Brocade legend

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

"My lord! There are not enough arrows!" A hundred householders reported to Zhang Juhui anxiously.

Zhang Ju didn't say anything.

Because, the lack of arrows was just as he expected.

After coming out for so long and fighting so many times, although I added some earthen bows and arrows from the Lisu people, it was a drop in the bucket.

Not enough arrows, that's normal.

"Collect all the arrows to Taniguchi." Zhang Ju ordered, "Bring my four-stone bow!"

A dozen or so top archers from General Zhang Ju gathered at Taniguchi and distributed all the arrows to them.

The rest of Jin Yiqi all drew their swords, ready to fight hand to hand!
The mouth of the valley is narrow, and Zhang Ju stands in the middle, holding a curved bow, which is quite unstoppable courage.

The rest of the archers were scattered up and down the valley, seeing how brave the leader was, they were not afraid.

"One hit is sure to hit the vital point!" Zhang Ju ordered: "Don't waste arrows!"

"Yes!" More than a dozen sharp archers shouted in unison!
"The rest, get ready to fight! Even if you try your best, give Lord Lu as much time as possible to leave!" Zhang Ju ordered again!

"Must die!"

Let the whole army drink!



When Lu Bing heard the familiar shouts, his heart tightened. He stopped climbing and looked back...

Looking from a distance, the Jinyi Knights stood like a dam at the mouth of the valley, blocking the strong tide of the White Lotus Sect.

Every time a big tide surges up, bloody waves will be stirred up.

Every time the tide recedes, it sweeps away a flesh and blood body!
However, the brocade knights are not afraid to dodge, and the people behind will not back down, they keep pressing, pressing!

Shouting in the mouth, shouting angrily!

Kill, kill, kill!

There are also a dozen or so archers, shooting arrows with all their strength, and they will surely hit the bow!

Lu Bing fell down when he saw the Bailian disciples one by one.

Lu Bing could even see that under the command of Yasha, there was an archer who was killed by a spear thrown by the White Lotus Sect. He was wearing a long spear, but he still stood tall.

And Zhang Ju was standing on a tall boulder at the mouth of the valley, condescending, calm and calm, and his arrows were never in vain!
But... the arrows are getting less and less, and the sharp archers are dying one by one...

And the rocks on the dam are also cracking one by one...

800 vs. 6000...

Can't last long...

Lu Bing turned his head and faced the rock wall, burying his face in the shadow.

He didn't want anyone, even heaven and earth, to see the sparkle in his eyes.

He said in a muffled voice, "Don't look, hurry up... hurry up..."

Just like Lu Bing, Huang Lian'er and Yang Sen, who were stunned, heard Lu Bing's words and kept their heads buried in the climb without saying a word, even a little rudely, and the gravel they stepped on slid down.

Climb, climb, climb!This is precious time bought with the lives of fellow comrades!

The sky is pale.

When Zhang Ju touched the arrow again, he found nothing.

He stood on the huge rock, turned his head subconsciously, and looked towards the cliff at the mouth of the valley.

Lu Bing was nowhere to be seen...

Zhang Ju smiled slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the eastern red light jumps, depicting Phnom Penh.

This brilliance was projected onto Zhang Ju's face, body... and corpses all over the floor...

Jin Yiqi, death is almost gone...

The White Lotus Sect has poured into the valley, but there are no Jinyiwei in the valley, not even corpses.

None of the Jin Yiwei retreated, and they all died at Taniguchi.

On the cliff, the figures of Lu Bing and the others also disappeared.

Yasha sent people to check, only to see a dozen corpses of Bailian believers who were ordered to intercept Lu Bing and the other three on the cliff.

Each of them has a different head...

Yasha shuddered when he heard the report... He understood how much anger was hidden in this ferocious method of killing...

In the end, it still failed...

The White Lotus Sect paid such a high price.

The holy land is gone, and the capital accumulated in Yunnan for decades has been consumed.

But it still failed to stop Lu Bing from walking out of this mountain forest in Yunnan...

When Lu Bing walks out of Yunnan, what kind of bloody storm will be set off in Daming?
His current anger is only to cut off the heads of a dozen people.

If he knew what was happening in Daming now, how many heads would he cut off?
We can only hope that in the capital, the Ksitigarbha's actions will go smoothly, and he can remove Lu Bing's helper and take control of Jinyiwei.

In this way, a tiger without teeth should not be so scary...

Yasha thought with luck.

As he thought, he came to the boulder.

Zhang Juzheng was sitting cross-legged, looking at Yasha with a smile on his face.

Even though Yasha was wearing a mask, Zhang Ju could still see the fear in Yasha's heart.

"Scared?" Zhang Ju asked.

At this moment, Zhang Ju seemed to be a veteran of that border town again.

However, the three strands of blood-stained beard knotted on his chest made Zhang Ju's majesty cultivated for so many years not retreat a little.

"...huh" Yasha finally responded with a cold snort, and then said: "What am I afraid of? If you know what is going on in the capital, you should be the one who is afraid."

"Why explain if you're not afraid? Embolden yourself?" Zhang Ju laughed loudly: "I can imagine what happened in the capital, and Mr. Lu probably expected seven points. You are too underestimating your prestige and background... ...As long as your lord enters the capital, your plan...will definitely come to nothing."

"Then don't let him enter Beijing!" Yasha said coldly.

Zhang Ju smiled, showing contempt.

"Hmph, it's not clear who will win, you'd better take care of yourself first!" Yasha snorted coldly again, and said, "Now you can't escape with your wings!"

Under the boulder, the disciples of the White Lotus Sect surrounded Zhang Ju tightly.

Zhang Ju sighed lightly, got up and grabbed the bow.

Those White Lotus disciples retreated one after another, and even Yasha couldn't help taking a step back, being careful.

Zhang Ju looked at the bow in his hand and sighed, "There are no more arrows."

"Stab him down!" Yasha ordered!

The Bailian disciples stabbed Zhang Ju on the stone with their spears.

Zhang Ju didn't panic at all, brandishing the steel knife, he chopped off the guns one by one.

Zhang Ju's calf was scratched by a spear, and blood spurted out.

Zhang Ju knelt on one knee, and suddenly grabbed a severed spear head.

The tip of the spear was two feet long, Zhang Ju blocked the string and opened his bow, and shot at Yasha!
This arrow really surprised Yasha.

The distance between Yasha and Zhang Ju was only a little more than ten feet, Yasha had time to turn around slightly, and the gun head passed through his shoulder!

Seeing this situation, the timid Bailian disciples hesitated to step forward.

Zhang Ju let out a loud shout, and jumped down on his own initiative, falling straight towards Yasha.

Yasha was caught off guard for a moment, was seriously injured, and was unable to fight back, so he could only retreat desperately.

But behind him were densely packed White Lotus disciples, and it was difficult for Yasha to dodge. Seeing the sharp blade approaching at an extreme speed, he felt terrified and shouted: "Stop him! Stop him!"

(End of this chapter)

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