Brocade legend

Chapter 396 Die well

Chapter 396 Die well
However, at this moment in the capital, the forces loyal to Yang Lin are all under the strict surveillance of Zhu Liu, who is gradually mastering Jin Yiwei!

Moreover, I just checked around, and I didn't see any suspicious people!

Where did the reinforcements come from?Where did the ambush come from!

Sure enough, it was right to be extremely vigilant towards Yang Lin.

Fortunately, the emperor is wise... This is also good, and the forces secretly loyal to Yang Lin can be found out.

Zhu Liu and Zhang Mo were a little surprised, but not flustered.

Following the loud noise, there was some chaos in the nearby inns.

Then I saw a few masters in folk uniforms jumping out from each of the inns.

Then, there were also people running from various brothels, taverns, and carriage houses in a further distance, and gathered here.

"Good method." Zhang Mo cupped his hands to Yang Lin, and said, "So you have prepared for it a long time ago, and you have broken up the staff and hid them in Beijing."

"That's right." Yang Lin's signature smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "The manpower in Beijing is underestimated by you, but I, Jinyiwei, have been operating in Daming for decades. How can there be no hidden masters? These people are placed in various places in Daming." In the past few months, the spies who carry out hidden missions have been gradually transferred to the capital. They are all masters of lurking. They entered the capital quietly, obeying my orders and hiding in various places, waiting inwardly, and will never reveal any flaws. I won't let you catch the whereabouts. They will only appear after waiting for my signal."

At this time, more than a dozen people had already come to Yang Lin's side, and he vaguely felt that there should be dozens of people coming one after another!

Yang Lin gave an order: "Kill them!"

The spies didn't have time to think, and immediately rushed towards Zhu Liu and Zhang Mo.

And the black and white impermanence on the side has long since changed color.

At this moment, Zhu Liu took out a scroll of yellow brocade from his pocket, and said loudly, "I am the commander of Jin Yiwei, and I am ordered to arrest the rebellious Yang Lin. Those who disobey the order will destroy the nine clans!"

This is the last secret weapon given to Zhu Liu by the emperor.

This secret weapon really showed its power. Hearing Zhu Liu's shout, Yang Lin frowned slightly.

And the dozen or so masters hurriedly stopped, looked at each other, and collectively turned their attention to Yang Lin.

Yang Lin snorted coldly, and said, "My commander of Jinyiwei has been Mr. Lu for more than 20 years, and I have never heard of anyone else. What kind of commander are you!"

Zhu Liu took out his waist card again and said: "I am Zhu Liu, Fusi Town Fusi, Yuannan Town. Master Lu is not in Beijing. The emperor has ordered me to take the post of Commander of Jinyiwei on his behalf!"

"Fake! You traitor!" Yang Lin suddenly couldn't help cursing: "You framed your colleagues while Mr. Lu was away! The crime is heinous!"

The two sides insisted on their own opinions, and the masters of the guards in plain clothes who came one after another did not dare to act rashly.

At this time, Zhang Mo suddenly opened his mouth, and said to the masters of Jinyiwei in plain clothes: "Everyone, I know that you are very contradictory now, and you can't tell the truth from the fake... How about this, you have a lot of people, and you can watch us and arrest us. Take it to the palace. When the emperor speaks, you will know who is the real rebel."

After hearing this idea, those Jinyiwei masters hesitated for a moment, then nodded, thinking it made sense.

Yang Lin heard this, and suddenly burst out laughing, shaking his head while laughing and said: "With the emperor behind you, I really can't beat you!"

Yang Lin suddenly stopped laughing, looked straight at Zhu Liu, and shouted sharply: "Master Lu, what are you sorry for, sorry for the emperor, sorry for Daming!? You want to hurt him like this! Zhu Liu! Ask your heart! You Brutal? So ungrateful!"

Zhu Liu was scolded and pointed at his heart and lungs. The muscles on his face twitched, and finally he opened his mouth, sighed, and said, "The master's skill is so high..."

After hearing this, Yang Lin and Zhang Mo were stunned at the same time.

"You have told the truth." Yang Lin immediately continued to scold: "So you betrayed brother? Help Hun Jun repeat the storm pavilion!"

Zhu Liu bowed his head in silence, his face buried in the darkness.

Yang Lin said to the dozens of Jinyiwei masters: "That's right! I am the traitor that the emperor said, but I want to tell you... It's not that I committed a crime, and it's not that Master Lu committed a crime! It's that Master Lu has made too many meritorious deeds." They want Master Lu to become the second Yue Fei! Repeat the storm pavilion in the capital of Ming Dynasty! Now Master Lu has gone to Yunnan to destroy the White Lotus Sect, the number one cult in the world, but this Master Zhu has betrayed Master Lu, taking advantage of Master Lu’s absence, Take the opportunity to plot against Jin Yiwei with the emperor and kill Zhongliang! Xue Yang is dead, now it's my turn!

Zhang Mo's heart trembled when he heard Yang Lin's words, and his complexion changed drastically.

He didn't expect that Yang Lin was still struggling after the matter had come to this point.

Yang Lin wanted to incite those Jinyiwei masters!
"You can't let him continue." Zhang Mo said to Zhu Liu in a solemn voice.

Zhu Liu still lowered his head and didn't speak.

"If he keeps talking, those Jinyi guards will take such remarks to all directions of Daming!" Zhang Mo shouted to Zhu Liu in a low voice, burning with anxiety.

Just at this time, Yang Lin said: "When you hear this, leave quickly! Otherwise, they will kill you to silence you! Now that they don't know who you are, you go away! Keep your names incognito! One day, Mr. Lu is wronged. Death capital, you must pass on the truth! Pass it on! You must not let your honor be covered up!"

"He's talking nonsense!" Seeing that Zhu Liu was silent, Zhang Mo hurriedly opened his mouth and said loudly: "He wants you to leave so that he can escape!"

"Hurry up! If you don't leave, it will be too late!" Yang Lin yelled, "Justice is at your fingertips! When you know the truth one day, you just need to tell the truth!"

Those Jinyiwei masters were still hesitant, they no longer knew who to trust.

Whether it's Zhu Liu or Yang Lin, they were once famous big men in Jin Yiwei, Lord Lu Binglu's right and left hands... Now when they talk, it's really hard to tell who is real and who is not.

"Okay! You say I'm trying to escape! Then I'll prove it to you!" Yang Lin generously said, "I want to prove it to you. I'm telling the truth, not trying to escape!"

"Not good!" Zhu Liu who kept his head down suddenly raised his head and said loudly.

Zhang Mo also noticed something was wrong...but it was too late...

Yang Lin reversed the edge of the knife, pointed at his stomach, and stabbed it hard!

"I will die to prove that what I said is the truth!" Yang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood: "Hurry up! Go and wait for the truth to emerge, and then reveal it to the world!"

Yang Lin trembled in pain, and continued to spurt blood: "You guys go away! I can't let my death be in vain!"

At this time, one of the dozens of Jinyiwei masters who were stunned by Yang Lin's actions suddenly said loudly: "I am the official of the "Trust in the Word" test of hundreds of households. If there is no one among you who is higher in rank than me, then Heed my orders carefully!"

(End of this chapter)

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