lady of the family

Chapter 134 Ye Wanyue's Revenge

Chapter 134 Ye Wanyue's Revenge (10)
Looking at the pouring rain outside, Wanxin felt worried.There is a big river outside this village, and the river will rise during the flood season. What if Shixuan accidentally fell into the river?
The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. She fidgeted and paced back and forth in the room.Fortunately, Arlene is a considerate child, so she boiled a bowl of ginger soup for Wanxin and handed it to her, "Sister, drink some ginger soup, it's very cold in the village at night, and you're getting caught in the rain, so you're prone to catch a cold."

"Thank you, are you Amu's sister? What's your name?"

"My name is Arlene."

"Hehe, Arlene is really sensible."

Seeing Arlene's innocence that day, Wanxin couldn't help thinking of Wanru from before.At that time, she was also so understanding, sensible and lovely.But now, the years have changed them too much, and they can never go back!
Jin Shixuan has been hiding from the rain under a big tree. The branches of this big tree are lush, like a big umbrella, which can just cover the heavy rain.The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and there is no tendency to stop at all.She would be cold and hungry, and after walking for a day, she was so tired that she fell asleep leaning against the tree trunk.

The night in this mountain is very cold, but it is raining again, and the night is even colder.Jin Shixuan was wearing thin clothes, and her clothes were soaked by the rain again. It was so cold that she was about to curl up together.

Amu shouted vigorously in the heavy rain, but his voice was drowned in the rain and could not penetrate at all.Seeing such a heavy rain, Amu was even more worried and wanted to find her quickly.

Jin Shixiu was not familiar with this place, so he had to follow Amu to find the places he missed.

"Second Miss...Second Miss..."

Amu's shouts sounded over and over again, hysterical.Just by hearing this voice, one can tell how sad he is at the moment.

"Don't worry, just think about it and see if there is a place to hide from the rain..." Jin Shixiu was much calmer in comparison, and said solemnly.

"A place to hide from the rain?" Amu was also thinking about it carefully, and finally patted his forehead, and said in surprise: "There is an old tree on the other side of the river with luxuriant branches. People in our village will go there when it rains. Under a tree to hide from the rain."

"Then let's go and have a look."

After running wildly all the way to the other side of the river, the rain finally became much lighter.Jin Shixiu turned on the lights, not letting go of any place.

"Second miss..."

Jin Shixuan seemed to hear Amu's voice in a daze. She opened her heavy eyelids forcefully, wanting to see the surrounding situation.But it was pitch black all around, and I couldn't see anything at all.She moved around a bit, trying to find a more comfortable place to lie down.Although this big tree can shelter from the rain, it is not a house after all, and water droplets still fall from the gaps in the leaves.The soil was already wet and it was cold to lie on.

"Second miss... where are you?"

There was another burst of shouting, this time Jin Shixuan was very clear that it was indeed Amu's voice.She stood up from the ground excitedly, but because of too much movement, she twisted her foot all of a sudden.Enduring the pain, she shouted forcefully: "Amu, I'm here, I'm here..."

In the rainy night, the two people heard each other's voices, and their excitement was beyond words.Amu rushed under the big tree like crazy, and looked at Jin Shixuan who was in a mess by the weak light.

He stared at her blankly, not knowing whether it was tears or rain that flowed from his eyes.

"Amu, how do you know I'm here? Did you come to find me on purpose?" Jin Shixuan was still foolishly happy, she knew that it was impossible for Amu not to like her, no, did you come to find me in a hurry? ?

"Why are you so stupid?"

Amu couldn't bear it any longer and rushed over to hug her in his arms. At this moment, he didn't want to worry about anything, he just wanted to hold her, and spend this moment quietly like this.

Jin Shixiu stood aside and looked at them, frowning.Before, he always thought that this was a private matter between the two of them, and he couldn't take it too seriously.But now that such a big incident happened, it was fortunate that Jin Shixuan was fine. If something happened, the consequences would be too serious.It seems that now he also needs to worry about Amu's life-long affairs, otherwise, the two people will have to hurt and torture each other if this continues.

In the end, Amu returned home with Jin Shixuan on his back, but he was found, but she fell ill.I also sprained my foot, couldn't walk, kept sneezing, and had a high fever.

However, Amu's mother's condition worsened a lot. There were two patients in the family at once, and everyone was very busy.Originally, Jin Shixiu planned to take Amuniang to Ouyang Chen to have a look, but it was raining heavily and the road was impossible to walk, so he had to wait for the rain to stop and the road to dry before he could walk.

After a sleepless night, everyone stayed up all night guarding the two patients.Jin Shixiu urged Wanxin to go to sleep for a while over and over again, but she was worried that Jin Shixuan would keep watching.

In the morning, Arlene boiled a pot of porridge, fried a few small farm dishes and served them on the table, letting them all have some breakfast.

It's just that before breakfast was finished, I heard Amu's father scream, calling Amu Niang's name over and over again.

Everyone rushed in in a hurry, and Amuniang had already died.The atmosphere suddenly became dull. Everyone didn't say a word, and they didn't know what to say at this time.

Arlene hugged her mother and kept crying and shouting. After all, she was still a little girl and couldn't accept the fact that she lost her mother.

Amu's father also wept silently, looking very sad.

"I am sorry for your loss!"

Jin Shixiu patted Amu's shoulder lightly, and said in a deep voice.Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws, and no one has the ability to prevent tragedies from happening.People are always saying goodbye in this sad parting, and you don't know who the person will leave you the next moment.So cherish the people in front of you, cherish the happiness you have, this is the most important thing.

Amuniang was buried in the afternoon of the same day. The custom of the village is that women must be buried on the same day after death, and men can keep their spirits for three days after death.Amu Niang was buried behind their house, and Amu's father told her not to let her go too far away from home, for fear that she would get lost when she wanted to come back.

The rain lasted for two days before it stopped. During these two days, everyone was bored and seldom talked.Amu didn't say a word, and didn't go to see Jin Shixuan.

Although he lost control and vented his feelings that night, he returned to his indifference after that.And in the past two days, I haven't seen Jin Shixuan, as if she didn't exist.

Wanxin stayed by Jin Shixuan's side, comforting her all the time, "Amuniang just passed away, he must be very sad, don't think about it so much. Let's get well first. You ran out this time willfully, and the family is in trouble." The sky is turned upside down, and you have to go back and explain."

(End of this chapter)

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