lady of the family

Chapter 140 Jin Shixuan's Marriage

Chapter 140 Jin Shixuan's Marriage (4)
"I don't want to marry, I don't want to marry, and I don't want to marry..."

She repeated this sentence over and over again, hitting Wan Xin's body again and again.She could only hug Jin Shixuan tightly, unable to speak a word.

After a long time, Jin Shixuan finally calmed down, let go of Wanxin and stood alone in that messy room.She looked out of the window quietly, and said very calmly: "I said I would not marry, and no one can force me."

"Shixuan, don't do stupid things, my sister-in-law will definitely help you with this matter."

After struggling for a while, Wanxin suddenly made a big decision.At the beginning, she had no way to change her destiny, but now facing Jin Shixuan who had the same experience as herself, she didn't want to watch Jin Shixuan become a victim of this feudal thought.So, she wants to help her, to help her escape from this cage.

Jin Shixuan's eyes lit up instantly, she looked at Wanxin gratefully, and after a long silence, she said a few words, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

Tears welled up in Wanxin's eyes, she walked over and hugged her, and said distressedly: "I can't promise you anything, but I will do my best to let you get rid of this marriage."

"Well, sister-in-law, thank you very much, without you, I really don't know what to do."

Jin Shixuan has never trusted anyone so much, since the first time she saw Wanxin, she has given her her sincerity.At that time, she looked into Wanxin's cold eyes, and the stubbornness in her arrogance made her see her own shadow.So from then on, she regarded Wanxin as another self.

After the aunt and sister-in-law calmed down, they began to discuss the next plan.This plan is undoubtedly bold, even risky.If it succeeds, then Shixuan will really be able to get rid of this marriage, but in the future, she will be wandering outside.That kind of life is not easy, because Wanxin has seen Rao Xueman's experience, so she is still very worried.But Rao Xueman was also lucky, because she met Ouyang Chen who was as stubborn as her, and it was an arrangement of fate that the two escaped together when they escaped marriage.

But what will happen to Shixuan's future, Wanxin really can't predict.The success or failure of this matter depends on one person, and that is Amu.

Wanxin's bold plan is for Amu to elope with Jin Shixuan.It is very dangerous for a woman to be away from home.But if Amu can agree to take Jin Shixuan away and take care of her outside, then Wanxin can also feel at ease.

But the question is, can Amu really agree?
On this point, Wanxin really has no idea.

When she returned to her room at night, Wanxin was still hesitating whether to tell Jin Shixiu about this matter.She was worried that Jin Shixiu would object, so there was no guarantee of success in this matter.

Since Jin Shixiu saw her hesitant to speak when he came back, he knew that she had something to do.He didn't take the initiative to ask, and let her speak when she thought about it.

When eating, Wanxin didn't eat herself, so she kept picking up food for Jin Shixiu, with a smile on her face and a flattering look.Jin Shixiu shook his head helplessly, this woman's expression was so obvious on her face, she could still hold her breath.

"That..." Wanxin couldn't help opening her mouth several times, but she swallowed the words again, repeating this many times until Jin Shixiu couldn't bear it anymore and opened her mouth.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Ha ha!"

This is the first time Wanxin has shown such embarrassment, mainly because once this happens, she will become the public enemy of the whole family.Especially the second lady's temperament, if she knew that she helped Jin Shixuan elope with Amu, then she must be skinned.

Seeing that Wanxin was still hesitating, Jin Shixiu simply helped her and said, "Are you trying to help Shixuan escape marriage?"

"Ah? How did you know?" Wanxin looked shocked. She could only discuss this matter with Shixuan in the afternoon. How did he know it so quickly?
Jin Shixiu put down the bowl and chopsticks, brushed his fingers across her face, and whispered, "It's written all over your face."

"Writing?" Wanxin blushed suddenly, knowing that he was teasing her.She is quite calm in front of outsiders.But I don't know why she was so at a loss in front of Jin Shixiu, and she wrote all her worries directly on her face, so that he could see through them at a glance.

"Okay, since you can see it all, then I'll just say it straight. Shixuan is really pitiful. She hugged me and cried so sadly in the afternoon. I really can't bear her appearance, really. I don't know who said that you must be in the right family to get married. Don't people from poor families have time to get ahead? What's wrong with Amu, the second wife is power. It's not her who gets married, so why should she follow I will choose a husband for Shixuan."

Wanxin can only chatter like this in front of Jin Shixiu.She was really angry in her heart. What she hated the most was talking to each other. These four words have deceived so many lovers in the world.

Seeing her passionate appearance, Jin Shixiu could only gently hold her hand, reminding her from time to time, "Speak slowly, don't get excited, I'm listening."

"That's right. Grandma is usually a very reasonable person, but this time she is messing around with the second wife. Seeing Shixuan's sad appearance really makes people feel distressed."

"So do you want Shixuan to escape marriage, or do you want her to elope with Amu?"

Jin Shixiu asked directly.

"Of course I elope. If I run away from marriage, I don't feel at ease with Shixuan living alone. I just don't know if Amu's wooden fish head will agree, so I asked you to discuss this matter." To be honest, This matter is really embarrassing for Jin Shixiu.Although Amu has followed him since he was a child, it doesn't mean that he can order Amu to do anything.Especially in the matter of feelings, Amu can only make up his own mind.

"Let me talk to Amu first. Anyway, he has to agree to this matter. We can't force him. If that's the case, what do we have to do with the people in our family who forced Shixuan to marry What about parting?"

After hearing Jin Shixiu's words, Wanxin could only nod her head in agreement.It is true that no one can be forced to do this, it only depends on whether they are willing or not.

After washing, the two slept together, Wanxin was lying in Jin Shixiu's arms, her eyes were still wide open, thinking about Jin Shixuan all the time.

"Go to sleep, this matter can't be rushed, you forgot that Ouyang Chen said he wanted you to have a good rest? Could it be that you still want your health to get worse?"

Speaking of this, Jin Shixiu was a little angry.She didn't even tell him that she was in poor health, but secretly ran to Ouyang Chen to get the medicine and let it go.

"Ouyang Chen ever looked for you?" Wanxin scolded Ouyang Chen bloody in her heart, why does this man's mouth look like a woman's?

(End of this chapter)

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