lady of the family

Chapter 154 Escape from marriage

Chapter 154 Escape from marriage (2)
Wanxin was also shocked when she heard the news. If the betrothal gift was really sent out and they got engaged, then there would really be no possibility between Amu and Jin Shixuan.

"Does Amu really have to go?" Wanxin asked Jin Shixiu with a glimmer of hope left.

In this regard, Jin Shixiu could only nod helplessly, and said: "Amu himself agreed to this marriage, and I'm afraid there will be no turning point this time."

Hearing this, Wanxin had no choice but to sigh, she had tried her best on this matter, but in the end there was still no change at all.Seeing Amu's sad face, Wanxin had no choice but to turn her head and stop looking.

Jin Shixiu talked with Amu in the yard for a while, and Amu left.Wanxin knew that Amu was also powerless. Facing such a huge family as the Jin family, his power seemed too small.

The second wife told Jin Shixuan about this at the first time, and now the second wife is hoping that Amu will marry that Miss Zhang as soon as possible, so that Jin Shixuan can give up.

Jin Shixuan didn't react at all when she learned about this. Recently, she was locked in the room by the second wife, and she didn't even have a chance to step out of the room.But the second lady always told her about Amu's news in the fastest time.

It's not that she didn't know her mother's intentions, so she ignored her, pretending she didn't know anything.

"As you can see now, men are all gossips. A few days ago, he said he would be devoted to you until his death. In just a few days, he is going to marry someone else. So, Shixuan, give up as soon as possible. The wedding is only a few days away, and you should cheer up so that you can be a beautiful bride by then."

The second wife is still trying to persuade her, she just hopes that Jin Shixuan will think about it quickly, so as not to cause her any more trouble.

But Jin Shixuan sneered and said: "Isn't this the result you want to see? I know who Amu is better than you, so I don't need you to tell me. Don't you just want me to marry a man from a good family? Well, I'll just marry. But I can't guarantee that people will divorce me. "

"What nonsense are you talking about, kid? It's unlucky for you to talk endlessly before you get married. Let me tell you, you'd better marry me obediently, and don't try to play tricks. "

"Don't worry, I will marry well."

Jin Shixuan seemed to be a different person, her speech was a little weird, and her eyes became illusory.She looks at people now as if her eyes can't focus on the distance, and she is supercilious.

It's not that the second wife didn't notice Jin Shixuan's change, but she thought it was because Jin Shixuan was sad about the matter with Amu.So I didn't care too much.

Here, Amu went directly to Zhang's house with the bride price prepared for him by the old lady.Since you can't hide, you can only accept it.The Jin family would not agree to him being with Jin Shixuan, and he knew this very well.He didn't want Jin Shixuan to break up with his family because of him. In this case, even if they were really together in the future, Shixuan would not be happy.Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain, and Amu can only be that heartless person this time.

The Zhang family is naturally very satisfied with Amu, and the old lady is the matchmaker, and they regard Amu as a guest.

Amu has now accepted his fate for this marriage, but he has one request, that is, not to hold the wedding on the same day as Jin Shixuan.

The Zhang family didn't know what Amu was thinking, anyway, it wasn't a big deal, so they readily agreed and moved the marriage forward to the first day of the next month.

Next, Amu didn't think about anything, but focused on preparing for the marriage.He just wanted to numb himself with heavy work. In fact, he had not been able to sleep well for half a month, and his whole body was quite emaciated.

The news of Amu's early marriage finally reached Jin Shixuan's ears, and she didn't respond except to sneer.Now she finally knew that Amu wanted to get rid of her in a hurry.

This is also good, everyone is married, and there will be no more thoughts in the future.

Wanxin was always worried about Jin Shixuan, but the second lady didn't want anyone to see her, so Wanxin had no choice but to worry.Now staying at home is also a troublesome word, so she simply went to the embroidery room with Jin Shixiu every day, and her hands are also recovering, and she wants to embroider a few more embroidery pictures to have a good time.

The two went to the office of the embroidery studio together, and it happened that today a businessman from Shanghai brought a picture and asked them to embroider it.The steward of the embroidery room is worrying about this, because this picture is a masterpiece, the picture has too many colors, and there are many small links that cannot be interpreted with needle and thread.What's more tricky is that this is still a picture of a character.

In fact, the most difficult thing in embroidery is the characters. The main reason is that the expressions on the faces of the characters must be contrasted with colors, which cannot be done without strong embroidery skills.Although the embroiderers of the Jin family are all top-notch in Yunshan Town, there is still no such embroidery master.

Just when the steward wanted to decline, Wanxin and Jin Shixiu arrived.After asking about the details of the matter, Wanxin proposed to take a look at the painting.

However, Jin Shixiu disagreed, "Your hand is just right, this is too difficult."

"It's okay, I just want to see it. I didn't say that it must be embroidered. Besides, if we keep away the guests who come to the door, it will also affect the business."

Hearing what Wanxin said, Jin Shixiu couldn't continue to object, so he had to give her the picture and let her have a look first.

When Wanxin opened the picture, she was immediately attracted by the woman in the picture.This is an oil painting, the woman in the painting is gentle and elegant, with a strong aristocratic atmosphere.She was wearing a complicated western aristocratic dress, with layers and various lace embellishments.The main thing is her hat, which is braided and interspersed with different colors, which is the trickiest thing to embroider.Faced with such a complicated picture, Wanxin felt a little worried.

The owner of the oil painting was originally full of hope when Wanxin asked to see the painting, but when she saw that she was distressed, she immediately showed a disappointed expression.

"If you can't embroider, I won't blame you. In fact, from the beginning, I didn't have any hope. It is indeed too difficult to turn this picture into embroidery."

Seeing that person's disappointed expression, Wanxin couldn't bear it.She could feel the deep affection of the owner of this oil painting for the woman in the painting.Those eyes full of love, that affectionate gaze moved Wanxin a little.

"Actually, it's not impossible to embroider it, but it just takes some time. Although there are many colors in it, it is still feasible as long as you pay attention to it. It's just that some colors can't be found here at all, and we have to spend a lot of time." It takes time to find the color that goes with it.”

(End of this chapter)

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