lady of the family

Chapter 166 The truth 2 years ago

Chapter 166 The truth 20 years ago (1)
"Old madam, I believe the old man should have seen your care for that child all these years, so don't blame yourself. All this is just God's will, and there is no one to blame."

"Oh, you don't know, if Mei'e hadn't done such a thing behind Zhe'er's back, it wouldn't be where it is today."

The two old people have worried faces. No one knows what tomorrow will look like.

Wanxin returned to her yard full of thoughts, Jin Shixiu rushed out as soon as she entered, and hugged her tightly.

She stretched out her hands, originally intending to hug him, but just as she stretched out her hands, she seemed to remember something again, and suddenly retracted them.

"what happened?"

It took a long time before Wanxin spoke in a deep voice, her voice was very low, as if she was deliberately suppressing something.

"Wanxin, don't leave me..."

Jin Shixiu greedily sucked the fragrance of her body, and hugged her tightly, as if he was afraid that she would disappear if he let go.

Hearing this, Wanxin just sneered slightly, she didn't know why Jin Shixiu said these words suddenly, but she felt very uncomfortable after hearing it.

Pushing away his body, Wanxin raised her head and looked straight at him, then said slowly, "Shixiu, why do you say that? I'm fine, why did I leave you?"

Jin Shixiu looked at Wanxin in a daze, these words were like sharp thorns piercing his heart fiercely.Wanxin obviously knew everything, but at the moment she pretended to be nonchalant, as if nothing had happened.

"Wanxin..." Jin Shixiu's throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't speak a word.

In fact, Wanxin's heart is bleeding at this moment, she doesn't understand why fate tortured her like this.She just wanted an ordinary life and lived her life peacefully, but why would God refuse to satisfy her even with such a simple wish?

"Shixiu, I remember you once asked me a question, you said what would I do to you if you cheated me. I don't remember how I answered you at the beginning, but I firmly believe that you will never Lied to me. So I will ask you a question today, have you ever lied to me? "

She looked up into his eyes, waiting for his answer.

It's just that Jin Shixiu couldn't answer the simple question.

He also had no way to answer this question, because he had indeed lied to her.It's just that the deceit was because he was afraid of losing her, so he couldn't do it.

But today, he didn't know how to speak to Wanxin.The truth of the matter is so cruel that no one can accept it.

The two fell into endless silence like this, only the faint heartbeat between each other sounded one after another.Wanxin kept looking up at his face, she really wanted to reach out and touch it, as if nestled in his arms, and heard him say, "Wanxin, I swear, I never lied to you..."

However, after seeing his silence, the last thought in Wanxin's heart disappeared.Because she already knew the answer, Jin Shixiu already knew about her parents long before that.But he didn't choose to confess to her, but lied to her.

"If you can't answer, then don't answer, I..." I already know the answer...

"Wanxin, I...I..." The scene that Jin Shixiu didn't want to see the most happened at this moment. His heart felt as if someone had beaten him to death, and the pain swept his whole body.

"I don't blame you, this matter has nothing to do with you, it's just that I can't get over the hurdle in my heart." Wanxin didn't know how much effort she had used to say this sentence, she let go of his hand, turned around Walk towards the inside of the house.

Her figure was elongated by the sunlight, and the dazzling light shone on her body, as if it had cast a halo on her.Jin Shixiu looked at the back of her leaving, the shadow became transparent until finally disappeared completely...

For the next few days, the whole house seemed deserted.Wanxin sat in front of the embroidery frame all day and concentrated on embroidery, as if she put all her energy on the embroidery picture.

Jin Shixiu didn't know how to explain it to Wanxin, and he had no choice but to hide it.Who wants the person they love the most to hate themselves?
In Ye's house, Jin Shixiu found Amu's father, and he also wanted to know what happened back then.Originally he thought that only Ye Rongguang knew the truth about that matter, but he never expected that Amu's father was the person entrusted by Wanxinniang back then.

Life is like this, there are too many unpredictable.No one can know what will happen next second.

Amu Dad knew that Jin Shixiu would come to him, so he didn't hide what happened back then, and slowly fell into the memory of 20 years ago.

20 years ago, Ye Zhai.

"Madam, try harder, the child's head has come out, try harder..."

The painful roar made Ye Tianhao, who was standing outside waiting, anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but he couldn't do anything.I could only rub my hands together and paced back and forth.

In the room, He Caiyun was dripping with sweat, clutching the bedding tightly with both hands, and yelling loudly while gritting her teeth.

"Ma'am, I'll be out soon, hold on..." The midwife was still encouraging her over and over again, holding the child's head firmly with both hands.


Accompanied by the last roar, there were resounding cries of babies in the empty yard.

"Ma'am, congratulations, you are a young lady, this child is so beautiful."

The midwife carried the baby in front of He Caiyun and said with a smile.

Looking at the child in the hands of the midwife, He Caiyun also showed a gratified smile, and murmured, "Brother Hao, we finally have a child..."

Before he could finish speaking, he passed out.He Caiyun has been in poor health, and the doctor said that she is infertile, but the heavens let them conceive a child in the end.Just after giving birth, her body was very weak, and she could only fall into a deep sleep in the end.

Ye Tianhao, who had been waiting outside the house, finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the cry of the child.He hurriedly opened the door, and without even caring to look at the child, he asked impatiently, "How is Caiyun?"

"Master, don't worry, Madam is fine, but she is too tired and fell asleep."

Seeing his worried look, the midwife hurried to speak to prevent him from going crazy.

Hearing that his wife was fine, Ye Tianhao was completely relieved, and only then did he take care of his child.When he took over that lovely child, he was already weeping with joy.He originally thought that he would never be able to be a father in this life, but fortunately God still had eyes, and finally let them have their own children.

(End of this chapter)

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