lady of the family

Chapter 139 Jin Shixuan's Marriage

Chapter 139 Jin Shixuan's Marriage (3)
It was the young master of the Qian family, Qian Chengxuan, who came to deliver the dowry gift, but he seemed not too satisfied with the marriage, with a stern face, not even a smile on his face.This Qian Chengxuan has been a doctor since elementary school, and he is also a well-known doctor in Linshan Town.He looks talented, looks gentle on the outside, and looks like a man of good conduct.That's why the old lady nodded and agreed to the marriage when she saw someone else.

"Chengxuan, come in and sit down and have a cup of tea."

The second wife is the mother-in-law who looks at her son-in-law, and the more she looks at it, the more she likes it.This son-in-law is good-looking, has a good family background, and is so generous, how can he make her unhappy.

Qian Chengxuan gave a symbolic smile, followed the second lady into the room, said hello to the old lady and the couple's wives, and then sat down. It was obvious that he was also a very educated young master.

Seeing his gentle manner, the old lady liked him very much, so she couldn't help asking a few more questions.On the other hand, Wanxin stood aside and was worried about Jin Shixuan. She knew Jin Shixuan's feelings for Amu better than anyone else.This society suddenly told her about a marriage and asked her to marry someone. I really don't know how she is doing now.

Although she thinks that Qian Chengxuan is not bad, but the matter of love has nothing to do with character.As long as you like it, even if that person is a heinous person in the eyes of others, it doesn't matter.

"Grandma, I'm going to see Shixuan."

Wanxin couldn't sit still anymore, and asked the old lady for instructions.

"Go, she just came back, and she didn't know about it. You can go and talk to her, and give her a good idea."

The old lady naturally knew that their aunts and sisters-in-law were deeply in love, and she was actually worried about whether Shixuan could accept this marriage.That's why I was in a hurry to ask Wanxin to persuade her.

Who knows, the second wife stood up and objected, "No need to go, Shixuan is tired now and is resting. Wanxin, Shixuan is the eldest daughter of our Jin family after all, and our family also attaches great importance to her marriage. This matter has been settled, and it will never be changed. So don't waste your time, Shixuan is very good. If you are really in a hurry, you should pay more attention to yourself. It's been a few months since I entered the door, and my stomach hasn't moved at all, shouldn't you worry about yourself?"

The second lady is quite arrogant now, regardless of whether there are outsiders here, she directly pokes at Wanxin's pain.

Hearing this, the old lady quickly lowered her face. The second lady is getting bolder now, and she is still sitting here.

"Liu Zhen, Wanxin has good intentions. It's fine if you don't appreciate it. Isn't it too much to say something so harsh? Cheng Xuan is still here, so don't worry about it."

After all, there are outsiders around, and it is impossible for the old lady not to give the second lady face, so her tone is still very modest.

Unexpectedly, the second lady didn't care at all, and said with a proud smile: "Mother, daughter-in-law, this is telling the truth. Although I shouldn't say these things today, I really can't stand it. The eldest lady He didn't care about this matter, as if he wasn't in a hurry. I also saw that you were very anxious, so I said a few more words. If you don't like to hear it, I won't say anything."


The old lady was so blocked by the second wife that she couldn't speak. Last time Wang Mei'e drugged Wanxin, the old lady hadn't investigated clearly, so she didn't know about Wanxin.Now being mobilized by the second lady, she is actually a little curious in her heart, why can't she conceive?
The rest of the people didn't speak, they all looked at Wanxin straight, thinking how she would defend herself.Anyway, there are not many people in this family who want to see Wanxin, so everyone is waiting to see her jokes.

Wanxin listened to what the second lady said, but didn't care at all.She doesn't know her own body, so she doesn't need to explain it to others.Just about to speak, Qian Chengxuan, who had never spoken all this time, suddenly spoke.

"Grandma Jin, my father asked the younger generation to tell me that this auspicious day has been fixed. I don't know if you have any opinions."

As he spoke, he asked someone to hand over the dated note to the old lady for her to see.Qian Chengxuan's sudden opening undoubtedly helped Wanxin resolve the embarrassment, she really didn't know how to explain this matter to the old lady.

Grateful smiled at him, and stopped talking.Although I knew I couldn't avoid this matter, it was not a good time to talk about it.Wanxin didn't know why Qian Chengxuan wanted to help her out, but she was still grateful.

Just because Qian Chengxuan told about the auspicious day, the second wife also put her mind on the marriage and didn't have time to trouble Wanxin.The third and fourth wives are still a little bit jealous of Wanxin, so they won't recklessly feel sorry for her.

Wanxin saw that they were all discussing marriage and had nothing to do with her, so she backed out first.Originally, she didn't intend to get involved in this matter, if it was not related to Jin Shixuan, she would not have come to join in the fun.

After walking out of the old lady's yard, Wanxin didn't care about anything else, and went directly to Jin Shixuan.Since the second wife is still unable to leave for a while, she must hurry up.

Jin Shixuan was venting her anger in the room, throwing things all over the floor, but she didn't dare to run out.She knows her mother's tricks, if she really confronts her, the girls at the door will definitely suffer.

When she was venting her anger, she heard Wanxin's voice at the door, she rushed over to open the door and grabbed Wanxin in.

"Sister-in-law, you are here."

"What's the matter? Are you okay?"

Wanxin looked at the mess in the room and was startled.I thought Jin Shixuan couldn't think about it.

"It's okay, sister-in-law. You must help me this time, or I will die. I don't want to marry. I haven't even met that young master of the Qian family. I won't marry him if I kill him."

Jin Shixuan is now pinning all her hopes on Wanxin, she is thinking about escaping marriage.

However, Wanxin made a mistake.Escaping marriage is a big deal, she really doesn't have the courage.

"Shixuan, don't worry, there are still a few days left, let's think of a way slowly."

"How many days are left? Could it be that the wedding date has already been set?" Jin Shixuan became more and more excited. She thought she was just engaged, but she didn't expect that the wedding date was already set, so she couldn't be anxious to death.

Wanxin also knew that this matter was really cruel, but she was helpless, she really couldn't help this matter at all.

"Sister-in-law, what should I do? I don't want to marry, I really don't want to. I only have Amu in my heart, and I can't accept other people."

Jin Shixuan suddenly hugged Wanxin in pain, and burst into tears.

Wanxin hugged her distressedly, feeling that the current Jin Shixuan was so imaginary of her back then.At that time, she was also so helpless and hesitant.

(End of this chapter)

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