lady of the family

Chapter 144 Framed

Chapter 144 Framed (4)
"Then it was an accident when entering the incense. Could it be that there is something wrong with the incense?" Wanxin asked suspiciously.

"The abbot of the temple personally handed the incense to the old lady, because the old lady donated a lot of sesame oil money to the temple every year, and the abbot of the temple respected the old lady very much. Every time the old lady went to offer incense, The abbot is always by his side."

After hearing this, Jin Shixiu also analyzed: "If there is really a problem with the incense, then the abbot who delivered the incense to grandma should also be poisoned. I will send someone to inquire immediately."

"it is good."

Wanxin is worried at the moment, seeing the old lady like this, she is more sad than anyone else.Sitting next to the old lady, wiping her face with a veil, her face was full of worry.

Amu quickly brought Ouyang Chen over. Hearing that the old lady had been poisoned, Ouyang Chen was also in a hurry. When he arrived, he didn't care about greetings, so he checked the old lady first.

"How is it?" Jin Shixiu showed a trace of anxiety at this time, he was very calm before.

"It is indeed poisoned, but fortunately the poisoning is not deep. But it is hard to say what kind of poison it is. I happen to have Jieduqing here, and it will be fine after an injection. Don't worry too much."

Hearing Ouyang Chen's words, everyone was relieved, as long as nothing happened.After giving the old lady an injection, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Exited the room and let the old lady have a good sleep.Wan Xin said worriedly: "I don't think this matter is simple. Grandma of the Great Buddha Temple often goes there too. There has never been such a thing. I think someone did it on purpose."

Ouyang Chen also agreed: "Although I can't tell what kind of poison it is, I know that this kind of poison can't be seen casually. Especially if you said that you got poisoned during incense, then it must be intentional." It’s over. This kind of poison is relatively rare, it should be extracted from some kind of plant, it is impossible to mix those things in this incense candle.”

"No matter who it is, this time, I must find that person out."

Jin Shixiu was really angry this time, that person not only wanted to harm the old lady, but also framed Wanxin, his intentions were really vicious.There are so many enemies around them, if they are so passive every time, if something happens, it will be too late for him to regret it.Previously, Jin Shixiu had been worrying about the business, but now the business is gradually on the track, it seems that it is time to pull out these cancerous tumors.

Wanxin also thought the same way, it's unforgivable that those people framed her, but they dared to do something to the old lady.The husband and wife held hands tightly, and they both strengthened their confidence. No matter who it was, they would never let it go this time.

The old lady was poisoned, and the house seemed to be in chaos. It was rare for Mrs. Sanfang to get together in harmony today. Of course, everyone was talking about the old lady.

The second lady was reprimanded by Jin Shixiu today, so she couldn't be more angry, she hid aside and kept complaining, "This Jin Shixiu is really going too far, and he doesn't take us elders seriously. He always yells and scolds us. If we don’t give him any color, he really thinks we are easy to bully.”

The fourth lady laughed and said: "You have a way, so how can you show him some color?"

The Fourth Madam had already had a face-to-face conflict with Jin Shixiu because of the accounts, and she knew that Jin Shixiu was a ruthless character, so she would not provoke her.But the second lady wanted to kick the steel plate beyond her limits, so the fourth lady was naturally happy.

The third lady remained silent. Since what happened to Jin Shiwen last time, she seldom spoke in front of everyone.

"Hmph, he is the only one who manages such a large family property of our Jin family, that's why he dares to be so arrogant. If he doesn't have this right, I think he's still standing upright."

"What do you mean?" The fourth lady looked expectant, and hoped that the second lady could do something this time.

The second lady looked at the fourth lady with a sneer, and did not continue talking, but sarcastically said to her: "Are you waiting to see my joke? You also think that I am overconfident in fighting Jin Shixiu, right?"

The fourth lady sneered and said: "Second lady, how can you say that? We are standing on the same front now, and I can still see if you can make a joke."

"Whether it's a joke or you're trying to persuade me to die, I know what I know, so I don't need to tell you more. You'd better take care of yourself. If the old lady really fails this time, Ye Wanxin is really in charge. If not, Ye Wanxin will settle accounts with you for all the things you did to her before."

She said with a sneer and walked away. She is not a fool. These women are not easy-going lamps. Naturally, she would not foolishly think that they would cooperate with her.

If you rely on yourself, the second lady will keep this sentence in mind, and she will never take any chances.

Seeing the arrogant appearance of the second lady, the fourth lady spat at her leaving back in disgust, and said disdainfully: "What a shame, I really thought that if she could climb up with the Qian family, she would have nothing to worry about." , this marriage has not been done yet, so there is no definite number, and it may happen that something will happen then."

Only then did the third lady speak, "Ye Wanxin is not easy to deal with, so be careful. And Jin Shixiu, he really protects Ye Wanxin. If we want to touch her, we must deal with Jin Shixiu first. However, I also think I don't have that ability. So, I won't get involved in this matter, and you can go about it yourself. "

"Why are you doing this? Didn't we agree to join forces at the beginning? You just quit now, didn't you mean it?" The fourth lady said angrily.

"I have no desires or desires now. I just want to live a stable life and take good care of Shiwen. As for other things, I really don't have the heart to take care of them. We don't have a son, and we can't get this property even after fighting. Is it interesting? I advise you to take it easy, bring up Shichun with peace of mind, find a good family to marry, and let yourself have a better life for the rest of your life."

The third lady's words were a great realization, and what happened last time had dealt a big blow to her.It doesn't matter if something happens to her, but she can't implicate her daughter.Her hope in this life is her daughter. If something happened to her daughter, wouldn't it kill her?As she said, they have no sons, so what is the purpose of fighting?

Sooner or later, the Jin family will belong to Jin Shixiu and his wife. They are fighting to the death and offended everyone, and there will be no way to live in the future.

So after facing the wall and thinking for a while, the third lady has figured out a lot of things.Instead of living in fear all day long, it's better to be like this now, with nothing to worry about, no desires and no desires.

The fourth lady was very surprised by the change of the third lady. She couldn't figure out why the fourth lady had such an idea now.But since the third wife is not willing to help her, she has no way to force it, she still has to rely on herself.

(End of this chapter)

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