lady of the family

Chapter 105 Sulking

Chapter 105 Sulking (5)
"Ouyang Chen also ran away, did you know about this?" Jin Shixiu said suddenly, with a trace of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, as if he wanted to see the joke between the two.

Rao Xueman gave him a blank look, and said dissatisfied: "Jin Shixiu, do you think it's fun to watch other people's jokes? Can you have a conscience? Ouyang Chen is your brother anyway, and you and I are childhood sweethearts, right? It's a kind of fate that we can meet in a place as far away as England, you can't be so unkind."

"Xueman, your sister has also been to England?"

Wanxin asked the question in a timely manner, she was still thinking about this question before.

"No, I went abroad just to avoid her. That's enough, I'm full, so I won't disturb your young couple's intimacy." Rao Xueman is not the kind of person who has no eyesight, the moment she came in At the beginning, Jin Shixiu had a stinky face, as if she didn't pay him back how much money she owed him.

But she was hungry at that time, so she didn't care so much with him.It'll be filling, and she's tactful enough to never stay when it's time to go.

On the other hand, Wan Xin blushed and said shyly, "You are not ashamed if you are affectionate or not."

"Hehe, left and right are the same thing anyway, so don't be embarrassed. Forget it, let's go, or someone will probably throw me out."

Being teased by Rao Xueman, Wanxin felt a little embarrassed. When she saw Jin Shixiu, she couldn't help complaining, "It's rare for Xueman to come to our place. Your behavior just now was a bit too much."

"It's polite not to throw her out. Well, let's go when we're full. Let's go to the beach."

The light bulb left, Jin Shixiu stopped keeping a straight face, and walked out holding Wanxin's hand with a smile.

This is the first time they have known each other for a walk together so intimately, and they have thought about getting along with each other for so long, and every bit is engraved in his heart.

I remember the first time we met, it should be the night when he came back, when the car lights hit her, although he couldn't see her face clearly, he saw her straight back, her stubbornness that refused to admit defeat.The second time they met was in the back mountain. She drove away poisonous snakes for him and took drugs for him.He thought it was funny when he thought of how she pretended to be calm and took drugs for him when she was clearly terrified to death.

"Why are you laughing foolishly by yourself?" Wanxin walked beside him sullenly, and saw him giggling without saying a word, quite depressed.


Two words, people laugh when they are happy, those words are very domineering.

Wanxin rolled her eyes at him, she was too lazy to talk to him, "Now that Ouyang Chen has escaped marriage and disappeared, what will I do in the future?"

Wanxin spread her hands and said helplessly, she has been able to use her strength slowly recently, and she even took needles secretly.It's just that it's still a little trembling, and I can't hold it steady.Her biggest wish now is that her hands will get better soon. Every time she sees those exquisite embroidery pictures, her hands are itchy, and she really wants to pick up a needle and thread to embroider two stitches.

"Don't worry, he won't run far, maybe he will come to us just like Rao Xueman. Although he looks like a fool and easy to get along with, he is actually like me and doesn't like dealing with strangers. Speaking of which, I'm also his only friend, and he won't go to anyone else."

This point, Jin Shixiu is very confident, because he knows Ouyang Chen too well, so he dares to say so sure.


Wanxin responded softly, she thought, this is the friendship between men.Men are different from women. Women are fickle. Even the best sisters and friends may become enemies because of a small thing.But men are different. Men's hearts are wider than women's. Sometimes they regard friendship as more important than love.Therefore, once a man recognizes someone as his brother, he is a lifelong friend.

Isn't there a saying that you can go both ways for a friend, but in Wanxin's view, this sentence is actually mostly used on men.

The two held hands and walked on the beach.Jin Shixiu took off his coat and put it on Wanxin's body, that gentle movement looked so beautiful.On the sea level, the moonlight shone down, and there were dots of starlight, illuminating the figures of the two of them. The dots of light seemed to be like a layer of halo, covering them in their own world.

Here, Amu hesitated for a long time, but still went to find Jin Shixuan.It's just that he's a man, and it's night again, so it's obviously not that easy to get in.It's not that the gatekeeper doesn't know Amu, after asking him why he came, he went in to report.

However, before the gatekeeper reached Jin Shixuan's room, he was stopped by the second lady.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? Who's here?"

When the gatekeeper in his yard comes in, he must pass it on.But the second lady didn't seem to be looking for her when he looked like that, so she was more careful.

"Reporting to the Second Madam, it's Amu who is next to the Young Master, and he said he wants to see the Second Miss."

"Amu?" The second lady thought of Amu in her mind, then snorted coldly, and said sarcastically: "So it's a dog leg, what does a big man come to see Shixuan at night? You go back and tell him that the second lady has already passed away." Go to sleep and let him go back."


The gatekeeper had just taken two steps when the second lady suddenly changed her mind, "Wait a minute. I'll go in person."

The second wife is a snobbish eye, and this Amu is just an errand runner next to Jin Shixiu, and he can be regarded as a servant of the Jin family.What can he do to find Jin Shixuan if he has nothing to do?Although she wasn't sure if that was the case, she wanted to nip Amu's hope in the bud.

Amu stood at the door and waited. This was the first time he came to Jin Shixuan on his own initiative.With apprehension in my heart, I thought about what to say later.

Just when he was still a little worried, two people came out of the door.Looking over expectantly, what he saw was the second lady.

Amu instantly recovered his usual indifferent expression, and saluted the second lady, "Second lady."

"I heard that you came to see Second Miss? Is there something wrong?"

The second lady was looking at Amu purely with her nostrils, with deep disdain in her eyes.

"The young mistress asked me to tell the second lady that she would come over tomorrow." Amu had to make up a reason, because he knew that if he didn't say that, the second lady would definitely say even worse things. .

"Now that the words have been brought, you can leave too. I will tell Shixuan." The second lady snorted coldly, a little bit disbelieving what Amu said.

"Then please take the message with you, Second Madam, I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave, but the second lady stopped him, "You are a man, our Shixuan is still a woman who has not left the court, so don't come to her in the future if you have nothing to do, so as not to be gossiped. If Wanxin really has something to ask For Shixuan, ask her to call a girl, I don't want to see you come to see us Shixuan again, do you hear me?"

(End of this chapter)

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