lady of the family

Chapter 133 Ye Wanyue's Revenge

Chapter 133 Ye Wanyue's Revenge (9)
Jin Shixiu frowned tightly, he knew something happened to Amu's house.He took Wanxin's hand and walked out, and only said when no one was there: "I know where they are, let's look for them right away."

"it is good!"

Amu rushed home in such a hurry because his mother was seriously ill, and the old man was not too young, and he was also suffering from minor illnesses on weekdays.If it weren't for Amu's work in Jin's house, and he could get some money back from time to time, he would have died long ago.Amu also has a younger sister, who is only 13 years old this year. She was born after Amu and Jin Shixiu went abroad.So Amu is still very unfamiliar with this younger sister.

When he got home, he saw the humble house, his mother who was seriously ill, and his younger sister. Amu felt very uncomfortable.Fortunately, his father's body is still strong, his father is a carpenter, and he does some work on weekdays, and he can still maintain the family's livelihood.

"Brother, you are back, mother has been thinking of you."

Amu's younger sister, Arlene, is a very cute little girl. Although she hasn't been with Amu for a long time, she has a lot of admiration for this elder brother.

Reaching out to rub his sister's hair, Amu walked towards the house.In the room, Amu's father sat beside the bed sighing, smoking his pipe one after another, apparently because he was anxious.

Seeing Amu's return, the couple were very excited. His father hurriedly stood up and said, "You are finally back. Your mother has missed you for a long time."

There were tears in Amu's eyes. He knew that he was an unfilial child. He left home since he was a child and failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a son. Now that his mother is seriously ill and he can't be by his side, he feels very guilty.

He walked to the bed and held his mother's hand, and said with a choked voice, "Mother, Amu is back, I'm back to see you..."

Looking at her son, Amuniang also burst into tears, but now she can't even speak clearly.She could only make a few guttural noises, tears streaming down the corners of her eyes, and the excited expression on her face showed that she was very happy at the moment.

"Your mother is speechless now. The doctor said whether she will survive today or not. Since you are back, please spend more time with her so that she can leave with peace of mind."

His father is also in tears, his wife is dying, and the pain in his heart cannot be expressed in words.He sat quietly on the side, smoking his pipe non-stop, in order to relieve the depression in his heart.

"Mother, I brought you your favorite glutinous rice cake. It's very sweet. Would you like to try some?" Amu took out a lot of things from his bag, spread out the pastries in the paper bag and gently broke them off. Come down a little and feed his mother.

Amuniang opened her mouth and wanted to eat the cake her son bought, but she had no choice but to wrap it in her mouth, and couldn't swallow it no matter what.

Seeing that his mother couldn't even eat anything, Amu couldn't help it anymore, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Jin Shixuan finally saw the village where Amu was after a difficult journey, but the village was very big, and it was not easy to find Amu's home.

It is about [-] to [-] kilometers from Yunshan Town to here. Although Jin Shixuan is not the kind of delicate young lady, she has been pampered since she was a child.After walking for a day, my feet were blistered with blood. If I hadn't been thinking of Amu in my heart, I probably wouldn't have been able to hold on.

Stretching out his hand to wipe the sweat off his face, looking at the village full of other people, he took a deep breath and started walking again.After walking such a long way, I have reached the door now, and I will never give up no matter what.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, the surroundings were gray, and the sky looked like it was going to rain.Although the village is right in front of you, there is a river in front of you.But she didn't find the bridge, and it seemed that she had to go around it.

Taking a deep breath and looking around, Jin Shixuan felt like going crazy.But at this time, the weather was not beautiful, and it happened to be raining again.Looking at the village across the river, and looking at herself in such a mess, she can only rely on the big tree to look up at the sky.

At night, Amu was always by his mother's side to take care of her.His mother's condition has reached a terminal stage, no matter how good the doctor is, he can only shake his head helplessly.

"Big Brother, Big Brother, there are people outside, they are here to look for you..." Arlene walked into the room impatiently, yelling.

Amu frowned, wondering why someone would come to him at this time.He followed his sister out with doubts, and was shocked when he saw the people standing in the yard.

"Master, Young Mistress..."

Jin Shixiu and Wanxin stood in the yard under an umbrella, seeing Amu's vicissitudes, both of them were a little moved.Walking into the room and wiping off the water on her body, Wanxin asked, "Where's Shixuan?"

"Second miss?"

At this moment, Amu was completely dumbfounded, and inexplicably worried in his heart, "Young Mistress, you mean that Second Miss came to look for me?"

Seeing his dazed look, Wanxin knew that Shixuan was not here.She also suddenly became worried, "Didn't Shixuan go home with you? Don't you know about this?"

"I did meet Second Miss today, but we were not together. I hurried back after receiving the letter from home, and did not stay with Second Miss again. Young Mistress, did Second Miss disappear? Did she stay?" Where are you going?" Amu was so anxious that he was going crazy.

Jin Shixiu had been standing quietly behind Wanxin until he saw Amu's anxious look, and then he said: "She came to look for you, but we are driving, she is walking, and she is not familiar with it, so it is possible to get lost .”

"Why is she so stupid? It's my fault, it's my fault..."

Amu is about to collapse now, he is thinking about Jin Shixuan all day long.I also know that what he said really hurt her heart, but he has to say it.Looking at his current situation, what can he give her?
Wanxin sighed and said: "Now is not the time to blame yourself, it's already midnight, that child Shixuan is a person who doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back. Since she said she wants to come to you, she will definitely try her best to come. It’s just that the mountain road is not easy to walk, and it’s going to rain again, so I’m worried that she’s in danger. How about this, Shixiu, you go out with Amu to look for it, and I’ll stay and take care of Amu’s mother.”

"Okay, take care of yourself."

Jin Shixiu is also worried about Jin Shixuan, but he is not lukewarm to anyone except Wanxin who is good at expressing his thoughts.Therefore, others cannot see it.

Because of the rain, the mountain road was muddy and the car couldn't drive out, so Jin Shixiu and Amu had to walk out.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, but Amu rushed out without even opening an umbrella.Jin Shixiu brought an oil lamp for lighting from home, and hurriedly chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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