lady of the family

Chapter 123 Remediation of Xiaotao

Chapter 123 Remediation of Xiaotao (4)
"Ye Wanxin, you are so despicable and insidious."

"Despicable? Insidious?" This is the first time someone has used these words to describe herself, and Wanxin couldn't help but sneer, "I said before, I won't offend people if they don't offend me. If it wasn't for your wishful thinking, I wouldn't treat you like this You can't blame others for today's fate. You have to blame for everything. I once warned you to keep yourself safe, but obviously you didn't take my words to heart. Now that things have happened, I will never leave you in Jin Nerdy, I don't want to be distracted to guard against you."

"What do you want?" Xiao Tao was really scared, and only now did she realize how outrageously she was wrong before.

She always thought that Ye Wanxin was easy to deal with. When Wang Mei'e wanted to frame Wanxin, she even ran to inform Amu.Now it seems that she is too naive, and the one who is really difficult to deal with is Ye Wanxin.

Wanxin doesn't want to talk nonsense to her anymore, no matter how much you talk about such a person, she won't wake up.

She turned and walked out, and told Xiao Lian: "Take her to the old lady, and inform the third madam and third miss by the way."


The reason why Wanxin wanted to bring this matter up to the old lady was because she wanted to drive Xiao Tao out of Jin's house.Anyway, Xiao Tao is Wang Mei'e's person, if she insists on driving Xiao Tao away, it will definitely cause Wang Mei'e's dissatisfaction.Originally, her relationship with Wang Mei'e was bad enough, and she didn't want to make it worse.Although Xiaotao would definitely deny Jin Shiwen's matter, she had to admit another thing, and she couldn't escape the fate of being kicked out.Therefore, Wanxin didn't want to do it herself, it would be better to leave it to the old lady.

"Young Mistress, sending Xiaotao to the old lady, won't it hurt the old lady?" Xiao Lian asked worriedly, she was afraid that if this matter really hurt Wang Mei'e, in this way, Wang Mei'e I will bear the grudge even more.

"Don't worry, she won't."

Wanxin is very sure of this point, if Xiao Tao involves Wang Mei'e in it, then it is tantamount to pushing herself to a desperate situation.If she handles this matter alone, then Wang Mei'e will remember her kindness and help her behind her back.Xiaotao has a lot of tricks, how could she not have imagined that.

Seeing Wan's confidence, Xiao Lian didn't say much, and asked someone to take Xiao Tao to the old lady's side.

Sure enough, when the old lady found out about Xiao Tao, she immediately flew into a rage and sent Xiao Tao to see her.

Wan Xin was right, the old lady had always had lumps in her heart about Jin Shiwen.On that day, Jin Shiwen identified Wanxin on the spot, and the old lady also had doubts at that time.But because there was no evidence, the matter had to be shelved.Now that she heard that the drug was found in Xiao Tao's room, she regarded Xiao Tao as the mastermind behind the scenes.

What is the reason, don't think too much about it.The third lady is a smiling tiger, pretending to be a good person on the surface, but actually stabbing a knife in the back.It must have offended someone somewhere, that's why Xiaotao did it.

Xiaotao was tied up and knelt on the ground, she was so frightened that she burst into tears.Only at this time did she realize that the most difficult person to deal with in this Jin family was Ye Wanxin.No wonder the old lady wants her to be the head of the house, and only she can clean up these wives.

The old lady asked a doctor to identify the medicinal materials, and after confirming them, she overturned them with a palm of anger.

"It's so daring, a slave, dare to frame the master, you are impatient."

The old lady was a member of the royal family before, so her words inevitably carried some royal colloquialisms.With a livid face, she was furious and shouted: "This lowly slave, it is unforgivable to offend me. Someone, pull her out for me, and take care of her."

"Forgive me, old lady, this has nothing to do with me, I didn't do it, it really wasn't me..."

"The evidence is convincing, but you are still arguing. How could there be such a thing in the room of a woman who has not left the cabinet? It is such a coincidence that the third lady drank this thing because she was framed last time. How dare you say it wasn't you? Then you say Where did it come from, and what are you going to use it for?"

The old lady was trembling with anger. She was a descendant of the royal family and had a strict upbringing since she was a child. She especially disdained such indecent methods.Under her management today, there was such a person in the family, and the old lady couldn't swallow what she said.

"I...I..." Xiaotao swallowed all these words, if the old lady knew that she was using the medicine to seduce Jin Shixiu, her death would be even worse.It seems that she was indeed plotted to death by Ye Wan, which made her suffer so much that she couldn't tell, so she could only bear this trumped-up charge.

"Can't tell, can't you? Humph, you still want to quibble and don't know how to repent. My Jin family can't tolerate you. After the family law punishes you, throw me out. I don't want to see this person again." .”

Xiaotao gritted her teeth tightly, not daring to say a word.She had known for a long time that she would end up like this, and now she has nothing.She was beaten and kicked out of Jin's house, so wouldn't she have to wait to die?
The third lady took Jin Shiwen's hand, very angry.They knew it was none of Xiaotao's business, but they didn't dare to say anything.You know, those medicines were made by themselves, and now they don't know why Xiaotao has become a scapegoat, so they can only keep silent and dare not say anything more.

However, the third lady will not let go of this great opportunity.Since the old lady thinks that it was made by Xiaotao, does Xiaotao's owner also have something to do with it?

"Mother, Xiaotao is just a servant girl. It is impossible for her to do such a big thing by herself. There must be someone instigated behind her, so she is so bold."

The third lady wanted to use her strength to drag Wang Mei'e into the water.Anyway, getting rid of one is one, why waste the opportunity.

"It's none of Madam's business, it's all Xiaotao's idea. The third lady speaks acrimoniously on weekdays, especially to our servants. The entire Jin family's servants are dissatisfied with the third lady. On the old lady's birthday, The third lady humiliated her again, Xiao Tao was so angry that she went to the pharmacy to buy this thing, and put it in tea after it was fried. Finally, she led the third lady to the backyard and asked her to drink it. Mrs. She is still in the dark, and she doesn't know anything."

"Xiao Tao, you are about to be kicked out of the Jin family, why are you still protecting the lady? Now that you are being punished and kicked out, why didn't the lady come to intercede for you? Is it worth it for you to protect her so much? "

The third lady knew in her heart that Xiaotao was wronged in this matter, but if one could be wronged, then two could be wronged.Therefore, she tried every means to involve Wang Mei'e.

"Sanniang, my mother has contracted a cold and is not feeling well. Xiaotao Wanxin has not told her about this, so as not to make her sad and aggravate her condition. Xiaotao has already made it very clear that this matter is her own. Why. Sanniang is trying so hard to push each other, is she trying to wrong someone?"

(End of this chapter)

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