Brocade legend

Chapter 399

Chapter 399
Facing the forest of swords and guns, Zhang Ju was not afraid at all, only staring at Yasha!

He didn't seem to notice that a spear penetrated his body!
Zhang Ju finally approached Yasha and cut him down!

The ghost mask on Yasha's face was split in two, revealing his pale and ordinary face.

Yasha's horrified expression was concentrated, and the blood line from the top of his head to his chin became heavier and deeper...

Zhang Ju looked at this scene and smiled slightly.

die without regret...

Several long spears pierced Zhang Ju, but still did not fall.

None of the living White Lotus believers dared to step forward.

It wasn't until Zhang Ju's body stiffened and the blood ran out that someone stepped forward timidly and chopped off Zhang Ju's head...

Until the head fell to the ground, Zhang Ju still had a satisfied expression.

This life is enough!

Ever since Zhu Liu came to power Jinyiwei, Jinyiwei's vitality has been severely injured, and he has been divorced from morality, and he has no longer the splendor of the past.

Emperor Jiajing also took back all the powers of the Ming Dynasty one by one, and he alone controlled the universe.

At this time, all the courtiers, including Yan Song, felt that the pressure from the emperor was getting heavier and heavier.The power of life and death is determined by Emperor Jiajing.Above the court hall, it seemed that it had become the hall of speech of Emperor Jiajing.

On the first day of the first month of the 38th year of Jiajing, Wei Yuanji and others in the case of Charlie Bian depositor Ke Yougai, impeached all the ministers for invading and dereliction of duty.

Emperor Jiajing issued a decree: "In recent years, there have been too many grain distributions in the border area, and the officials in charge of grain have arbitrarily embezzled money, resulting in a loss of money and grain. Gao Guang, the former clerk of the grain, and Liu Chongwen, the chief, were both dismissed and arrested in Beijing for questioning; the former governor of Jizhou, Qiandu The censor Ma Jiude and the governor of Baoding, the deputy capital censor Ai Xichun, were dismissed from their posts; Wang Ji, Li Qiao, Zhang Bangyan, Qiu Wei, Ji Sui, Ji Lian, Li Yu, Zhang Feng, Hu Zhihe, and Liu Lusheng were each demoted to the second rank; Yi Jiefu, Zhang Zishun, and Yang Yinxian, the deputy envoys of Jizhou military preparations, each took the third rank moon."

On February 38, the [-]th year of Jiajing, under the instruction of Emperor Jiajing, the Ministry of Households reconsidered and agreed to the governor of Nanjing Grain Storage and the right servant of the Ministry of Households, Huang Mao, to make an official statement on money and grain: "[-]. All guards, troops, and horses are responsible for grain supplies. If there is any Those who flee, have accidents, or lose money should be deducted and repaid. They are not allowed to continue to withdraw, and they are deceived by long-term traitors. [-]. The monthly rations of military craftsmen will be deducted for one day in the case of a small month, and no one will be deducted for five years. It is illegal to invade and hide. [-]. The rations of the four armies including Chang’an will still be distributed by the supervisors and herdsmen who visit the warehouse every half a month. Officials are not allowed to collect food and rations. From now on, no other items can be borrowed for the yearly expenses and other expenses. The states, counties, and health offices have embezzled and owed tax, grain, and grain and other silver over the years.

In central Beijing, there is no longer any way to contend with Emperor Jiajing, but the battle in the southeast has intensified.

The Japanese pirates occupied Kemeida, Zhoushan, Zhejiang for one year.However, Hu Zongxian, the governor of Zhejiang Province, was afraid of the war, and he never ordered his generals to attack. As a result, the Japanese pirates were able to leave Zhoushan and sail south to the coast of Fujian to plunder.So Li Hu, the imperial censor, impeached Hu Zongxian for the three major crimes of not fighting the Japanese.

Both Li Hu and Yu Dayou were from Fujian, and Hu Zongxian suspected that it was Yu Dayou who provided information to Li Hu.

In order to get rid of his own crime of arranging Japanese, Hu Zongxian used offense as defense, and blamed others. Shangshu framed the general soldier Yu Dayou as ineffective in attacking the remnants of Japanese in Kemei.

Emperor Jiajing listened and believed, and ordered Yu Dayou to be arrested.

On March 38, the 22th year of Jiajing, Yu Dayou was arrested and sent to Beijing, where he was sentenced to prison.

Since the first day of April in the 38th year of Jiajing, Japanese pirates dispatched hundreds of warships to plunder Jiangbei.Later, it was attacked by the Ming army, first defeated in Sanhe, then defeated in Rugao, and then retreated to occupy Miaowan.

On May 23 of the same year, Liu Jingshao, the deputy envoy of the Ming army, and Li Sui, the governor, gathered both land and water armies to attack Miaowan. The Japanese pirates fled into the boat, and the Ming army chased them to Xiazigang. Fight, ride the wind and go abroad.As a result, the Japanese plague in Jiangbei gradually subsided.

Fujian Japanese pirates besieged Fuzhou for a month and went to Yongfu County, fled to Wenzhou, and plundered Pingyang, Taishun and other counties.

Hundreds of Japanese pirates plundered Jiangbei, committed Tongtong, Rugao, Haimen and other places, were defeated by Ming soldiers, retreated to Miaowan, fled to the sea, and fled to Haimen and other places. Wait for annihilation.The anti-Japanese martyrs recruited in Suzhou were severely restrained by the governor Weng Dali, so they mutinied into Taihu Lake.

Taihu Water Village, add another bandit.

It has been a year since Wang Zhi was imprisoned in the Zhejiang Provincial Prison, but no one dared to kill him.

On the one hand, his adopted son Wang Fu is still stationed in Zhoushan, and the pirates loyal to Wang Zhi are still coming to Daming, trying to rescue Wang Zhi.

On the other hand, it is still unknown whether Lu Bing is alive or dead.

The latest news is that Lu Bing has already left Yunnan.

However, no one found his trace along the way.Whether he can return to Beijing in the end is unclear.

Of the more than 5000 people who went to Yunnan, in the end, only Lu Bing, Yang Sen, and Huang Lian'er set foot on the return journey.

Everyone is worried, will he set foot in the capital again?

The hot summer is over, and the golden autumn is just around the corner.

Yang Lin has been dead for several months, and everything seems to be on the right track.

On this day, Zhang Mo came in a hurry, saw Zhu Liu, and whispered nervously: "Someone saw...he came back...."

Zhu Liu stood up abruptly, was in a daze for a long time, and shouted suddenly: "Find him!"

The atmosphere in Beijing suddenly became tense...

Emperor Jiajing issued several secret orders in a row, and the Lu and Yang residences, which were originally only under surveillance, were put under strict surveillance.More people are patrolling every corner of the capital.

It's just because a spy saw that a person suspected of being Lu Bing had appeared near Lu's residence, and it disappeared in a flash.

He is back……

This news spread secretly in Beijing, some families were happy and some were sad.


"Thank you, Brother Guo." Lu Bing clasped his fists at the person in front of him.

"Lord Lu, you're being polite." The man hurriedly returned the salute and said humbly.

The person who quietly took Lu Bing to the capital was none other than Guo Ming, the military commander of Xicheng.

At this moment, Huang Lian'er walked in and gave Lu Bing a helpless look.

"Is he still making trouble?" Lu Bing asked.

"..." Huang Lian'er sighed and said, "Stop making trouble, but it can be seen that he has not given up."

Guo Ming also couldn't help sighing: "Master Yang... died so badly, it's no wonder Mr. Yang..."

After getting the news that Yang Lin died at Zhu Liu's hands, Yang Sen must go to Zhu Liu to ask for clarification, but was stopped by Lu Bing.

The three of them, after leaving Yunnan, wanted to dispatch troops to kill them back to avenge Zhang Ju and others.

But they learned from Jin Yiwei who was loyal to them that someone was secretly looking for them.

Lu Bing and others didn't dare to say anything, and when they returned to the valley, they found that there were no survivors.

Lu Bing and the others twisted the soil for incense, and after seven days of continuous worship, they decided to sneak back to Beijing.

In the vast mountains, all loyal bones are buried...


(End of this chapter)

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