lady of the family

Chapter 155 Escape from marriage

Chapter 155 Escape from marriage (3)
Wanxin didn't make this decision impulsively, she already had this idea the moment she saw the painting.

Hearing this, Jin Shixiu immediately objected, "Wanxin, I disagree, this painting is too difficult, your hand..."

"Sexiu, my hands are ready. My biggest hobby is embroidery. I am an embroiderer. I am very excited when I face such a challenging picture. Believe me, I can finish it." Wan Wan Xin looked at Jin Shixiu with Chen Ken's eyes, her hands were fine now, and she didn't want them to look like useless hands again.Embroidery is the job of the embroiderer, which is a part of her life.

Seeing her like this, what else could Jin Shixiu do besides agreeing reluctantly?He also didn't want Wanxin to be sad, and he didn't want her to give up her hobbies and live a boring life every day.

Hearing that Wanxin was willing to accept the order, the owner of the oil painting immediately opened his eyebrows and said excitedly: "It's really great, you don't know, I have already gone to no less than twenty embroidery houses, but No one is willing to take this business. Regardless of whether you can complete it in the end, at least you gave me hope, and I am already very grateful. The price is easy to talk about, and as for the time issue, I am afraid it is a bit urgent."

"When do you want it?"

"Three months." The man said with some embarrassment. He also knew that the time was a bit rushed, but he had no choice but to hand over the painting to that person at that time.

"Three months?" Jin Shixiu was originally very reluctant to accept the order, but now that the other party is so harsh, he is even more unhappy, and said with a bad face: "Since you are in such a hurry, it is better to find someone who can meet the order on time." Someone who helps you complete it, we don’t have the ability to do it.”

"Shixiu!" Wanxin gently tugged at his arm, persuading him, "Don't talk, I have my own way."

"Okay, then in three months, you can just come and pick it up."

"Wanxin..." Jin Shixiu looked at her in disbelief, anxious, "Are you crazy? Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I said, I can do it."

Wanxin never does anything she is not sure about. She is more talented than anyone else in embroidery, and she has the ability to finish it on time.Of course, the premise is also of quality assurance. This challenging job has completely excited her now.

In the end, with Wanxin's insistence, she successfully accepted the order.For this, Jin Shixiu was very dissatisfied. Naturally, he was not questioning Wanxin's ability, but considering her hand.It was just right at first, but now that he has taken on such a heavy workload, he is worried about her.

However, Wanxin was so persistent, he couldn't bear to see her disappointed, so he was so entangled.

After Wanxin took the order, she began to think about it, how to match the color, how to draw the base pattern, these are all made by herself.Of course, Jin Shixiu was even more dissatisfied because she was busy.

The two of them fought like this every day, and the days passed quickly, and it was the beginning of the month in a blink of an eye.

The first day of the new year is the day when Amu gets married, and it is also the day when the Jin family gathers to pray for blessings.The family gathered in the old lady's house early in the morning, but the atmosphere today is obviously very different from before.

Everyone stared at Jin Shixuan from time to time. They thought she would make a big fuss, but they didn't expect her to say nothing, as if nothing happened.

Wanxin managed to meet Shixuan today. She originally wanted to say a few words to her, but the second lady blocked Jin Shixuan behind her like a chick. No one could tell her. Last sentence.

After praying, everyone gathers around the dinner table to eat.The old lady didn't say anything today, and everyone ate in silence, as if no one dared to make a sound.

However, there were still ignorant people who spoke, but this time it was Jin Shichun who was really ignorant.She scratched her head and asked Wanxin curiously.

"Sister-in-law, today is Brother Amu's big day, can I go with you?"

The atmosphere was embarrassing enough, but Jin Shichun still didn't open which pot and which pot was lifted. When this sentence was asked, everyone put down their bowls and chopsticks and stared at Jin Shixuan.

Wanxin also looked at Shixuan worriedly, and hurriedly said, "Shichun, can we talk about this after dinner?"

"Oh fine!"

After all, Jin Shichun is still young, and he doesn't know much about men and women.She also didn't know about the things between Shixuan and Amu, so she didn't mean to mention it.

However, this time, everyone felt uneasy, wondering what would happen to Jin Shixuan.

Seeing everyone looking at her, Jin Shixuan slowly put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands, and said nonchalantly, "Is everyone full? Then Mama Liu, please order someone to clean up the bowls and chopsticks."

"Hehe, we just held the bowl, how can we be full?" The Fourth Madam originally wanted to watch the fun, but Jin Shixuan didn't seem to care at all, she said a little disappointed.

Seeing this, everyone picked up their bowls again, and no one mentioned Amu again.

Jin Shixuan sneered, and didn't care about everyone's reaction at all. She stood up and said, "I'm full, take your time."

As she said that, she was about to go back to her room. Seeing that Shi Xuan had left, the second lady quickly stopped eating and followed her back.Today is a special day, she must take good care of Shi Xuan, so as not to cause any trouble.

Wanxin was quite worried seeing Shixuan like that, but she couldn't do anything to help her.She will go to Amu's wedding with Jin Shixiu later, Shixuan's side is really worrying.

Seeing this, Jin Shixiu quickly took Wanxin's hand lightly, shook his head at her, and signaled her not to interfere in Shixuan's affairs.

The second lady followed Jin Shixuan back to the room, but as soon as she entered, Shixuan locked the door behind her.

"Shixuan, what are you closing the door for? Open it quickly."

"I want to rest, don't bother me."

After Jin Shixuan said this, she covered her head with the quilt, and no matter how much the second wife shouted outside, she never said a word.

Her tears had already wet the pillow, and thinking of Amu's wedding with that Zhang Xiaohong today, her heart ached.

She didn't know how long she had been crying, but she suddenly jumped up from the bed, kicked the quilt aside, and stared at the outside.

After a long time, she stood up, walked to the window, and gently opened it. Fortunately, the window was not nailed.The feeling is that the second wife thought that she would guard the yard by herself, so Shixuan would not have a chance to escape.

That's right, Shixuan just wants to escape now.She didn't think about stopping Amu's wedding, but at least she didn't want to be locked up in the room and cry, she had to go no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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