lady of the family

Chapter 137 Jin Shixuan's Marriage

Chapter 137 Jin Shixuan's Marriage (1)
"Wait, what did you just say?" Wanxin's mind exploded, and she didn't understand a single word Ye Rongguang said.

"Why are you pretending to be stupid with me? Isn't it because Wanyue burned down the Jin family's embroidery room? Wanyue was wrong, but the rest of our family was right. Do you need to drive us all to death?"

Wanxin looked at Ye Rongguang in a daze, and finally understood what he said.It turned out that Ye Wanyue really set the fire in Jin's embroidery room, but why did Jin Shixiu lie to her?

Seeing that Wanxin was silent, Ye Rongguang said even more contemptuously: "Don't act like you don't know in front of me. I watched you grow up. I know exactly what is going on in your heart. .You get out of here right now, I don't want to see you."

It's no wonder that Ye Rongguang doesn't know how to wake up now, it's just because he is quite pitiful now.The second lady left with Ye Wanru, the eldest lady was arrested and sent to the police station, and Ye Wanyue's whereabouts are also unknown now.Originally a big family, he was the only one left alone.He blamed all of this on Wanxin, and he always thought it was Wanxin who refused to let them go.

Wanxin didn't say anything, it's useless to say anything now.She turned around and called a rickshaw to find Jin Shixiu. Now she was in a mess and couldn't figure out why Jin Shixiu would lie to her.

But at this time, Jin Shixiu was busy in the dark.After going out for a few days, plus Amu's absence, a lot of things piled up.The South Street Embroidery House had such a big incident before that it hadn't been fully dealt with. With this delay, things piled up like a mountain.

Seeing Wanxin coming, Jin Shixiu didn't care about it, and greeted him with a gentle smile on his face, "What's the matter? You don't look very well, are you feeling unwell?"

"Why did you lie to me?" Wan Xin didn't say much, and asked the question directly.

Hearing this, Jin Shixiu was stunned, and looked at her inexplicably, his heart pounding violently.What the hell did she know?

After a long time, he asked, "Who did you go to see just now?"

Wanxin stared at him with staring eyes, but she didn't come to Xingshi to inquire about crimes.She has come to understand a lot just now.The reason why Jin Shixiu wanted to hide it from her was because he didn't want her to blame herself and feel sad.

She didn't speak, rushed up and hugged him tightly, buried her head on his shoulder, choked up and couldn't say a word.

This reaction of hers baffled Jin Shixiu again, so what's going on?

Didn't you look like you were in a hurry just now and wanted to ask for guilt?
Why are you hugging him with a moved face again?

"If something like this happens again in the future, you don't have to hide it from me. I know you are doing it for my own good and thinking about me. But I will still be very sad if I find out later. So many things have happened recently, you Don't tell me anything, just bear it alone, how tiring it is. Didn't you say that husbands and wives should not hide each other? Now you lied to me first. I told you that I hate people the most lied to me..."

Wanxin's words made Jin Shixiu's whole body tremble.Of course, first of all, he let out a heavy breath.He thought that what Wanxin asked was luckily Ye Wanyue's arson, otherwise, he really didn't know what to do.Every day in fear, this feeling is not good.

"It's my fault this time. I shouldn't have kept it from you. But, how did you know?"

"I passed Ye's house just now. I saw Ye Rongguang and talked to him a few words. I heard that the lady was arrested and sent to the police station, right?"

Hearing that she said that she had been to Ye's house and talked to Ye Rongguang, Jin Shixiu's face suddenly darkened.

"Don't go there in the future, especially Ye Rongguang. If you see him, stay away. Now he is a lost dog. If you are in a hurry, what if he did something bad to you?"

"I know, I just passed by today, I didn't go there on purpose. Now he is quite pitiful." Wanxin said with some emotion.

Jin Shixiu carefully studied the expression on her face, and asked, "Aren't you soft-hearted?"

"Of course not!" Wanxin was very sure of this point, "I was just thinking, after all, Ye's house is my ancestral house, so leaving it empty is not an option. Or, you can let Amu's father and sister live in. Or else Amu is here alone, thinking about his family, so he can't concentrate on doing things."

Hearing this, the corners of Jin Shixiu's mouth curled up, suppressing the worries in his heart temporarily, and said with a smile: "In the end, you are still worrying about other people's affairs. Just do as you say, I will send someone to send a letter to Amu. "


Jin Shixiu shook his head helplessly, and murmured silently, "Wanxin, when you know the truth, can you forgive me?"

Although Jin Shixiu sent someone to send a letter to Amu, Amu did not bring his father and sister.They have lived in the village all their lives, and if they are allowed to leave now, they themselves will be reluctant to part with it.Besides, Amu's father has a deep affection for his mother, even if there is only one lonely grave left, he will guard it and will not leave half a step.

Jin Shixuan spent several days at Amu's house recovering from her injuries, but Amu didn't even say a word to her.Arlene was taking care of her every day, and she didn't even have the chance to meet Amu.

Seeing that the injury has healed, she has no reason to live anymore.Seeing Amu's indifference to her, she felt very uncomfortable.But what can I do?She's a girl, so it's impossible to really chase after her brazenly, right?Although it is not easy to say give up, but she has worked so hard, but there is still no result, what can she do?
After Amu Niang's first seven days, Amu will return to Yunshan Town. Of course Jin Shixuan wants to go with him, but she is also waiting for this opportunity.At that time, there will be only the two of them on this road, and she doesn't believe that Amu still ignores her.

However, Jin Shixuan's idea still came to nothing.Because although the two walked together, Amu was still like a mute, no matter how much she asked, she would not say a word.

"Amu, what on earth do you mean? My voice is dry, and you don't have a word?"

Jin Shixuan couldn't take it anymore, stood still, and yelled at him angrily.


Amu still didn't say a word, and Jin Shixuan didn't leave, so he stopped for a rest.In short, he has made up his mind, and he will never dare to have any entanglements with her in the future.Perhaps it was really cruel of him to do so, but he had no choice.Now he can't give her anything, even if they can really be together, is it possible that he should use the woman's money?It is absolutely impossible that he is a man.

So he would rather reject her cruelly than let her suffer and suffer with him.

"You're really going to never say a word to me, are you?"

Jin Shixuan is also tired. She has paid so much and worked hard for so long, but she can't even wait for a word of concern. What's the point of her persistence?

(End of this chapter)

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