lady of the family

Chapter 104 Sulking

Chapter 104 Sulking (4)
"Why did your child turn his elbows to the outside? Isn't it because of you that Mother took such a big risk? It's good for you. Instead of worrying about Mother when something happened, you just said these sarcastic remarks."

The second lady really hates iron but steel, other people's daughters are desperate for their own family, why doesn't this daughter of hers kiss her at all?If she hadn't given birth to a child, she would have been sober all the time, and she was sure that the child was absolutely right, and she would have wondered if she had been dropped.

Jin Shixuan knew her mother thoroughly, so how could she not know what her mother wanted to do when she came to see her now.So before the second lady could speak, she broke her hope first.

"Mother, don't expect me to go to my sister-in-law to intercede for you. Although I have a good relationship with my sister-in-law, this matter has to be done in a business-like manner and cannot be favoritism. Besides, all the wives in the house have checked, so it is impossible not to check you Yes. So don't have any illusions about this matter, go to your uncle to get the money back, and return it. Well, I'm tired and I need to rest, so hurry up."

"Look at you, aren't you trying to force your mother into a dead end? I saved all the money for you. When you get married in the future, how much dowry do you think the family can give you? I still save it for you." But this time, you pushed it cleanly, as if I asked for it all."

"Come on, I don't know you yet. You fell into the eyes of money. Even if it's for me, you can't take any money." Jin Shixuan really couldn't stand her mother's influence, and everything was about money. Not at all affectionate.

She felt that her mother smelled of copper all over her body, and there was nothing else in her world except money.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect you to be of any help. Really, how could I give birth to such a heartless daughter like you? I'm really mad at me."

The second lady's words were blocked by Jin Shixuan, feeling very uncomfortable.But after all, this is her own daughter, she can't beat and scold like others, so she can only bear it by herself.

Thinking that Ye Wanxin would come to trouble her tomorrow, she was upset and didn't know what to do.

Wanxin and Jin Shixiu tossed about in bed for an hour or two, and finally got up because they were so hungry.Because they have been busy, Xiao Lian didn't ask them what they want to eat for dinner, so they haven't prepared yet.

Jin Shixiu was too lazy to bother, and went out to eat out with Wanxin.He also knew that Wanxin hadn't gone out for a long time, so he happened to take her out to get some air.

The couple wanted to be alone, so they didn't ask Amu to follow.Amu also happened to sneak in to find Jin Shixuan, and he really thought that Jin Shixuan was asking him for help.

Jin Shixiu took Wanxin to a small restaurant. Although it didn't look like a grand and high-end restaurant from the outside, the food in this restaurant was delicious.

After ordering five or six small dishes, Jin Shixiu kept adding dishes to Wanxin, asking her to eat more.But even though Wanxin was eating the food outside, what she was thinking about was the small dishes that Jin Shixiu cooked for her last time.The taste, once eaten, seems to be unforgettable.

"Why don't you eat it? Isn't it delicious?" Jin Shixiu asked worriedly seeing her not moving her chopsticks for a long time.

Wanxin shook her head lightly, and didn't say anything about it, "It's delicious, I just thought that Xueman must not have eaten yet. Anyway, her father and sister are gone, let's ask her to come out and eat together."

Of course Jin Shixiu didn't want to, he just wanted to have a quiet meal outside with Wanxin, so he didn't even let Amu follow.She is fine, so incomprehensible.

However, Wanxin didn't seem to be seeking his opinion, because she had already got up to call Rao Xueman.The inn where Rao Xueman lived is not far from here, just a few steps away.When Rao Xueman was sitting at the dinner table, Jin Shixiu was still depressed.

This woman is really, she came out with great difficulty, and originally planned to take her to the beach after dinner, but now she is fine, and even called a light bulb.

Rao Xueman doesn't care if Jin Shixiu is happy or not, she hasn't eaten a meal today, and she is already starving.Jin Shixiu sent someone to notify her earlier, and she also knew that someone from home was looking for her, so she refused to go out all the time.Now that he finally saw something to eat, without waiting for Wanxin to tell her to move her chopsticks, she started to gobble it up.

After she was full, there was not much food left on the table.Jin Shixiu stared at the messy food, lost his appetite at all, and put down his chopsticks before he was full.

"By the way, Sister Wanxin, why did my father and sister leave so soon? I thought they would stay in Yunshan town for a few days. You don't know, my father is the kind who doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back If he can't find me, he will never go back. This time is really weird."

Seeing Rao Xueman's puzzled look, Wanxin just shook her head blankly, she really didn't know what was going on.When I met Rao Xueqin in the morning, she really wanted to stay longer by looking at her, but I didn't expect to leave in the afternoon.

"Be driven away by me."

Jin Shixiu didn't intend to hide it either, if only Rao Xueman asked, he would definitely not have said it, but he also looked like Wanxin wanted to know the reason, so he opened his mouth.

"You drove away?"

Wanxin asked incredulously, she really couldn't figure it out.Well done, why did he drive people away?

"Not pleasing to the eye?" Wanxin looked at him a little bit dumbfounded, she really didn't know what to say.

Well, in fact, she also finds that Rao Xueqin not pleasing to the eye, but Jin Shixiu is too direct, so offending people.

Rao Xueman wasn't too surprised, but said appreciatively: "I should have left earlier, you drove them away, so I can rest assured. I really don't know why my eldest sister is joining in the fun, doesn't she hate me very much, what are you doing?" Why do you want to follow Dad to find me? It's really funny, I must have no good intentions."

The relationship between the two sisters is not good. Rao Xueqin is arrogant and domineering, often pointing fingers in front of the younger sisters, so none of the sisters in the family like her.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. But Xueman, what are your plans for the future? It's impossible not to go home for the rest of your life, right?" Wanxin didn't ask about Rao Xueqin anymore, it was because she thought A little unhappy.

She always felt that there should be something in the past between Rao Xueqin and Jin Shixiu, otherwise why would Rao Xueqin be reluctant to part with him?Besides, Jin Shixiu had been in England before and never came back, how did he meet Rao Xueqin?
These are all questions, but Wanxin doesn't like to ask too many questions, and these things can be regarded as being pressed in the bottom of her heart again.

"Let's talk about it at that time, and go back and have a look when this matter calms down." Rao Xueman is also quite confused now, and really doesn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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