lady of the family

Chapter 132 Ye Wanyue's Revenge

Chapter 132 Ye Wanyue's Revenge (8)
People's hearts are made of flesh, and she believes that no one's heart can't be touched.It just depends on whether that person can persist until the end.

"Sister-in-law, do you think I really shouldn't give up?" Jin Shixuan believed in Wanxin's words now, and she felt that the only person she could trust was Wanxin.

"Of course I can't give up..." Wanxin said with certainty: "As the saying goes, it is much easier for girls to chase boys. You must persevere to the end, even if you really can't in the end. Success, but at least you worked hard, right?"

"Well, okay, sister-in-law, I will listen to you and never give up." Jin Shixuan stood up abruptly, wiped away her tears, and cheered up all of a sudden.

"That's right, come on, sister-in-law will definitely stand by your side."

Seeing that she regained her previous self-confidence, Wanxin felt happy for Shixuan from the bottom of her heart.However, thinking of the gap between her and Amu, Wanxin actually didn't have much confidence.

Jin Shixuan left as soon as she said, and hurried out after thanking Wanxin.Wanxin looked at her back and couldn't help smiling, she really hoped that Shixuan could find her true love.

When Jin Shixuan went to look for Amu again, she was told that Amu had something to do at home and went home.Jin Shixuan really doesn't know where Amu's home is, and he has never heard that he has family members.

After asking around, Jin Shixuan finally got to the address of Amu's house. After looking at the address, it was a mountain village far away.Jin Shixuan has never been to that kind of place, but for Amu, she will go no matter how far away.

After writing a short letter for people to take home, they set off to find Amu.

After the second wife received Jin Shixuan's letter, her lungs were about to explode.She slapped her big hands and roared angrily: "You are really too bold, this damn girl is trying to piss me off on purpose."

"Come here, report to the old lady that Shixuan was abducted by Amu, just say, just say, the second lady is too sad and wants to commit suicide..."

"Self-seeking?" The girl really didn't understand what the second lady meant, and asked confusedly.

"Just go if you are told, where is there so much nonsense?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Although the second lady was very angry at this meeting, she did not forget to use this opportunity to take revenge.Amu is a person close to Jin Shixiu. If he can take this opportunity to get rid of Amu, Jin Shixiu will lose his left arm and right arm, which can be regarded as a blow to him.

Who told Jin Shixiu to make them live so uselessly, they have no status in this family.Now I can't even save some private money.The second lady is a narrow-minded person, so she naturally couldn't swallow this tone.Therefore, as long as you catch the opportunity, you will definitely retaliate.

When the old lady heard that Jin Shixuan had run away with Amu, and the second wife committed suicide angrily, she was also taken aback.He hurriedly called the master, and rushed to the second lady's house impatiently.

"Second Madam, don't, don't be too hard on yourself, Second Miss will be fine..."

The acting must be sufficient, the second lady naturally ordered her girl to act along with her.She herself pulled a white silk on the ridge of the roof, set up a bench and stood on it, hung her neck on the white silk, kept looking outside, waiting for the old lady to arrive at the door, She kicked the stool away.

"Liu Zhen, what are you doing? Why don't you come down quickly..." As soon as the old lady walked to the door, she saw the second lady standing on the bench with her neck hanging on the white silk, as if she was really looking for death.

The old lady walked forward anxiously, because she was really worried about the second lady.However, when the second lady saw the old lady walk in, she really kicked the stool away and her neck was really strangled.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and save people..."

For a while, everyone was in a mess, and everyone hurried to save people.The second lady was just acting, so she didn't want to die.The feeling of being strangled must be uncomfortable, so I wish I could be rescued sooner.

In the end, under the help of everyone, the second lady was finally rescued.But she herself was too choked up, too uncomfortable.

"Liu Zhen, why are you bothering? Shixuan is not young anymore, she is going to marry after all, why are you looking for life and death, it is simply out of place."

Although the old lady was in a hurry, she was fine, so she couldn't help scolding her a few words.

When the second wife heard the old lady's angry look, she quickly squeezed out a tear and cried loudly: "Mother, you don't know that Shixuan was abducted by that Amu. Our Shixuan is Miss Qianjin, he is alone The servant actually wants toads and wants to eat swan meat, so he abducts our Shixuan. If he plots against us and does something bad to our Shixuan, then what should we do? I am only a child, Shixuan , if something happens to her, I really won't live, I won't live..."

"I've already sent people to look for them. I also know about that child, Amu. He has been with Zai Shixiu since he was a child, and he keeps himself safe. He doesn't seem like a person who does this kind of thing. This matter hasn't been clarified yet, so don't worry. , wait until we find the children."

"But, where are we going to find someone? What should we do if something happens?"

Where did the second wife think that the old lady would actually favor Amu, she hated her to death, but she still wanted to continue acting.

The old lady said with a sullen face: "Amu is not that kind of person, don't worry about it. I have already called Shixiu to come back and see what he has to say."

After a while, Wanxin and Jin Shixiu both rushed over. Hearing that Jin Shixuan was kidnapped by Amu, Jin Shixiu was the first to retort: ​​"Amu would not do such a thing."

"How do you know he won't? Shixuan is the young lady of our Jin family, so it's hard to guarantee that he won't murder her. What if he captures Shixuan and threatens us?"

"He will not."

Jin Shixiu still said with a cold face, his eyes became sharper.Seeing him like that, Wanxin suddenly had a bad premonition, and hurried over to hold his arm, shaking her head at him.

"Er Niang, now is not the time to discuss this. Let's find someone first. I also believe that Amu is not that kind of person, so don't worry."

"You've only known him for a few days, why are you so sure? You don't know, that Amu often came to hang around our yard some time ago, and was kicked out by me again. I think he has been plotting for a long time, and he has long since I'm planning. I don't know what's going on with Shixuan today, and I'm in a hurry to go out. Now it's all right, I was plotted against..."

"Okay, don't say these words. You were frightened just now, so you should rest. I, an old lady, will take care of Shixuan's matter myself."

The old lady didn't want to listen to the second lady's deliberately provocative words, and even a fool could tell that she had a big prejudice against Amu. It seemed that she deliberately wanted to trouble Amu this time.

(End of this chapter)

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