lady of the family

Chapter 120 Remediation of Xiaotao

Chapter 120 Remediation of Xiaotao (1)
After speaking, he took a step and walked inside.

The three of them were sitting in Rao Xueman's room, their eyes met, but it wasn't any warmth, but the flashing hostility.

Wanxin sat next to Rao Xueman as if nothing had happened, and defended herself with a well-intentioned look: "I think it's up to the two of you to clarify this matter. It's quiet for the two of you to leave , saves trouble, but it also left behind countless messes. Anyway, if you don’t run away, you will run away now. Since you are so destined and even chose the destination of escape marriage so tacitly, then discuss how to solve this matter. Well, Xueman probably hasn't eaten yet, I'll go down and buy you something to eat."

Completely ignoring Ouyang Chen's eyes that were about to eat her up, Wanxin walked out of the room slowly as if nothing happened.But still couldn't help laughing, in fact, this was not a prank, it was just that Wanxin wanted to create an opportunity for the two of them.

Smiling lightly, he turned around and prepared to go out for a stroll, so that the two of them could have a good talk.Who knew that as soon as he turned around, he ran into a wall, no, it was a wall of flesh.

So although the touch was very strong, Wanxin didn't feel any pain at all.Staring wide-eyed, looking at someone who appeared here, he opened his mouth wide in astonishment, unable to utter a word.

Jin Shixiu pursed his lips and looked at her, with a trace of teasing in his eyes, "Did you touch it? Why don't you walk with your eyes on? If it's not me, but a wall, what should I do?"

"If it's really a wall, I wouldn't stay here." Wanxin defended in a low voice, feeling really depressed, does he have clairvoyance?Why did you come here?
"Yes, that's right." Jin Shixiu nodded pretendingly, stretched out his hand to rub her forehead, and asked in a low voice, "Is the response satisfactory?"


Wanxin didn't know that he would ask such a question suddenly, she couldn't help pouting, it seemed that she couldn't hide anything from him.

However, since he saw through the small thoughts, she also generously admitted, and nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad, the reaction was quite intense."

"That's good, otherwise I'll find another chance to scare them and make you happy."

"Uh..." Wanxin was completely confused, well, in fact, Jin Shixiu is also a black-bellied master, but she has ignored this for so long.

Jin Shixiu saw that she was dull and silent, poked her on the forehead, and said dotingly: "If they are not happy, I still have a way to punish them, do you want to try?"


Wanxin was speechless, but her heart was full of emotion.She knew that Jin Shixiu was trying to make her happy.What happened to Wang Mei'e made her feel depressed every day, and she was not in a good mood.It is estimated that he has been a little worried these days, but he has not said it out.

"Forget it, because they have escaped so hard, let them slow down first. Now that they are all out, let's go out for a stroll."

Wanxin took his hand actively, with a sweet smile on her face.Now in front of Jin Shixiu, she no longer suppresses herself.Let the emotions in your heart overflow and burst out.

Seeing Wanxin smiling so happily, Jin Shixiu smiled.Either way, as long as she's happy.As for the people who have been abused, it can only be said that it is their blessing to let them come to make his beloved wife happy.

Amu has been standing behind them all the time, seeing that Wanxin is finally willing to accept the young master, she is also happy for them.He knows better than anyone how hard and hard it is for Jin Shixiu to love.Silently guarding behind the young mistress, she carried everything down.Just to keep her from getting hurt a little bit.In order not to make her sad, the young master even saved Bai Shaoqiu, who else could love young mistress more than him?

Seeing that the lovers finally got married, Amu couldn't help showing a little bit of envy.Jin Shixuan's hearty smile appeared in front of his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily.

However, that smile only appeared for a moment, and was quickly covered up by the thick bitterness.Because he knew that there would never be a possibility between him and Jin Shixuan.After the second lady said those words that day, he had already decided to completely seal up that feeling.Since there is no future, don't have any extravagant hopes.Hidden in my heart, when people are alone in the dead of night, take it out for aftertaste, and just lick the wound alone.

Jin Shixiu and Wanxin rarely go out to go shopping, especially Wanxin.Although I grew up in Yunshan Town since I was a child, there are very few opportunities to go out for a walk.Wanxin is in a good mood now, she rarely shows such a hearty smile.

Seeing her like this, Jin Shixiu also laughed.It seemed that this was the first time he saw her smiling so brightly. At this moment, she was like an innocent girl, looking at the world with a pure heart.

"Boss, how much is this watch?" Wanxin chose for a long time, but she didn't buy something for herself, but chose a watch for Jin Shixiu.

"This lady has a good eye. This watch is American and very popular. It costs 20 yuan."

"20 yuan?" Wanxin was shy with her purse, and didn't bring that much money when she went out.She bought it for Jin Shixiu, so she can't be asked to pay for it.

While she was still hesitating, Jin Shixiu had already paid.He didn't care about money or not, he only thought that this watch was chosen by Wanxin for him, so he couldn't help but get a little excited.

"I haven't said I want to buy it yet."

Seeing him paying, Wanxin knew she couldn't stop her, so she could only murmur feebly.However, he still held the watch in his hand and was reluctant to put it down.

"Since you bought it for me, shouldn't you give it to me?" Jin Shixiu looked at the watch in Wanxin's hand and said with a smile.

Wanxin couldn't help but rolled her eyes, did she say that she bought it for him?Is his face too thick?But for the sake of his payment, she should give it.

But I still have something to say before I give it to you, "You wear this watch with you to tell you the time. Do you know when you wake up in the morning and when you eat three meals a day?"

When Jin Shixiu heard these words, the corners of his mouth were raised high, and he almost covered his mouth and laughed.Wanxin is caring about him.Knowing that he gets up so early every day, knowing that he doesn't eat on time at any time, so buying a watch reminds him all the time, right?
"Okay, with your watch on me, I guarantee that everything will be absolutely punctual, and you won't worry about it." Holding Wanxin's hand in both hands, she snatched the pocket watch and put it carefully on the in a suit pocket.

"When did I say that I was worried about you, but I just saw that this watch is not bad, so I thought about buying it."

Wan Xin said with some embarrassment, her cheeks were flushed.She is a shy woman who is not used to expressing her feelings in front of outsiders.So there will inevitably be some embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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