Brocade legend

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Sun Quan talked about it in detail, and said: "I heard the master say a poem, which is to praise the power of the "Eight Arrays", which is extremely powerful and unpredictable. Forward; advance without speed, retreat without suddenness; four heads and eight tails, head at the point of contact; the enemy rushes into it, and both ends are rescued; strange and positive coexist, endless cycle; head and tail correspond, hidden and unpredictable; strain.'

It was the first time for everyone to understand Zhuge Wuhou's eight formations in such detail, and they couldn't help admiring them.

"The method of eight formations, in one formation, two formations follow each other, one battle and one defense; the importance of Chinese and foreign, the knot of rigidity and softness, each other's falsehood, the host and the guest, the longitude and latitude change, because of the foundation, the sudden advancement of the odd cause, the interaction of multiple causes, Logistical guarantee." Sun Quan continued: "Let's first use Qimen Dunjia's learning, Dingxiu, Sheng, Injury, Du, Jing, Death, Surprise, and open eight doors, and then try to walk with Jiugongbu."

Lu Bing and the others nodded one after another.

The walking method of the Jiugong step is to start from the fifth house in the middle, and move to the first house and turn left at the same time, the second house turns left at the same time, the third house turns right, the fourth house turns left, the fifth house turns right and rotates once, and the sixth house turns left. The seventh house is right-handed, the eighth house is left-handed, and the ninth house is right-handed. This is a circle.

Then from the Ninth Palace to the Eighth Palace, left-handed, and the Seventh Palace, right-handed...

According to this rule, Lu Bing and the others expanded it, and it took several hours. Among them, Dong Hai couldn't dodge in time, and was injured by the organ, leaving a bloody gash on his shoulder.

Finally, the five of them came to a dead end sweating profusely.

Sun Quan went up and knocked, and couldn't help laughing.


At this point, it was already night.

Huang Lian'er, who was looking for other passages outside Xiaoxitian, returned exhausted to the camp where she and Sun Quan lived.

She sat on the couch and stared blankly for a while.

All day long, she has been restless.

She was leaning on the bed tiredly, unable to fall asleep at midnight.

In the end, she gritted her teeth, grabbed the weapon, and headed towards Zhang Ju's account.

Zhang Ju's tent was brightly lit, it was obvious that he was not asleep.

Huang Lian'er opened the curtain, strode in, stood still and said, "I want to enter Xiaoxitian."

"..." Zhang Ju looked at Huang Lian'er and said, "What about finding the passage?"

"These two days have already turned this mountain around, and there should be nothing nearby." Huang Lian'er also thought carefully: "Our next opportunity is to divide the hands, and each group will be equipped with a few Sun Quan and me. The masters trained by me, expand the search area... such a large-scale search, my role is not very good... Master Lu and the others only have five people, too few people. And there must be many organs inside, and the role I can play is relatively concentrated, so I should be able to Help them a lot."

Zhang Ju thought for a while, nodded slightly, and agreed with Huang Lianer's words.

"Then how many people do you plan to bring in?" Zhang Ju asked again.

"No more people." Huang Lian'er said without hesitation, "It's more convenient for me."

"Then when are you leaving?" Zhang Ju asked again.

"Now." Huang Lian'er said, "I'll say hello to you and leave."

"Where do you plan to go in?" Zhang Ju asked again.

Huang Lian'er thought for a while, and said: "They entered from Baizhan, and they should have traveled a long way by now... The passage they discovered today should lead to the location in front of them... I should go in from there, and I should be able to meet them." them."

Zhang Ju nodded and agreed with Huang Lian'er's actions: "Then you pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry!" After Huang Lian'er finished speaking, she turned around and left without dragging her feet.


Just when Huang Lian'er stepped into Xiaoxitian, Sun Quan also opened up the stone gate on the next level, and followed the stone ladder to another checkpoint.

The Jiugong Bagua formation just experienced followed the Qimen Dunjia technique.

This level is called Ten Heavenly Stems, so naturally you can't get rid of this technique.

Ten Heavens Stem was called Ten Heavens Wo in ancient times, or Ten Mothers.The so-called ten heavenly stems are A, B, C, D, E, Ji, G, Xin, Ren, and Gui.The arrangement order is fixed, revealing the changing process of growth, prosperity, aging and death of all things.

Jiaxiang vegetation breaks through the ground and sprouts, and the yang is inside and is wrapped by yin.

B, the vegetation is born, the branches and leaves are soft and wronged.

Bing, Bing Ye, like the mighty sun, scorching fire, everything is bright and clear.

Ding grass and trees grow strong and strong, just like a human adult.

Wu, Mao also.Symbolizes lush vegetation

Ji, Qi Ye, Ji Ye.Everything rises with restraint, and there is a record.

Geng, Geng Ye, harvest in autumn and wait for spring.

Pungent, gold tastes pungent, and when things are made, they have a taste.Some people think that Xin is new, everything changes solemnly, and the truth is new.

Ren, pregnant, in which yang qi lurks, and everything is pregnant.

Kui, Kui Ye, all things are closed and hidden, pregnant and underground, and Kui suddenly sprouts.

And in ancient times, "Jia" was also the first word.

In oracle bone inscriptions, the meaning of the word "jia" is to inscribe on the shell of a turtle with a sharp tool.Therefore, after the establishment of the Shang Dynasty, the character "Jia" was designated as the number record of the calendar, indicating the first.

The word "B" is ranked second, which means that people have replaced the tortoise shells on the bamboo knotted wood.

The word "C" ranks third, indicating that the objects that people record events include not only bamboo bent wood and tortoise shells, but also bronze wares.Because in addition to the above two engravings on bamboo bent wood and tortoise shells, people also invented bronze bells and tripods, which can also be engraved with inscriptions.

"Ding" is ranked fourth because people also invented the use of bamboo and wood chips to engrave characters, so the word "ding" was ranked fourth, indicating the fourth method of recording characters.

The word "E" is ranked fifth. The word "E" was used to express the removal of animal fur at that time. People found that the recorded text could be passed down on the fur of some animals, so the word "E" was arranged. In the fifth.

The meaning of the word "ji" is that people initially used curved ropes to tie knots and count numbers. By the Shang Dynasty, this primitive counting method was no longer widely used, but it was still a temporary count in people’s daily lives. An important method, so the word "ji" is ranked sixth, which means a way for individuals to improve their own count.

The character "Geng" was used to denote the elder teeth of a child at that time, and it meant concubine and the offspring. Therefore, it was also regarded as an important number. It was placed in seventh place, meaning harmony with the "wife". In turn.

The word "Xin" is listed in the eighth place, and its original meaning is to express respect for the emperor. This is a legacy of the ancient matrilineal clan society. People use the mystery of the word "Xin" to express the eighth place in Shu Ji. It means that the autumn harvest in August is as beautiful as the first day and breeds all things.

The word "ren" is listed in the ninth of the number, meaning that the mysterious depiction of bamboo and wood through words can enable people to know the origin of the world and all things, so as to achieve the purpose of long inheritance.

The original meaning of the word "gui" is the root of all things and the roots of all things, which means that human beings and all things are subordinate to the leadership of the mysterious nature.Therefore, people put the word "gui" as the tenth of the number, which means that it is as perfect as a round "gui" device.

This level is called heavenly stems, and it is naturally related to the number of heavenly stems.

Ten ghost-faced men in different colored costumes were standing still waiting for them.

"Since you know the eight formations, you must know the formations very well." Yanshi's voice sounded: "These ten people are the dead soldiers I trained. They will form a battle formation, set up according to the heavenly stems and five elements. Check it out!"

The so-called Heavenly Stems and Five Elements is to use the number of Heavenly Stems to divide Yin and Yang into five elements.

Jiamu, the pure sun tree, is called Dalinmu. It has a towering power and is hard in nature. It is the material of the pillars, so it is Yangmu.

Otome, a tree of pure shade, is called the tree of flowers and plants. It has the beauty of dressing up in the world and is soft in nature, so it is a shade of wood.

Binghuo is a pure-sun fire, called the sun fire. It has the power to illuminate all things and has a strong temperament, so it is Yanghuo.

Dinghuo, a pure Yin fire, is called the fire of lanterns and candles. It has the function of illuminating thousands of households and has weak sexual softness, so it is Yin fire.

Wutu is the soil of pure Yang, called the city wall soil, which is the commander of all things. It is high in nature, hard in quality, and sunny, so it is Yang soil.

He soil is the soil of pure yin, and it is called the soil of the pastoral.

Geng gold is the gold of pure yang, and it is called the gold of sword wearing. It has the power to kill, and its sex is rigid, so it is Yang gold:
Xin Jin, the pure Yin gold, is called decorative gold, which has the beauty of enhancing the beauty of the world, and its nature is soft and quiet, so it is Yin Jin.

Renshui, the water of pure Yang, is called rivers and oceans.As the earth revolves, it flows endlessly, so it is Yangshui.

Guishui, which belongs to the water of pure yin, is called the water of Yulu Kengjian, which is obtained by gasification.Its water has form but has no body, changes with changes, and drifts for a lifetime.

As soon as Yanshi finished speaking, the ten ghost-masked men rushed over. Lu Bing and the others rushed to attack, but they didn't investigate for a while and were separated.

The battle formation of these ten people is also like the five elements separated by yin and yang, matching the order of heavenly stems and the east wood, south fire, north water, west metal, and middle earth to which the five elements belong. Soft, one yin and one yang, one fast and one slow, one long weapon, one short weapon, one inner fist, one outer leg.

The ten people complement each other and cooperate with each other, and there is no flaw in the attack and defense.

The five of Lu Bing are all masters who have been famous for many years, but after several days of passing through the barriers, they are physically and mentally exhausted, and they are a little hard to resist when they meet these ten masters who cooperate with each other tacitly.

Lu Bing and the others were on one side, and after all, they were all under the attack of at least three people at the same time!

This heavenly stem formation turned these ten people into fifteen people, twenty people, or even thirty people!
After more than a dozen moves, Lu Bing and the other five were all at a disadvantage!

Lu Bing is the best, and he can fight back.

Sun Quan's physical skills were outstanding, and he was not injured after tossing and turning.

The huge stone shield and the plank knife protected him tightly, but he could handle it.

Dong Hai was the worst. Not only was he injured when he broke through the barrier, but also he was wide and fat, so he couldn't stand it anymore.

Yang Sen had the quickest mind, relying on his good body skills and accurate throwing knives, he quickly forced back the two ghost-faced men who were attacking him, and even bowed down and got under the stone's shield!
(End of this chapter)

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