lady of the family

Chapter 175 How to Choose

Chapter 175 How to Choose (1)
This is the first time that Jin Shixiu begged someone so humblely. In front of Wanxin, he can let go of all his self-esteem and pride, and he can let go of everything.

"Shixiu, they are your family and your closest relatives. I can't let you abandon your relatives for me. If you lose your wife, you can find them again, but once your relatives are lost, they will never come back again. Do you understand?"

Wanxin felt bitter, seeing Jin Shixiu like this made her heart ache.But……

Maybe she is really a selfish person!

"I haven't had any relatives for more than ten years..."

In just one sentence, Tu has already expressed all his grief. Over the past ten years, he has been alone abroad, and he has suffered all kinds of hardships.In fact, foreign countries are not as good as everyone imagined. In a country with no relatives and a language barrier, it is really difficult to move forward.

"Shixiu, look at me." Wanxin held his face, met his gaze, and said with a choked voice: "Shixiu, I love you, and before I know it, you have taken root and sprouted in my heart , It's really hard to forget you. I don't want to leave you, but I can't accept this fact. Can you let me calm down for a while? I think I really need to calm down and think. With you , I can't do anything, my heart is broken when I see you!"

Wanxin's saying this is the biggest concession she has made, yes, she is indeed reluctant to leave.It's just that the facts are too cruel for her to face for a while.Maybe give her a little more time and she'll be able to sort out her feelings.

Jin Shixiu held Wanxin's hand instead, and gently rubbed it on his face, "Okay, I promise you, you move back to Ye Zhai first, but I want to see you every day."

Both made concessions because it was a cornered choice.


The two physically and mentally exhausted bodies hug each other tightly, this moment is the most peaceful for them.How much I want to just hug each other like this, ignore the troubles of the world, and leave everything behind.

The moment the two embraced each other, a poisonous snake covered in red sprang out from the pile of fallen leaves. The pair of green eyes on the snake's head looked straight at Wanxin's face, and the long snake letter kept swallowing. .

"Let's go back, it's getting dark too soon."

Jin Shixiu took Wanxin's hand and was about to leave, but just as he took his steps, he heard Wanxin scream, "Ah..."

"what happened?"

Jin Shixiu hurriedly asked, only to see a big red snake swishing away and disappearing.

"Venomous snake..."

The snake bit Wanxin's leg just now, but she just felt that the road was going to be numb, and water dripped out of her face.

"Sit down quickly, and I'll show you."

Now the two of them didn't care about the snake anymore, Jin Shixiu's heart was about to jump out, he knew what it was like to be bitten by a poisonous snake, and he could bear it, but he was afraid to bear it with all his heart.

As soon as Wanxin sat down, she quickly lifted up her trousers and lifted up the place where she had been bitten.Two small holes appeared shockingly on Wanxin's fair calf, and Jin Shixiu didn't make any preparations, and directly bent down to help her take drugs.


Wanxin couldn't bear it, but she also knew that it was impossible to stop her now.

Jin Shixiu helped Wanxin suck out the snake venom anxiously, and hurriedly asked Wanxin where there is herbal medicine.Wan Xin shook her head and said: "No need, let's go back to see the doctor later."

She didn't want him to work hard, and she didn't want him to leave half a step at this time.

"I'll carry you, so hurry up."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but walk away without Wanxin behind his back, his footsteps were in a hurry.

Stepping on the moonlight, the two leaned against each other's bodies in the dark mountain, enjoying this rare moment of tranquility.

When he returned to the town, Jin Shixiu took Wanxin directly to Ouyang Chen's side, where he had Jiedu Qing, so it would be faster.

Seeing that Wanxin was bitten by a snake, Ouyang Chen and Rao Xueman were both in a hurry and hurried about.

Rao Xueman has a fiery temper, and he doesn't care about injustice, and directly scolds Jin Shixiu, "I said, what kind of mountain are you taking Miss Wanxin to climb? See how serious the bite is, if it really happens What's the matter, let me see what you do."

Ouyang Chen on the side also echoed, "That's right, snake bites can be big or small, if the treatment is not timely, or if you encounter a poisonous snake, you may die in just a few seconds. This is a This is a very serious issue, and you must pay attention to it.”

Jin Shixiu didn't speak, just held Wanxin's hand and looked at her nervously.Both of them were very excited at the moment, and it was precisely because of the appearance of the poisonous snake that they strengthened their beliefs.

That is, it seems that God does not let them separate, but wants them to be together forever.

Although it was bitten, it was not a bad thing.

Ouyang Chen gave Wanxin an IV and asked her to stay in the hospital overnight for observation.Rao Xueman stayed with Wanxin, and Ouyang Chen took Jin Shixiu out.

The two sat in the yard, served a few small dishes, a pot of wine, and talked at night by candlelight by moonlight.On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon shines on the earth as if it were daytime.

Jin Shixiu drank one cup after another, but just didn't say a word.

Seeing him like this, Ouyang Chen didn't persuade him, Jin Shixiu is not very good at drinking, so tonight he would drink away his worries, maybe something happened to him.Thinking about it, there is no one else besides Wan Xin who can make him so depressed.

"Tell me what's going on."

In front of Ouyang Chen, Jin Shixiu had nothing to hide, put down his glass, and told all about Wanxin's parents.In fact, he is the one who suffers the most. No one can understand the pain in his heart.

After hearing this, Ouyang Chen was also shocked for a while, patted him on the shoulder lightly and said: "Oh, this God really loves to torture people, look at you two, it's really rough. What are your plans now? Xin can't face you, face the entire Jin family, what about you?"

Jin Shixiu looked at the moonlight firmly, and said firmly, "I don't care about anything else as long as I am sympathetic."

"I didn't expect you to be an infatuated kind. But you can really abandon your family? Your grandma is getting old, and your mother is easy to talk to, but what about your grandma? Can she agree?"

To be honest, it is the old lady that Jin Shixiu has been hesitating.She was old, and he didn't want to leave her alone.

Ouyang Chen also knows Jin Shixiu's difficulties, it takes a lot of courage to abandon his relatives.Maybe he can give up other people, but he certainly won't for Mrs. Jin.

Gently patted his shoulder, Ouyang Chen can only comfort him now, "If it is true what you said, then this matter has nothing to do with your grandma, not you. Wanxin is a reasonable person, I miss her You won't act arbitrarily. You just haven't been able to calm down yet. Perhaps as Wanxin said, if you let her calm down for a while, it will probably be better. Don't worry, I will let Xueman take care of her. "

(End of this chapter)

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