lady of the family

Chapter 131 Ye Wanyue's Revenge

Chapter 131 Ye Wanyue's Revenge (7)
"Second Miss..." Amu moved his throat, his chest felt uncomfortable, but he had to say something, he took a deep breath, raised his head and looked straight at Jin Shixuan, and said word by word: "Second Miss, Please take these things back. Amu is just an errand next to the young master, and has the same status as a servant. You are a lady, and you shouldn't use this kind of thought on me, a servant. Amu can't bear it, and I dare not accept it , and I don’t have the qualifications to accept your kindness. The so-called difference between master and servant, Amu knows who he is, and dare not go beyond the rules.”

Hearing his words, Jin Shixuan's heart ached.She knew he would care about what her mother said that day.But he is a fool, doesn't he know her heart for him?
"Amu, I don't care about those at all. The difference between master and servant is not a problem for me. You are human, and I am human, and we are all the same. Why do you have to see us from a worldly perspective? What about the relationship between them? You know, I don't care..."

Seeing her so sad, how could Amu feel better.He clenched his fists tightly, wanting to hold her in his arms, but he knew he couldn't.

He raised his head, exhausted all his strength to put back the excitement in his heart, and still said coldly: "Second Miss is really flattering me, Amu, I'm just a servant, how can I not know what is wrong with my master? Thinking about it. If a man and a woman can’t kiss each other, Second Miss should leave quickly. If an outsider sees it, it will ruin Second Miss’ reputation.”

"No, I know, you said you liked me. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come to me that day. Also, didn't you accept the knife I gave you? If you don't like me, why would you Do you want to do this?" Jin Shixuan yelled hoarsely, tears streaming down her face.

Amu forcefully swallowed back the surging emotion, and replied calmly: "I came to you that day to return the things to you. Since you are here today, please take this back."

He took out the knife that he kept beside his pillow when he slept, and handed it to her reluctantly.He doesn't want to hurt her like this, but he also knows that short-term pain is worse than long-term pain, and there is no future between them.If it goes on like this, it will only drag her down.In order to make her forget him completely, he can only choose to be that villain.

Looking at the knife, Jin Shixuan suddenly sneered.Her tears flowed down slowly amidst her laughter, as if she heard the sound of her heart being crushed.Reaching out to take the small knife, the sharp blade seemed to be the mouth of a beast, about to swallow her.

"I know, I will never come to you again."

Holding the knife in her hand, the blade cut through her skin, blood flowed down the tip of the knife, and fell to the ground drop by drop.But Amu still held his head up, refusing to look at her.

"I don't want to see you again..." After yelling, he ran out crying, leaving only a faint breeze to pick up Amu's clothes.

He could feel her body fragrance brushing over his face, that smell was going to drive him crazy.It wasn't until she could no longer hear her voice that Amu collapsed weakly, and lowered his head to look at the food she brought.It's just that when his eyes saw the drops of blood on the ground, his heart felt like a knife.

"Second Miss...Second Miss..." Uncontrollably, she rushed out.

It's just that there is no shadow of Jin Shixuan on the empty street.Standing straight on the spot, no matter how hard he could use his strength to lift his foot, he stepped forward.

He knew Jin Shixuan well, and knew that she would not commit suicide because of such a small blow.He also knew that if he caught up now, everything he had done before would be in vain.But he still sent someone to follow him, and he was relieved only to make sure she was okay.

Jin Shixuan ran for a long distance in one breath, and didn't give up until she was too tired to die.Her heart hurts so much, she always thought that Amu liked her and had feelings for her.But he didn't expect that his feelings were so shallow that he gave up after a few words.

Looking up at the huge golden house, there was a trace of mockery in the corner of his mouth.If she wasn't the young lady of the Jin family, would Amu like her and accept her? "Shixuan? What's wrong with you? Why are your hands covered in blood?"

Wanxin just came back from the outside, and she was startled when she saw Jin Shixuan's appearance.She quickly took out a handkerchief and took her hand to bandage her. Seeing her desperate look, Wanxin became inexplicably worried.

As soon as she saw Wanxin, Jin Shixuan couldn't help holding her and crying.

"Sister-in-law, I'm so sad, really sad..."

"Let's go in and talk first." Seeing that there were many people around them watching, Wanxin hurriedly led Jin Shixuan in.

Going straight back to their yard, Wanxin was busy treating Jin Shixuan's wound again.

"What happened? Why did you make your hands like this?" Wanxin asked while busy.

Jin Shixuan gave a bitter smile, she didn't feel any pain at all, she said softly, "Sister-in-law, you said if I wasn't the second lady of the Jin family, would Amu accept me?"

"Amu?" Wanxin was stunned by the movements of her hands, it turned out that her previous guess was correct, Shixuan really liked Amu.

"He said that he and I are in a master-servant relationship, and told me not to look for him in the future. His expression didn't change when he said these words, and what he said was so heartless." Jin Shixuan took out the letter she gave to Amu Xiaodao laughed at himself and said: "I gave it to him, but he didn't want it, so he gave it back to me. Hehe, I always foolishly thought that he liked me too, so it turned out that I was overthinking..."

Seeing her sad look, Wanxin couldn't help feeling distressed, gently hugged her head, and comforted her: "Shixuan, you are a brave child, so you must cheer up quickly. Emotional matters cannot be forced , Everything depends on God’s will. If you feel that you really can’t let go of Amu, then go to him and make it clear. I believe that Amu is not such a fickle person. He must have some last resort. Since you like him so much, don’t Give up lightly, if you still fail after hard work, then you have no regrets for yourself, right? Shixuan, you must face it bravely."

"I know, I want to be brave too. But seeing his indifference, I can't help but want to shrink back."

Hearing her words, the image of Jin Shixiu suddenly appeared in Wanxin's mind.Wasn't she treating Jin Shixiu just like Amu was treating Shixuan from the beginning?

At that time, she rejected him very clearly, and said that she would never fall in love with him in this life.But he refused to give up, cared for her meticulously, and held her in his palm like a treasure.It was because of Jin Shixiu's perseverance and never giving up that Wanxin's cold heart melted.Isn't she also tempted by Jin Shixiu now?

(End of this chapter)

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