lady of the family

Chapter 122 Remediation of Xiaotao

Chapter 122 Remediation of Xiaotao (3)
Ye Rongguang said dissatisfiedly, he was unwilling, but what could he do?The current Jin family is the absolute boss in Yunshan Town, and no one can afford it.He couldn't fight when he was in charge of the Ye family before, but now that he is in such a state of desperation, what can he do to them?
Speaking of it, this incident can be regarded as karma, at the beginning he took Wanxin's father's life-saving money and occupied the property of the Ye family, but today he just returned all of it.

The whole family was not in the mood to eat, and now that Ye Wanxin, whom they hated, was mentioned, no one was in the mood to eat.The whole family put down their bowls and chopsticks with a sad face.

Ye Wanyue was extremely unbalanced when she heard her family's words in the room.During this time, she tried to talk as little as possible, and didn't want to mention anything about the Bai family.In fact, she was not sure if Bai Shaoqiu was really dead, those corpses were burnt beyond recognition, no one could recognize them.

She really hoped to die, so that she would not be unlucky in the future.But she is also confident that no one will know about the arson that day.But that Ye Wanxin, now is the time to deal with her.

golden house.

Wanxin sent someone to search Xiaotao's room. She remembered that when she went to Yunji Pharmacy that day, the shop owner asked her to take a message to Xiaotao, saying that the prescription she wanted was ready.Wanxin was very curious at the time, Xiaotao was in good health, what kind of prescription did she go to the pharmacy in private to find.

Soon, those who went to search returned.Xiao Lian held a medicine bag in her hand and handed it to her, "This was found in Xiao Tao's room."

When Xiaolian went there just now, Wanxin specifically asked her to see if there were any medicinal materials in the room.That's why Xiaolian took this thing directly into her hands.

Opening the medicine bag, Wan Xin carefully identified the medicinal materials inside, the more she looked down, the more she frowned.

This herbal medicine is actually acacia medicine taken by men and women in the same room!

Xiao Tao is still a young girl who has not left the court, what is she buying this medicine for?This house is full of women, and she is the only one who can use it.

When Wanxin frowned and thought of herself, she suddenly became cheerful and understood everything in an instant.

"Xiao Lian, take this and go find Xiao Tao."

"Yes, young lady."

Xiao Tao was locked in the firewood room, and no one came to pay attention to her all day.Xiao Lian's attitude was very bad, and she only threw two steamed buns for her to eat, without even drooling.Xiao Tao was a high-minded person, so she hated to die for being treated like this by Xiao Lian, who was also a servant.

It's not that she doesn't know why Wanxin locked her up, it's just that she wants her to confess everything the Da Furen did before.But she is determined not to say anything, she is still counting on the eldest lady to climb up, she will not betray the eldest lady no matter what.

While thinking about it, the door of the firewood room opened.She looked up and saw that Wanxin had finally arrived.

Wan Xin walked in, glanced at Xiao Tao, and said to Xiao Lian behind her, "Xiao Lian, go outside and wait."

"Yes, young lady."

After the door was closed, Wanxin looked at Xiaotao and asked gently: "Do you know why I locked you up?"

"Hmph." Xiaotao snorted coldly and said, "Don't try to get anything out of my mouth, I don't know anything."

Hearing this, the corners of Wanxin's mouth slightly raised, and there was a hint of helplessness in her cold eyes.This girl really wronged her for letting her serve others. If she is really allowed to marry into a rich family one day, the whole family probably won't be able to calm down.

Wanxin smiled and said: "I didn't intend to get anything out of your mouth, and there is no need for that. The eldest lady is my mother-in-law, although she is my mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but she is also my mother. Who do you think is a child?" Would you be so cruel to deal with your own mother?"

"Then what are you going to do?"

Xiaotao couldn't figure out Wanxin's thoughts at all, she didn't know what she was going to do next.The scariest thing is when you don't know anything.

Wanxin threw a medicine bag in her hand in front of Xiaotao, and instantly became severe, "I don't need to tell you what's in it, right? A girl's family, why buy this kind of medicine? I know, I asked you I won't say it, so I don't bother to talk about it. Xiao Tao, you will be eighteen this year, and you should be married."

"What are you going to do?" Xiaotao was stunned when she saw the medicine bag, she didn't expect Wanxin to search her room.When she was taken away by Wanxin yesterday, there was no sign at all, and she didn't have time to collect these things. Now that she has been searched out, is there any way for her to survive?

"I don't want to do anything. By the way, I remember that when Miss San was being plotted against, she seemed to have drunk this kind of medicine. Oh, Xiao Tao, Miss San has no grievances with you, why did you harm her like this? "

"I do not have!"

Xiaotao was shocked, Jin Shiwen's matter had nothing to do with her.Looking at the current situation, she also wanted to plant this matter on her.

That's right, Wanxin really thought so.Jin Shiwen's matter, although the old lady did not investigate carefully, but this matter is always a lump in her old man's heart.In addition, Jin Shiwen kept saying that she was framed that day, so it was inevitable that the old lady would put this matter on her.Although it is true that she did it, but she is also treating her body in her own way.

She had no intention of harming others, but others tried every means to harm her.And with such despicable means, he wanted to destroy her innocence.Wanxin is not a very kind person, within the scope of her ability, she will never soften her heart when she should take revenge or deal with those who should be dealt with.

Wanxin knew what the medicine that Xiaotao grabbed was used for.Combined with Xiaotao's attitude towards her, this matter is already obvious.

Don't blame her for being cruel, but blame Xiao Taoxin for being too big.No woman can tolerate a woman who covets her husband at any time, even Wanxin can't be magnanimous.Therefore, when faced with such hidden dangers, she was absolutely quick to cut through the mess, and she was absolutely lenient.

"Ye Wanxin, don't try to frame me. It's useless for me to buy this medicine, and it's been so long since what happened to Miss San, no one will believe you." Xiaotao was really scared at this moment, she couldn't Imagine what the consequences would be if Jin Shiwen was found to have done it by her.

Wanxin looked at the panic on Xiaotao's face, shook her head lightly, walked up to her, cast her sharp eyes on her body, and asked seriously: "Then tell me, you are a girl who has not left the court, why would you buy this?" What are the medicines for?"

"I..." How could Xiaotao dare to say that if she admitted that the medicine was intended to be given to Jin Shixiu, then her death would be even worse.

Now she is dead on both sides, and she can't run away anyway.

She stared at Wanxin stubbornly, she didn't expect that this woman wanted to drive her to a dead end from the very beginning, whether she admitted it or not, it was a dead end.

(End of this chapter)

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