lady of the family

Chapter 121 Remediation of Xiaotao

Chapter 121 Remediation of Xiaotao (2)
"Anyway, you bought this watch for me, so you can't afford it."

It's not that Jin Shixiu doesn't know that Wanxin is shy, anyway, he has a thick skin, so he doesn't care.

"I don't care about you anymore."

It's not that Wanxin doesn't know that Jin Shixiu has a thick skin, anyway, she can't speak up to him, so she simply doesn't talk about it.He turned around and walked out first, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and there was an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

Jin Shixiu shook his head with a smile, wondering when he could let her go completely.It's normal for husband and wife to fight and fight. Seeing her awkward appearance, she is not cute at all.

Here the husband and wife are affectionate and affectionate, while Rao Xueman and Ouyang Chen are indifferent to each other.Neither of them thought that they would run away from marriage at the same time, and they both ran to Yunshan Town.

"What are your plans now?" After a long silence, Rao Xueman finally broke the silence first, looked up at Ouyang Chen and asked.

"What can I think about? If I don't run away, I will run away now. I can only walk for one day. The most important thing now is not to let the family find us, otherwise we will die after returning."

What Ouyang Chen hates the most is going back to that cold home. Although Ouyang's family is rich, he doesn't care at all.His biological mother died when he was born, and his father happened to be a romantic man, and his family married eight concubines.Every day a lot of women chatter, and he gets annoyed just watching it.Moreover, his father was dissatisfied with him a lot, and every time he returned home, the father and son would definitely end up in a quarrel.

Therefore, it is a kind of luck to be able to escape from that indifferent home now.


He looked at Rao Xueman, saw her decadent look, and knew that she was also quite worried about leaving home.She is a rich young lady, who has suffered so much before.Now a person ran to this unfamiliar place, lived in this dilapidated small inn, couldn't eat well and sleep well, definitely couldn't bear it for a long time.

So, Ouyang Chen sighed and said: "You don't want to live here anymore. I saw a medical center in the town that is short of manpower. If you want, you can come and help."

Rao Xueman was worrying about where he was going.She was in a hurry when she left, and she didn't bring much money with her. She spent a lot of time traveling all the way, and there was not much money left on her body.Seeing that it was going to be the end of the road, now that Ouyang Chen took the initiative to offer a helping hand, she would naturally not refuse.

"Well, that's all I want. Let's go now."

Rao Xueman's temper comes and goes quickly, and after he figured it out, he'll be fine.Just do what you say, stand up and start packing your luggage, then shrug your shoulders, carry your luggage and walk outside.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and go."

Where did Ouyang Chen think that she really didn't see anything, he was just a suggestion, but she really did.What is this now?
Both of them originally escaped from marriage. What is escape from marriage? It is because they both dislike each other and don't want to be a husband and wife, so they escaped.Fortunately, they escaped marriage and fled together. What kind of escape from marriage is this? It's a bit like elopement.

After Rao Xueman packed his things, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let's go."

It was really unpredictable that these two people who were originally going to escape from marriage would actually come together.Even Ouyang Chen felt that this was simply inexplicable.

Ye house.

Today's Ye's house is like an abandoned house, there is no one in it.Because Ye Rongguang and others were kicked out by Wanxin, the original servants were also dismissed.Only Ye Rongguang was left alone, guarding the gate every day.

Although she guards the gate, Wanxin still gets paid every month.One ocean's monthly money should be quite a lot. Although it is not enough for the family to live on, it can also reduce the burden a little.

Now Ye Wanyue also went out to find a job, ironing embroidered cloth in an embroidery workshop.Ye Wanru used to wash embroidered cloth for others, but she was pampered since she was a child, so she couldn't do that kind of rough work well.Some time ago, I went to the steamed stuffed bun shop to wash dishes, but because of Wanxin, I didn’t do it again, and now I’m at home.

The eldest lady is not in good health, so she does housework at home and so on.The second wife and Ye Wanyue embroidered some simple patterns in an embroidery studio.The former madam has now become a commoner at the lowest level. This kind of life gap makes them a little bit unbearable.Even though it's been so long, I still can't get used to it.

In the evening, the eldest lady cooked a meal and asked everyone to eat.Seeing the porridge with wild vegetables on the dining table, Ye Rongguang just sighed.Ye Wanyue looked at the meals and suddenly lost her appetite.

"I'm not hungry." After leaving this sentence, he went back to the room, not planning to eat those things.

The second lady and Ye Wanru were fine, they started eating with a bowl in hand, and when serving the rice just now, they put all the white rice in the pot into their own bowl.

Since the eldest lady didn't make any money, she couldn't say a word in this family. She watched helplessly as there was only rice soup left in the pot, but she didn't dare to speak.

Ye Rongguang is now a bad old man with gray hair and several years of age.The last time he was beaten up by Jin Shixiu, his body was not as good as before.In addition, his hands were crippled, and he was shaking non-stop while holding the chopsticks.

The eldest lady watched him trembling and shaking when he picked up vegetables, unable to pick up even a green vegetable, and felt a pang of sadness in her heart.Seeing this, she hurriedly picked some vegetables for him and put them in a bowl, and said distressedly: "Master, do you have to guard the gate? Is Ye Wanxin really so cruel?"

It seemed that the family hadn't mentioned Ye Wanxin for a long time, but when Da Furen mentioned it suddenly, everyone's faces were filled with anger.

With a bitter face, Ye Rongguang put down the bowls and chopsticks, and said with a sigh: "We are lucky to be able to live well now. Ye Wanxin deliberately wants to take revenge on me. As long as I still have breath, I must go and defend myself." This door."

"Hmph, no matter what, we have raised her for 20 years. Don't you need money for these 20 years of food and clothing? This wolf-hearted woman, look at how she treats us. Beat the master half to death, or I lost my hands. Ye’s house is so big, she would rather leave the grass empty than let us live in it. She wants to drive us to death on purpose, so she’s happy.”

The second lady endured it for so long, and finally she couldn't bear it anymore, she threw the chopsticks and roared angrily.

Ye Wanru held a bowl and silently grilled rice, seemingly indifferent to what her parents said.In fact, the hatred in her heart is stronger than anyone else.It's just that she knows that she doesn't have the ability to fight Ye Wanxin now, and for them now, Ye Wanxin can kill them with just a flick of a finger.

She was waiting, waiting for a chance to win with one blow.

"Okay, let's talk about what she's doing so well that I don't even have the appetite to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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