Brocade legend

Chapter 397

Chapter 397
After the hundred households finished speaking, they paused for a while. Seeing that there was no one answering, he immediately pointed at the Jinyi guards and ordered, "You guys! Go to Yunnan immediately, and you must find Lord Lu and tell him what happened!"

The dozen or so people circled by his fingers immediately turned around and ran away!

"Don't leave!" Zhang Mo was in a hurry!
Hearing Zhang Mo's shout, these Jinyiwei masters believed in Yang Lin even more, and those who turned around and left ran faster.

And that Baihu also spoke even faster!

The hundred households continued to circle people, saying: "You guys! Go in all directions! Immediately after leaving Beijing, change your appearance and sneak away! Just wait for the outcome of this matter and spread the truth everywhere!"

These spies of Jinyiwei are the top existence of Jinyiwei, and they are the most well-trained.Hearing the order, without hesitation, he turned and left immediately!

"Looking for death!" Zhang Mo was shocked and rushed towards the hundred households!

In the field of this matter, there were only a dozen master spies of Jin Yiwei left.

The hundred households immediately stood in front of Yang Lin and said at the same time: "We will do our best to escort you out of Beijing!"

But Yang Lin pushed him away, pulled out the Xiuchun knife on his stomach, swung his blood, and took a move with Zhang Mo who was rushing!Then he said to the hundred households: "Get out! I'm going to die! Don't let me die in vain!"

After hearing this, the hundred households did not refute. They just said to the dozen or so guards in Jinyi: "Since your lord has ordered you to leave quickly! But you are not allowed to leave the capital for a hundred miles! You must disperse inside and outside the capital city, lest those who are going to Yunnan fail to respond. To Mr. Lu... When Mr. Lu returns to Beijing, you must tell Mr. Lu what happened as soon as possible!"

The dozen Jinyiwei immediately turned around and ran away!
at this time!With a strong wind, Zhu Liu's knife slashed at the hundreds of households, and said with a sneer, "Is it over? If you're done, go to hell!"

Baihu is not afraid, but unfortunately his skills are far behind Zhu Liu.

But after three or five moves, Zhu Liu stabbed him to death.

Before dying, the hundred households smiled wryly at Yang Lin who was kicked to the ground by Zhang Mo: "My lord, my villain, go ahead and wait for you to go on the road together!"

Those hundreds of households died tragically...

And Yang Lin was dying.

He was seriously injured, but he took more than a dozen moves from Zhang Mo before he was kicked over by Zhang Mo.

Zhang Mo was about to take Yang Lin's life, but was stopped by Zhu Liu.

Zhang Mo sneered, and said to Zhu Liu: "Isn't it enough for you to let go of those brocade clothes on purpose? Do you still want to spare him?"

Zhu Liu pushed Zhang Mo away, held the bloody Xiuchun knife, and said, "I just want to send him on the road with my own hands."

Yang Lin couldn't see clearly, and murmured: "Come on... come on... I'm waiting for you, I'm waiting to see you being sent on the road by my brother-in-law!"


On the second day after Yang Lin's death, Zhang Mo found Liu Biao again. This time Liu Biao was silent but did not resist.

Liu Biao just continued his work, but it was Zhu Liu instead of Yang Lin who ordered him.

But the one at the top is still the emperor.

Zhou Bin lived more reclusively, until half a month later, the emperor personally ordered Zhu Liu to invite him, and Zhou Bin became the governor of Beizhen Fusi as a matter of course.

On the other hand, Iron Head, since the second day after Yang Lin's death, he extinguished the perennial fire, and no longer made any weapons for Zhu Liu, Jin Yiwei, or Daming.

Also half a month later, the fire ignited again.

It's just that the craftsman who is leading the stove is no longer an iron head, but an official craftsman.

Tietou was arrested by Emperor Jiajing on the charge of resisting disobedience.

Tietou fell into the hands of Zhang Mo. In order to get the iron-making secrets that Tietou learned from his father and improved from Japanese techniques, Zhang Mo handed Tietou to Black and White Wuchang, demanding that Black and White Wuchang must dig out from Tietou's mouth. The Secret of Ironmaking.

Both Black and White Impermanence and Bull Head and Horse Face are in charge of the prisons of the White Lotus Sect, so they naturally have a deep understanding of interrogation techniques.Coupled with the rich experience and instruments of torture in the imperial prison, Tietou was tortured every day, and life was worse than death.

For the White Lotus Sect, it is really important to be able to forge weapons that are not bad for the court.


In the valley in Yunnan, it took Lu Bing two days to find out the terrain.

This valley is not big, but the cliff is so steep that it is impossible for non-experts to climb out.

Lu Bing couldn't help smiling wryly, the White Lotus Sect chose a good place.

This place doesn't need a mechanism at all, just block them in, and they can be trapped to death.

Three days later, Yasha calculated that Lu Bing and the others must have run out of food and grass, and immediately ordered the Bailian sect to attack...

In the valley, after urgent consultations, Lu Bing and others finally made a plan.

Lu Bing took Yang Sen and Huang Lian'er away from the cliffs of the back valley, and went out of the valley to rescue soldiers!

Lu Bing is highly skilled in martial arts, Yang Sen and Huang Lian'er are both good at lightness kung fu and physical skills, the three of them go out, the movements are relatively fast, and there are too many people, which will cause trouble.

Moreover, Lu Bing has a high position and weight, and it is more convenient and quicker to deploy troops.

Now the valley must be surrounded by spies, and in such a small valley, when climbing up the rock, even at night, it is inevitable that the White Lotus Sect army will not notice the anomaly.

If Yasha knew that Lu Bing and the others were going to run, he would definitely send someone to intercept him and attack the valley with all his strength.

Therefore, the three of Lu Bing must climb up as quickly as possible to avoid being pinched from top to bottom.

And Zhang Ju must resist the attack of the White Lotus Sect, so as to give Lu Bing and the others enough time to climb.

After the discussion was over, Lu Bing and the others took the remaining [-] or so Jinyi cavalry, and after struggling to defend the first day's attack, they were ready to climb the rock at three o'clock that night!

In today's offensive and defensive battle, the Jinyi Cavalry lost another 200 people.

Today's offensive is Yaksha's harassing strategy, at most it can be regarded as a tentative attack.Otherwise, the casualties of the Jinyi Cavalry Army will inevitably double.

Therefore, it is not certain whether they can make it through tomorrow. Lu Bing and the three must leave tonight.

The cliff was steep, and if it was too dark, the difficulty and danger for Lu Bing and the others to climb would be doubled.

But if it was daytime, they would be discovered by the White Lotus Sect immediately.

But tonight the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, but God is helping.

The three of Lu Bing put on black clothes and went up the cliff behind the valley!

The three of them held their breath and concentrated, being careful not to let any stones be rubbed off, so as to avoid any noise.

However, no matter how you avoid it, the bright moonlight and rustling noises still can't hide your whereabouts.

The three of them climbed less than five feet, when they heard the shouts and killing sounds from the White Lotus Sect camp outside the valley!
Then see the flames soaring into the sky!

The White Lotus Sect has discovered it!

The White Lotus Sect launched an attack on the valley!
Outside the mouth of the valley, it was like daylight against the backdrop of torches, and the sound of killing was deafening.From the cliff, one could clearly see that the disciples of the White Lotus Sect rushed forward, and Taniguchi was instantly splashed with blood...

With such power and influence, one can imagine how great pressure Zhang Ju and the remaining Eight Hundred Brocade Knights are under...


(End of this chapter)

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