Brocade legend

Chapter 381

Chapter 381
Seeing this, Lu Bing's eyes lit up!He shouted: "Kill the two in the middle first!"

Yang Sen and Shitou have cooperated for 20 years, and the tacit understanding is no less than these ten ghost-faced men.

When the two got together, they immediately showed their power!

With Lu Bing's order, Sun Quan and Dong Hai also consciously tried to attack the two back to back in the middle, wearing heavy armor and defending as solid as a rock.

This made Yang Sen immediately seize the opportunity!
He made consecutive shots!Then there was a flash of silver light between the fingers, and the head of one of the earth-moving ghost-faced men suddenly fell from his neck!Like a rotten watermelon rolling to the ground!
This is exactly the strange weapon that Huang Duxian passed on to Yang Sen - Silver Meteor!

After a ghost-masked man fell down, another ghost-masked man standing among Lu Bing's five was chopped down by Lu Bing. Lu Bing stepped forward and kicked him, breaking his neck.

Going to one of the five elements, there is a shortcoming immediately in the ten-day battle.

Lu Bing and the other five seized the opportunity and pierced continuously like a cone.No matter how difficult the other ghost-faced men were to deal with, they fell to the ground and died one after another.

Half a moment later, Lu Bing and the five sat on the ground panting, looked at the ten corpses on the ground, glanced at each other, and then burst out laughing.

happy!Play hard!
"Don't be too happy!" Yan Shi's voice sounded again: "There is still a killing array waiting for you!"

No.11 off kill array?
Is it also in this place?

Lu Bing and the other five forcefully propped up their tired bodies, stood up, and looked around vigilantly.

Sudden!I saw eleven masked men in black holding sharp swords, killing them like a giant sword!
It turned out to be fighting again!

Lu Bing and the other five exchanged glances with wry smiles...



"Holy Master, someone came in from the secret passage of the underworld." Yasha knelt on one knee and said.

"who is it?"

"It's Huang Duxian's daughter, Huang Lian'er." Yasha lowered her head and said respectfully.

"..." The Holy Master was silent for a while, and said: "Let Yan Luo take action and capture her... Remember, you have to live."

"Yes." Yasha took the order, and stepped back out of the secret room for the last three days.

"What a good slave." Suddenly, a sarcasm came.

Yasha didn't turn his head, and said coldly: "Are you arrogant after being so injured? Are you afraid of losing your life?"

"In this Xiaoxitian, the Holy Lord will not attack me, Yan Luo hardly comes out of the underworld..." The person who spoke was Tu Baisheng, who was seriously injured: "The only one who can hurt me is you, the majestic Yasha King... But, outside the gate of the Holy Lord, do you dare to do anything to me?"

Bai Sheng had already taken off his armor, and put on his white robe again. Under the white robe, he could vaguely see layers of white cloth covering his wounds. His face was pale, but he was in good spirits.

His cynical face was full of ridicule and contempt for Yasha.

Yasha turned his head, took a deep look at Bai Sheng, then turned around and went to the Underworld Palace of Yama to deliver the Holy Lord's order.

Seeing Yasha's eyes, Bai Sheng couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Apart from the coldness and disgust in that look, there is actually something pitiful...

Who does he pity?Who is poor!
Bai Sheng couldn't help feeling a little inexplicably angry.

In the Yan Luo Hall deep in the underground palace where Yasha came from, he bowed his hands to the aloof Yama, which was neither respectful nor disrespectful.

Yasha told Yan Luo in detail about the Lord's arrangements and orders.

Yan Luo is tall and tall, and looks over fifty years old.

He was wearing a black embroidered gold boa robe, and even had a nine-pronged crown on his head.

The Crown of the Son of Heaven in the Ming Dynasty has 12 jade beads hanging from the front and back, each with 12 jade beads in red, yellow, blue, white and black.

And the nine crowns on Yan Luo's head hang nine at the front and back, and they are all black pearls the size of fingertips.

After listening to Yasha's words, he opened his mouth slowly, Weng said: "One person is enough."

"Holy Lord's order... is for us to act together." Yasha said calmly.

"Lonely is enough." Yan Luo didn't seem to hear.

Yasha opened his mouth slightly, but finally did not speak.

The bull-headed horse standing at the door looked at each other, but didn't make any noise...

The silent underworld, the silent Hall of Yama...


"Huchi...huchi...huchi..." Looking at the dead bodies on the ground, Lu Bing and others sat on the ground together, panting loudly.

Each of these eleven swordsmen was a deadly fighter, although Lu Bing and the five killed them, each of them was injured and exhausted.

"Next there are... huchi... huchi... and... four formations...." Panting, Sun Quan said, "Twelve earthly branches, 36 celestial gangs, 72 earth evil spirits, one hundred and eight weeks... It's my can I get in here!"

"Rest... rest for a while." Panting for breath, Yang Sen leaned on the wall, searching for the hidden weapon he sent out, picked it up and used it again.

Dong Hai was already lying on his back on the ground, almost collapsed.

Stone was fine, holding a large shield and guarding Lu Bing.His large shield and broad knife just now were the best weapons to deal with those swordsmen. Of the eleven swordsmen, three were killed only after they were hit by him with their shields.His divine power is the nemesis of swordsmen.

"..." Lu Bing thought for a while, and said, "Then rest in place...the guards take turns...."

In this way, everyone finally has two hours to sleep...

But Lu Bing couldn't sleep, his future was uncertain, and he really couldn't be safe.

He is thinking about the next few levels, what they will face...

Twelve Earthly Branches... 36 Tiangang... 72 Disha... One Hundred Singles and Eight Weeks of Heaven and Stars...

The next level... what will it be?
Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai are collectively called the twelve branches.

In normal times, the twelve earthly branches are used to record the time and the month.The Earthly Branches Period is to divide a day into twelve periods, and use the twelve Earthly Branches to represent the hours.

Zishi is half a day, also known as midnight and middle night.The first hour of the twelve o'clock.

The rooster crows at the ugly time, also known as the barren rooster, the second hour of the twelve o'clock.

Yinshi Pingdan, also known as Dawn, Morning, Ridan, etc., is the alternation of night and day.

Maoshi sunrise, also known as Rishi, Poxiao, Rising Sun, etc., refers to the period when the sun just shows its face and is slowly rising.

Chenshi is the time of food, also known as morning food, etc., which is the time to eat breakfast.

Sishi Naiyuzhong, also known as Riyu, etc., is near noon.

At noon, in the middle of the day, also known as Rizheng, noon, etc.

In the future, Riyi, also known as Risheng, Riyang, etc., the sun is westward.

Shenshi is the time of feeding, also known as Ripu, Xishi and so on.

Youshi Rijin, also known as sunset, sundown, and dusk, is the time when the sun sets.

Xushi dusk, also known as Rixi, Rimu, Riwan, etc.At this time the sun has set, the sky will be dark.The sky and the earth are dim and everything is hazy, so it is called dusk.

Haishi Rending, also known as Dinghun, etc., at this time the night is dark, people have stopped activities, rested and slept.

Man is still.

just sleep...

What will these twelve ground formations look like?
Lu Bing thought about it, he was extremely tired, and he fell asleep at some point...

(End of this chapter)

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