lady of the family

Chapter 138 Jin Shixuan's Marriage

Chapter 138 Jin Shixuan's Marriage (2)
Amu still didn't answer, just stood there in a daze.

"I understand, don't worry, I will never pester you again in the future."

Tears flowed down without warning after this sentence was finished, she looked up at the sky, her heart was bleeding, but she still had to pretend to be very strong.

Stepping forward, this time she would not walk behind Amu, so she quickened her pace and rushed to the front.

In this way, the two returned to Yunshan Town without a word.Amu sent her to the gate of the golden mansion, watched her go in, and then left.

In fact, he didn't feel better than Jin Shixuan, but he could bear it.Compared with women, men are always stronger.However, when he heard Jin Shixuan say that she would never pester him again, he didn't feel relieved as he imagined, but felt a heart-wrenching pain.

Turning his head, he looked again at the place where Jin Shixuan had just entered, with bitterness spreading across his face.Turning around, forcing myself to leave without nostalgia, because this place doesn't belong to him at all.

Jin Shixuan left home willfully, which made the second wife very angry.In the past few days, she has sent someone to make a marriage agreement with Jin Shixuan, and the person is Doctor Qian's son.Seeing Jin Shixuan come back now, she originally wanted to scold her.But seeing her daughter's tired and sad appearance, she couldn't bear it anymore.

"I heard you sprained your foot, is it better now?"

After all, she is a mother, so she will never be cruel to her children.Although she was very angry before, but after seeing the child's sad appearance, she still cared about her softly.

Jin Shixuan sat on the chair in a daze, without saying a word.Her heart hurts so much, she really likes Amu, but why is her love so rough?She doesn't understand, is it really that important to be right?Look at those people around her, how many well-matched marriages are happy?

Two people who don't love each other reluctantly get together, can they be happy soon?

"Shixuan, what are you talking about? Mother has been telling you for a long time, why don't you answer?" The second lady said anxiously, she was afraid that her daughter would be bullied.

Jin Shixuan looked at her mother with an indescribable feeling.It was because of what her mother said to Amu before that Amu was so cruel to her.

However, she couldn't blame her mother.Poor parents all over the world, she also knows that this is for her own good.

"Mom, I'm so tired and want to rest. If you have anything to say, can you talk about it after I wake up?"

"Okay, mother will help you to rest. How can you be so self-willed? You said that if something happens to you, how will mother live for the rest of her life?"

The second lady was just crying, but Jin Shixuan was taken aback by what she said.She stopped and looked at her mother. After a long pause, she asked, "Mother, when I came back just now, I heard from the maids that after I left home, I still..."

"Which maid is so talkative. Well, it's all in the past, don't worry about it. They are all talking nonsense."

The second lady was ashamed, she was just acting, and she would be ashamed if the victim's daughter was sad.

"Then I'm going to sleep."

It's not that Jin Shixuan doesn't understand her mother, she would never seek death.There must be some idea to do that, it's nothing more than a bitter trick.

Dragging his tired body to the bed, he took off his shoes and prepared to sleep.But before he had time to go to bed, he heard the message from the maid at the door anxiously.

"Second madam, the Qian family has sent a betrothal gift, and the old madam asked you to bring the second young lady over quickly."

"The dowry? What dowry? Mom, what's going on?"

Jin Shixuan regained her spirits all of a sudden, and asked one sentence after another, already panicking in her heart.

The second lady glared at the servant girl, and said sharply: "Who told you to talk too much, why don't you hurry up and get out."

"Yes, Second Madam."

After the girl left, the second lady smiled and said softly: "Hehe, Shixuan, my mother has been very busy these days when you left. I have been picking with your grandma for a long time, and finally it is We have found a suitable family for you. By the way, Doctor Qian in the town, do you know? He is the young master of their family. Doctor Qian’s family has practiced medicine for generations, and is also very famous in our Yunshan Town. Their family There are medical clinics opened in several surrounding towns, and the family business is quite large. If you marry into such a family, you will enjoy endless prosperity and wealth, and mother can feel at ease."

"You actually decided to marry me on your own?" The news hit Jin Shixuan like a bolt from the blue. She never expected that she would get married after only a few days away.

And she was still married to a man she had never met, how could she bear it?
"What is self-assessment? Marriage is a matter of parents' order and matchmaker's words. Mother, this is all in accordance with customs. Let me put the ugly words first, that Amu, don't even think about it, I just want you I will never get married in my life, and I will not agree to you marrying him. He is just a servant, penniless, what can he give you? I really don’t know what is going on in your mind, you can see such a person It really pissed me off..."

The second lady was still chattering non-stop, but Jin Shixuan was completely confused.

"Mother, I will never agree to this marriage, so you should die. If you really want me to marry, then you can wait to collect my body!"

Jin Shixuan is also determined. Although she has decided to forget Amu, she will not let herself marry casually.

"Don't threaten me with death, your mother and I are not vegetarians. If you want to marry that Amu, then you can come and collect my body too. The marriage has been settled, and your grandma also agreed. Don't think about letting it go. Hmph, from now on, you just stay in the house for me honestly, don't even think about going anywhere, I'll go and see the betrothal gift first. "

After leaving these few words, the second lady went out, and when she reached the door, she told the servants: "You keep an eye on the second lady, if anything happens to her, don't come to see me."

"Yes, Second Madam."

The second wife is still good at dealing with Jin Shixuan, and turned her head to warn Jin Shixuan: "If you don't want these people to be implicated by you, then be honest. Otherwise, I will let them be punished instead of you."

Jin Shixuan never thought that her mother would be so despicable and threaten her with these servants.It seems that her mother is sure that she will soften her heart.

Here, the Qian family sent a lot of betrothal gifts, and the other wives were envious and hated.The second lady couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear when she saw the pile of betrothal gifts, she knew that she saw the right person this time.The Qian family's family business is really solid, otherwise they wouldn't be able to come up with so much dowry.

(End of this chapter)

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