Chongqing; and one in Xinfan, Sichuan, especially in Fengjie.Fengjie was originally Guyufu County, and its seat is now Dongbaidi City in Fengjie. Liu Bei changed its name to Yong'an during the Three Kingdoms period, and Fengjie in Tang Dynasty.It is said that Zhuge Liang's "Eight Formation Fortress" is on the Nanjiang Beach of Yong'an Palace.According to the records of Li Jian's "Taibai Yin Jing" and Li Jing's "Questions" in the Tang Dynasty, the eight formations are named after heaven, earth, wind, cloud, dragon, tiger, bird, and snake. array.

The central army is composed of sixteen small formations, and the surrounding eight formations are each composed of six small formations, a total of 64 small formations.Among the eight formations, the sky, the earth, the wind, and the cloud are the "Four Righteousnesses", and the Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Teng Snake are the "Four Wonders".

In addition, there are still 24 formations deployed in the rear for maneuvering purposes.

The characteristics of the eight formations, as pointed out in Li Jing's "Questions and Responses", are "a large formation encloses a small formation, a large camp encloses a small camp, the corners are connected by hooks, and the twists and turns are opposite", "the inner circle is outer and the outer square"; and its conception, It is inseparable from "Book of Changes".

The arrangement of the eight formations is actually a "Wen Wang Bagua azimuth map", that is, "Houtian Bagua map".

Each of the eight formations is composed of six small formations, taking the meaning of the six lines in "Book of Changes".There are a total of 64 small formations consisting of the eight formations and the central army, which coincide with the 64 hexagrams of the other hexagrams in "Book of Changes".

As for the method of oddness and righteousness of the Eight Arrays, that is, what Du Muzhi said in "Sun Tzu's Notes" said that "oddness is also the righteousness of the righteousness, and the righteousness is also the strangeness of the strangeness, which are mutually exclusive, and the cycle is endless." Specific applications in the array.

There is also the "Bazhentu Village", which is located in Dalushu and Xiaolushu Villages in the southeast of Rulin Town, Jintan. However, after hundreds of years of vicissitudes, the "Bazhentu Village" has long been changed beyond recognition.

The "Eight Arrays" created by Zhuge Liang absorbed the arrangement and combination of Jingtian and Taoist gossip, compatible with astronomy and geography, and is a rare combat formation.

The "Zhuge Clan Genealogy" of Shenxintang contains the poems and hymns of "the eight formations are superbly used and stored and the name is eight formations".

Praise for the Tianfu Formation: The Heavenly Formation has sixteen, the outer square and the inner circle, and the four are wind and Yang, which resembles the sky, is the master of the formation, and the leader of the soldiers.Make good use of the three armies, and its shape is not biased.

Praise for the ground array: The ground array is twelve, its shape is square, and the cloud dominates the four corners.

Praise of Feng Yang: The wind has no shape, it attaches itself to the sky, and turns into a snake. Its meaning gradually becomes mysterious.

Praise of Cloud Chui: The cloud attaches to the ground, and at the beginning it is invisible, and it becomes a flying bird, and its shape is formed. The bird can stand out, the cloud can be dark and different, ever-changing, the sound of golden leather.

Long Fei's praise: The world rushes backwards, and the dragon transforms into it, with claws, feet, back and chest.The potential is unexpected, the movement is infinite, the formation is impressive, and the name is dragon.

Praise of the Tiger Wing Array: Heaven and earth rush forward and become tiger wings, crouching down on the tiger to fight, displaying its power.Huaiyin uses it to become infinite, and the meeting in Gaixia is unpredictable by Duke Lu.

Niao Xiang array praise: Birds of prey will fight, they must soar first, the potential is close to the sky, and the birds hide.After the trial, there must be slander, and one man makes an assault, and the three armies will not be able to do so.

Praise of the Snake Formation: The wind is a snake coil, shaped by the sky, surrounded by potential energy, and flexed and stretched by performance.Among the four wonders, he was next to the tiger, and later changed into Changshan, trapped head to tail.

The composition of the "Eight Arrays" is based on the four lands of Qiankun and Xungen, which are the frontal formations of the heaven and earth, and the main soldiers.

The northwest is the dry land, and the dry is the sky array.The one in the southwest is the land of Kun, and Kun is the land formation.The land in the southeast is the residence of Xun, and the Xun is the wind gust.The land in the northeast is Gen Ju, and the Gen is the mountain, and the mountains and rivers come out of the clouds, forming the cloud array, with water, fire, gold and wood as the dragon, tiger, bird, and snake four strange formations, as the strange soldiers.

The formation is the green dragon formation on the left, the white tiger formation on the right, the red bird formation in the front, and the Yuanwu snake formation in the back, where the generals live.

The eight formations are also distributed in the general formation. The total formation is composed of 64 24 formations, plus 32 formations of rangers.There are 24 formations for Yin and Yang respectively, 24 formations for Yang and [-] formations for Yin.

There are 24 formations of guerrillas, and after 64 formations, all marches, formations, joint battles, setting up doubts, filling vacancies, and logistics are all in the guerrillas.

(End of this chapter)

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