lady of the family

Chapter 143 Framed

Chapter 143 Framed (3)
Today, when Ye Wanyue saw Wanxin and the old lady, she had evil thoughts in her heart and wanted to harm Wanxin.But he was afraid of revealing his whereabouts, so he had to attack the old lady.

Anyway, Ye Wanyue was cruel to Wanxin, if she had the chance, she would never let it go.

Wanxin and the old lady returned to Jin's house. The old lady just got off the sedan chair when she suddenly felt unwell, her head was dizzy, and she passed out suddenly.

Fortunately, Wanxin supported her, otherwise she would have fallen to the ground.Seeing the old lady fainting suddenly, Wan Xinye was startled, and hurriedly called someone to take the old lady into the house, and then called Doctor Qian.

Everyone heard that the old lady passed out, so they all rushed over, and Jin Shixiu also rushed back from the outside in a hurry.Wanxin is panicking now, the old lady was fine when she was in the temple, why did something happen in the blink of an eye?

"It's okay, let Doctor Qian see what's going on first." Jin Shixiu kept comforting Wanxin, but he was also anxious.The relatives in this family, the only thing he cares about is the old lady.

Everyone held their breath and waited for Dr. Qian's diagnosis. This old lady seemed to be the backbone of the family. If something happened to her, everyone would panic.

After Doctor Qian's diagnosis, he also had a solemn face, and said solemnly: "The old lady has been poisoned."


"Well, why did you get poisoned?"

"Yeah, what kind of poison is in it?"

Everyone asked in a hurry, and the scene was very chaotic.Wanxin was also taken aback, she didn't understand why she was poisoned.

"This poison is very rare, and I can't judge it. Now I can only prescribe some medicine to take it. I have to go back and study the specific prescription."

Seeing that Dr. Qian was also in trouble, everyone was worried.Fortunately, Jin Shixiu was still calm, and said, "Then I will trouble Dr. Qian."

"It's just a little effort, then I'll go back and study the prescription first."

"Okay, come here, take Doctor Qian back."

Jin Shixiu walked to the bedside and looked at the old lady. Her face was turning blue, which was a sign of poisoning.Frowning tightly together, he shouted to the outside: "Amu, call Dr. Ouyang over."

"Yes, Master!"

The old lady was poisoned, everyone was very worried, but some people pushed the matter to Wanxin.For example, the second lady said dissatisfiedly: "Usually it's fine to go out, why did something happen today? Wanxin, how did you take care of others? You actually poisoned the old lady?"

"Yes, we are all safe and sound when we go out with you on weekdays. It's really strange that something happened when you went out with us." The fourth lady also echoed, this is an ironclad fact , she can speak a little harder.

Wanxin originally blamed herself for the poisoning of the old lady, but just now the old lady came out with a bad expression after entering the incense.She resented why she didn't stay with the old lady at that time?I insisted on going to the old monk for a fortune-telling, but it was nothing, and the old lady was poisoned.It was indeed her fault.

However, before Wanxin opened her mouth, someone spoke.

Jin Shixiu stood up and walked to Wanxin's side, glanced at the wives with fierce eyes, and said coldly: "Grandma is still in a coma, not only are you not worried, but you are still shirking responsibility here, what are you talking about? You all said that Wanxin didn't take good care of you, so what did you do? If you are full every day, you will know that there is nothing to do, I think you have too many comfortable days, and you don't feel at ease if you don't find something to make trouble, right? "

The second lady knew that Jin Shixiu would protect Wanxin, but this matter was related to the safety of the old lady, so she didn't care about it, and boldly replied: "Shixiu, I know you love Wanxin, but you have to You need to distinguish between right and wrong. It's obviously her fault, so forget it if you don't blame us, and you're blaming us, isn't it too much?"

"Wanxin is my wife, and I should protect her. I will investigate what is going on. If you want to use this incident to convict Wanxin, I advise you to die This heart. Now grandma needs to recuperate, you all get out of here, don't disturb her old man."

This time Jin Shixiu was really angry, and the volume couldn't help but increase a little.The gloomy eyes made the second lady obediently shut up and dare not speak anymore.

The third wife and the fourth wife knew that Jin Shixiu was not easy to mess with, so they had no choice but to shut up and dare not speak, and then retreated quietly.But Wang Mei'e didn't move, looking at the old lady's black and blue face, she looked calm, not knowing what she was thinking.

Jin Shixiu ignored her, but he still reminded Wang Mei'e, "Grandma will be fine, so don't think too much about it. Everyone knows whether Wanxin cares about this matter, so don't even think about taking it." Let’s make a fuss about this.”

Hearing what her son said, what else could Wang Mei'e do other than sneer?Her son is too smart, as soon as she raises her eyebrows, he knows what she is thinking, and really don't want to hide anything from his eyes.

He smiled coldly, took a look at Wanxin and said: "You can ask for blessings. If the old lady is fine, it's okay. If there is any accident, no one can protect you. Although the Jin family is the master of Shixiu, The head of the family, but you have to know that the Jin family is a big family, and if the whole family is really shocked at that time, it is not possible for Shixiu alone to settle all this."

After speaking, she left with a cold snort, and now Wang Mei'e feels refreshed all over.The old lady's accidental poisoning gave her hope, but God seemed to want to help her on purpose, and involved Ye Wanxin in it.

As long as there is a little bit of manipulation in this matter, the responsibility for the whole matter can be pushed to Wanxin. If everyone thinks that Wanxin killed the old lady in order to take charge of the family as soon as possible, then she, Ye Wanxin, should not even think about being here. The Kim family gained a foothold.

As for Jin Shixiu, she will find a way to contain him.

The room became deserted all of a sudden, Jin Shixiu was protecting Wanxin all the time, she heard the words of the wives, and knew that they were deliberately using this matter as a fuss to deal with her.But now she is not in the mood to think about that, the old lady is still unconscious, the only thing she worries about is the safety of the old lady.

Mama Liu, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke up, "Young Mistress, don't worry too much, this matter has nothing to do with you at all, I have always been by Madam's side, and I can testify to you. "

Wanxin said gratefully: "Thank you, Mama Liu, but I just want to ask you, did anything special happen during the incense burning? Why did grandma get poisoned after burning the incense properly?"

Liu Ma tried hard to think back, and said: "Nothing special happened at that time. After the old lady entered the incense, she suddenly said that she was dizzy, and then I helped her out, and then the young mistress was by her side."

(End of this chapter)

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