lady of the family

Chapter 135 Ye Wanyue's Revenge

Chapter 135 Ye Wanyue's Revenge (11)
Jin Shixuan's mind is full of Amu now, so she can't care about other things, "I want to stay here with him, and now is when he is sad, I can't leave. Please explain to me the family affairs. Anyway, this time I am determined not to look back, no matter how Amu treats me, I will not leave."

"Shixuan, you..." Wanxin really didn't know what to say, she had been persuading her not to give up earlier, would this make her want to open up again?

Wanxin's guts are turning green now, if she knew she would not have said those words back then, she slapped herself now.

"Sister-in-law, don't persuade me, I won't go back now. You and elder brother go back first, don't worry about me. Although Amu is ignoring me now, but I have been relying on him, I still don't believe it, he still You can't drive me away."

Jin Shixuan is also stubborn. Anyway, she has made up her mind, so she will never change it.

Wanxin could only sigh, what else could she say in this situation?The road of pursuing true love must be full of thorns.Some people can carry it through, but some people can't hold on and leave in the middle.She naturally hoped that they could persevere until the end, but that was just a hope...

The next day, the road was finally able to go, and Jin Shixuan said nothing and refused to go back, which made Amu feel difficult.He had to stay at home for the first seven days before he could go back, but he couldn't let Jin Shixuan follow him here, could he?
Besides, Jin Shixuan ran out suddenly this time, which already caused dissatisfaction from the entire Jin family. If she stays here for a few more days, there will be a catastrophe.

"Second miss, our family just held a funeral, you should go back. You are the daughter of the Jin family, this place is not suitable for you." Amu pushed Jin Shixuan away with a cold face, but he was actually very sad.

Who knows, Jin Shixuan didn't say anything this time and didn't leave. She directly closed the door of the room where she lived, and shouted: "My foot injury has not healed yet, and I have trouble moving. I need to recuperate here."

"Master has a car, so you don't need to walk."

Amu knew that Jin Shixuan was making excuses, but she still persuaded her patiently.

"I hate riding in the car, motion sickness. I said I don't want to leave now, why are you so wordy, do you think I live and eat for free at your house? Don't worry, I will pay and won't let you You raised me for nothing."

"Second Miss, I didn't mean that, it's just..."

"Stop talking, anyway, I won't leave now."

Seeing the endless arguments between the two of them, what else could Wanxin say?

She tugged on La Jin Shixiu's sleeve and said, "Why don't we come pick her up after Shixuan recovers from her injury. Anyway, you should rest assured that Amu is taking care of her. As for grandma, I'll tell you the truth. gone."

"Okay, then let's go back first." Jin Shixiu didn't say much, he knew Wanxin wanted to help the two of them, so he didn't object.

In this way, Jin Shixuan stayed at Amu's house, and Wanxin and Jin Shixiu went back to Yunshan Town first.

The second wife was still thinking about Wanxin and the others being able to bring Jin Shixuan back, but seeing that only the husband and wife had returned, she couldn't help being a little angry.

"Didn't you say you could find Shixuan? Where is the person?"

Seeing her anxious look, Wanxin didn't know if the second lady was really worried about Shixuan, or because she was worried about Amu.

"Shixuan was caught in the rain, caught the cold, and twisted her foot, which made her unable to move, so we let her stay and recuperate. After a few days, we will go to bring her back."

As soon as Wanxin's words fell, the second lady screamed and shouted: "How can that be done? She is a girl, how can she spend the night in a strange man's house? How did you become a sister-in-law? Did you mean to harm her on purpose? "

The second lady was very emotional, as if she was about to go crazy.She looked at Wanxin with extremely angry eyes, as if she wanted to strangle Wanxin to death.Seeing this, Jin Shixiu strode forward, put Wanxin behind him, and said to the second lady with a calm face: "Shixuan is already an adult, and she knows what she wants to do better than anyone else. Wanxin It was out of good intentions that I helped to find it, so don't push yourself too far."

"Anyway, she just doesn't have any good intentions." This time the second lady's voice was much softer, as if it was a fly.

Jin Shixiu snorted coldly and said: "A mother can't even manage her own children well, so you have the nerve to blame others. Don't cry in front of us, I'm upset. It's okay, you can go, don't be an eyesore."


What Jin Shixiu said didn't give the second lady any face at all, and he went in front of so many servants.In fact, I can't blame Jin Shixiu for being mean, but because the second wife wants to make use of the topic to make trouble for Wanxin, so she can only suffer herself.

The second lady gave Wanxin a hard look, then turned around and left.In front of Jin Shixiu, no one dared to make a mistake, so she could only hold back this tone for the time being.

However, she couldn't swallow it. That Amu was just a servant, a slave, and he dared to abduct her daughter. She was really mad at her.It seems that the only way to go is to force her to marry her daughter earlier.

So the second lady didn't go back, but went directly to the old lady.Originally, the old lady thought she was here to make a scene again, and wanted to find an excuse to send her back.

Who knew that the second wife said straight to the point that she would be engaged to Jin Shixuan, so that the old lady could pay attention to a good family.

"Does Shixuan know about this? That child has a stubborn temper and doesn't like to be manipulated by others. If you really arrange a marriage for her on your own, she will definitely not agree." The old lady still wanted to persuade the two Madam, you can't ruin your daughter's life just because of one breath.

But the second lady was determined to beat the mandarin ducks, so she said with certainty: "Mother, the marriages of the girls here are all ordered by the parents and the matchmaker's words. As long as we have read it and approved it, it will be fine." It's settled. She's just a woman, unlike Shixiu who can control her own marriage, Jin Shixuan is destined to marry into a rich family, so we can't let her mess around anymore."


"Mother, don't worry about it. I've already decided on this matter. I think Dr. Qian's son is good. Dr. Qian's family has practiced medicine for generations, and his son is also a doctor, and he even opened a medical center in Linshan Town. , is a good boy. I have intended this for a long time, but I didn't find the right opportunity to tell you."

"Since you have already chosen someone, why do you still ask me for my opinion? Although this family is in charge of me, Shixuan is your daughter after all, and her marriage is still up to you. But I also advise you, No matter what reason you want to tell Wanxin about this marriage, you have to get her consent. The children are all grown up and have their own ideas. You can't let her come according to your wishes. If you are in a hurry , it is possible for something big to happen.”

(End of this chapter)

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