lady of the family

Chapter 174 The Vengeful Serpent

Chapter 174 The Vengeful Serpent

"I disagree...Wanxin, how can you be so selfish, how can you make decisions for our future? You only know that you can't face all this, but have you ever thought about me? I am even more afraid of facing this cruel The truth. I live in fear every day, and I am afraid of losing you every day. As long as I don’t see you, I start to think about it. I wonder if you are going to leave me. I told you, no more You, I can't live at all, do you want to see me die?"

Jin Shixiu is really going crazy. During this period of time, he has tried his best to suppress his feelings. He wants Wanxin to calm down for a while so that she can think clearly.But now, he has given him time and space, but the result of Wanxin giving him is to be separated from him.He couldn't bear such a result, and he would never accept it.

He stretched out his hand to hold Wanxin's hand, and then walked out, "I'll take you to a place."

He didn't wait for Wanxin to agree, and left directly.

After getting into the car, he started the car and headed straight to the destination.Wanxin sat in the passenger seat without saying a word. She didn't know where Jin Shixiu was taking her, but she didn't want to ask either.Having been with Jin Shixiu for a long time, she has developed a habit of not asking anything, and he will make arrangements for her, so that she doesn't have to worry about anything.

The two were speechless all the way, until they reached the destination, Wanxin opened her eyes wide in horror, "What are you doing here?"

"Where we first met, remember what you did to me here?"

Jin Shixiu turned his head to look at him, and the scene when they first met appeared in his mind.Although she was under tremendous pressure at that time, she was able to face it with a smile.She can lend a helping hand to a person who has never been masked, exclude the worldly eyes of the outside world, and take drugs for him.At that time, Wanxin was optimistic and cheerful. When people saw her at first sight, they would never forget it.

Although Wanxin has changed now and has become a little sentimental, in Jin Shixiu's eyes, Wanxin is still the Wanxin he knew before. The biggest change in her is falling in love with him.This is also the change that makes him most gratified.

Wanxin also thought about that encounter, it was that coincidence that linked their fate together, and they would never be able to get rid of each other in this life.

Fate is such a tease of people, so that two men and women who were originally strangers are closely connected, and it only takes a few seconds to lock them for a lifetime.

"It's just autumn, and the snake hasn't hibernated yet. Many people will be bitten by snakes at this time of year. Today we will make a bet with fate. If we can meet a poisonous snake today, then we will be together forever. No one can say the word "separate". But, if you don't meet..." Jin Shixiu paused for a long time, and then continued: "I promise you, let you go free!"

These words echoed in Wanxin's ears over and over again, she didn't say anything, she just stared ahead dully.Perhaps it is best to let God make the decision.

No one knew how painful her heart was now, the feeling of being torn apart really suffocated her.

"Okay!" She replied very calmly, then opened the car door and got out of the car.

The air in the mountains is a bit humid, and taking a breath of the air here will make people feel chilling.Looking at the lush mountain, Wanxin felt restless.

Deep down in their hearts, they didn't want to separate, but the reality forced them to face this choice.People living in this world are such contradictions. They obviously don't think so in their hearts, but they just can't control it.

Both of them took a deep breath and looked at the mountain with gloomy eyes, not knowing what fate awaited them.But since they have decided to leave this choice to God, they must prepare for the worst.

The scenery on the mountain in autumn is particularly charming. The red maple leaves all over the mountain are like fire, dyeing the whole mountain red.Walking in this impenetrable deep mountain covered by leaves, there is a kind of creepy feeling.From time to time, birds and beasts would pass by their side, leaving behind a shadow like the wind.

In the silent valley, the silence is frightening.Wanxin and Shixiu are walking in the midst of this, as if they are walking towards a future full of thorns, and no one knows what the result will be like.

"Wanxin, are you afraid?"

Jin Shixiu asked her suddenly while holding her hand, it was because he was very scared.How much he wished to see the poisonous snake now, even if he was bitten to death, he was willing to do so.

Wanxin shook her head, and said softly, "It's meaningless to be afraid now. Since we have chosen this path, we can only go on without hesitation. Otherwise, do we have other choices?"

Hehe, yeah, are there any other options now?
The two fell into silence again, feeling that saying anything at this moment was superfluous, and all they could do was to wait for the arrangement of fate.

The sky was getting later and later, and the night in the mountains came very early, and there was no light in the woods, so it was already dark inside, and it was very gloomy.

"It's already dark!"

Wanxin suddenly stopped her steps and said in a heavy voice, in fact her heart was slipping down bit by bit.When it got dark, it meant that they lost their bet, and if they lost the bet, it meant that they were going to separate.

Jin Shixiu was startled suddenly, and almost couldn't stand still. Does God have to be so cruel to them?

Turning his head to look at Wanxin's calm face, Jin Shixiu almost went crazy.He couldn't, really couldn't.Even if this is the ending arranged by God, he can't accept it.

"Haven't today passed? So we can't admit defeat yet."

"Shixiu, don't lie to yourself, okay? I know you will think that I am selfish, but I really can't help it. You are a good person, and you are my greatest luck, but this is God's arrangement, we have no choice. "

"You really want to leave me that much?"

Jin Shixiu asked with a heartache, why should he be dealt such a heavy blow after they got along with each other?Is it really so difficult to want a love?
"It's not that I want to leave you, but that we have to separate. It's not fair to you if this goes on."

"I don't care, as long as you are by my side, I don't care about the rest."

Jin Shixiu held Wanxin's hand tightly, he was just playing a rogue, fuck the damn bet, he won't bet now.He Jin Shixiu has never been a person who believes in fate, he wants my life to be up to me.

"Let's go back. I'll take you away from Jin's house right now. If you don't want to face those people, I'll make them never appear in front of you in this life, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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