lady of the family

Chapter 165 The Mystery of Life Experience

Chapter 165 The Mystery of Life Experience (2)
Wanxin knew what Amu father said before, she supported him gratefully, and said: "Uncle Zhou, thank you for everything you have done for my parents and me. Those are things in the past, so don't blame yourself Ye Rongguang has also received the punishment he deserved, and now that the Ye family has returned to me, you have no regrets."

"No, miss, the matter is not as simple as you imagined. Also, you can't spend your whole life with your enemy." Amupai said excitedly suddenly, what she said made Wanxin astonished again.

"My enemy? Uncle Zhou, what do you mean?"

"Master was forced to death by the Jin family back then... and Madam, if it weren't for the Jin family's hard work, Madam would not have died. It can be said that Madam was pissed to death by the Jin family. Now you are still married Go to Jin's house, you say you are not..."

"What did you say?"

This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, the Jin family is actually the enemy who killed her parents, this shocking news makes Wanxin's heart unable to calm down.

Afterwards, Father Amu elaborated on the situation back then. It turned out that there was a dispute between the Jin family and the Ye family, vicious competition in the business field.In the end, it ended with the failure of the Ye family, and the Ye family was ruined. After that, the Jin family's career flourished and continued to today's glory.

Wanxin didn't know how she got home in the end, she was in a daze and her mind was in a mess.Sitting on the reclining chair in the yard, the words Amu Dad said kept echoing in his mind.

She didn't know how to face all this, let alone how to forget it.

Jin Shixiu didn't see Wanxin come back in the house, so he asked Xiaolian to take a look.

"Master, the young mistress is back and is sitting in the yard. But it seems that something is on her mind, and her complexion is not very good."

Hearing this, Jin Shixiu hurriedly endured the pain and got up from the bed.I've been lying down for two days, and my injury has healed a bit, so I can end the game.

Walking a few steps into the yard, seeing Wanxin's worried look, he became anxious all of a sudden.Walked over and asked worriedly: "What's the matter? Did something happen? Didn't you go to pick up Amu's father and A Lin? Why are you still depressed when you come back?"

Wanxin didn't speak, just looked at him straight.She knew in her heart that this matter had nothing to do with Jin Shixiu, and she couldn't transfer that hatred to him.But after knowing the truth, she couldn't get along with him like before.Because, there is a knot in my heart, a knot.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired. Why did you come out? Go back and lie down."

Wanxin didn't mention anything in the end, and she didn't want to say anything about it.This has nothing to do with Jin Shixiu, she can't be so selfish and blame him for all the mistakes.

Although Wanxin didn't say anything, Jin Shixiu knew that something must have happened today, otherwise she would never be like this.

"Really okay?"

Although he knew that this sentence was a bit redundant, he still couldn't help asking.

Wanxin smiled at him and shook her head, and said softly: "I'll just take a rest, let's go, let's go in."

She stood up and supported him as before, but this time her hand just touched his body, but she let go as if she had been electrocuted.

Seeing this, Jin Shixiu's face changed drastically, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Neither of them spoke, they just entered the room silently.Although Wanxin is still the same on the surface, Jin Shixiu knows that she must have something in her heart.

The next day, taking advantage of Wanxin's spare time to accompany the old lady, Jin Shixiu found the driver who went to pick up Amu Dad with Wanxin yesterday, and asked about yesterday's situation.

The driver was in the car at the time, and he heard some of what Wanxin said to Amu Dad, so he told Jin Shixiu.

This time, Jin Shixiu couldn't sit still anymore, the thing he was most worried about happened after all, and Wanxin still knew about it.

Only now did he know the reason for Wanxin's deliberate alienation yesterday. He was very scared, really scared.He was afraid that Wanxin would leave him because of this incident. In fact, he is a very insecure person, but no one else can notice it.

At this time Wanxin greeted the old lady as usual, and then had breakfast with her.It's just that today Wanxin didn't speak, and just stayed on the sidelines.

"Wanxin, is there something on your mind? I think your complexion is not very good today."

The old lady has never seen Wanxin so silent before, she is not a person who likes to show off her words, today's reaction really surprised her.

Wanxin was indeed in a trance, she raised her head when asked by the old lady, and said softly: "It's okay, Grandma, you think about it."

Wanxin had never talked to an old lady like this before, her abnormal old lady today is a bit inexplicable.But she thought it was just the young couple quarreling or something, she must be in a bad mood.

"It's normal for a husband and wife to have bumps and bumps. If you have something to say, just say it, and it hurts you to be bored in your heart."

The corners of Wanxin's mouth are lightly raised, and there is an indescribable pain in her heart.But she couldn't say anything, she could only bury her pain in her heart.

"Grandma, I'm not feeling well. I can't accompany you today. I'll go back first." Before the old lady could speak, she got up and left.

Liu Ma is usually a person who doesn't like to talk, but today Wanxin's abnormality made her feel strange, and she couldn't help saying: "Old Madam, there is something wrong with Young Mistress today."

"Well, who knows about the young people. The relationship between their husband and wife has always been good. I believe it's just a little misunderstanding. It will be fine soon."

"By the way, old lady, there is news about that child back then."

"What?" The old lady was really shocked by this news, and she asked eagerly, "Where is it? How is she doing now?"

"Returning to the old lady, I didn't find the child, but the person who was entrusted back then."

"The entrusted person? Since this person can be found, then the child must be found. Hurry up and send someone to invite that person back. I must know the whereabouts of the child." The old lady was already impatient.

"When I heard the news, I had already sent someone to look for that person. But when I found that family yesterday, the family moved away. It seems that the family's surname is Zhou. As for where they moved, the people in the village I don’t know either. I’ve asked people to continue looking for it, and I believe there will be news soon.”

Hearing this, the old lady couldn't help showing a disappointed expression again, and sighed: "In fact, I have been so persistent in finding that child all these years, not only because of the entrustment of my ancestors, but also because of the atonement. Although the decline of the Ye family and the Jin family There is no direct relationship, but in the end it was because of the Jin family that such a tragedy happened. When Zhe'er was dying, he told me again and again to treat the descendants of the Ye family well, I don't want him to die in peace."

(End of this chapter)

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