Chapter 192
Wanxin was forced to do nothing by the old lady. Seeing that the old lady's body was getting weaker and weaker, but she still looked at her stubbornly, Wanxin could only grit her teeth, raised her hand, and swore a poisonous oath.

"Wanxin, don't..."

Jin Shixiu wanted to stop him, but Wanxin shook her head at him.

"Shixiu, this is my promise to grandma." As a woman, it was her responsibility to bear children for her husband's family and carry on the family line.

"I, Ye Wanxin, hereby swear that if I cannot bear an heir for the Jin family in the future, I must take a concubine for my husband until I give birth to an heir for the Jin family. If I violate today's oath, my grandma will turn into a ghost after she dies and be with me day and night." Entanglement, my parents' spirits in heaven can't be at peace, and they can't be reborn forever!"

This oath was really too poisonous for Wanxin, she almost gritted her teeth to finish these words.These words were like a sharp sword piercing her chest, and it hurt even to breathe.

Jin Shixiu looked at Wanxin in a daze, unable to say a word for a long time.He closed his eyes in despair, and swallowed everything in his stomach.Wanxin made a poisonous oath because she wanted to be responsible to her grandma.But he would never agree. In this life, in this life, he will only have Wanxin as a woman.Even if he has no face to see grandma after death, he will never compromise.

After hearing Wanxin's oath, the old lady let go of her hanging heart.The matter of her children is what she is most concerned about. Today, Wanxin swore a heavy oath in front of so many people, and it finally made her feel at ease.

"After I die, you must be united together. We are all a family. Nothing is difficult. Shixiu, honor your mother, her life is not easy. Promise grandma, no matter what happens in the future, I will treat you well Mom, do you know?"

The old lady took Shixiu's hand and warned again, she seemed to know something a long time ago, don't try to hide everything from her eyes.

"Grandma, take a break, I know what to do." Jin Shixiu didn't agree directly, because he also guessed something in his heart.Grandma is a smart person, he believes that grandma has already noticed something, otherwise she would not have said these words before she died.

"Shixiu, promise grandma, it's grandma begging you." The old lady didn't let go. Before she died, she had to explain these things clearly.Otherwise, once she was gone, she couldn't predict what the family would look like.

"Okay, I promise you." In fact, the reason why Jin Shixiu agreed was just to find an excuse for himself.No matter what Wang Mei'e did, she was still his mother.It was she who gave him life, and that can never be erased.

Wang Mei'e, who was standing behind the crowd, was also shocked after hearing the old lady's words. She didn't expect that the old lady was thinking about her until she was dying, and a deep fear suddenly rose in her heart, which made her feel ashamed.

Especially after seeing Shixiu's gaze cast on her just now, she was even more on pins and needles, and the hairs all over her body stood on end.

The old lady explained a few more things, nothing more than asking Shixiu and Wanxin to treat the wives and younger sisters well.He also asked Shixiu to find Shixuan and not let her suffer outside.

"I have experienced too many ups and downs in my life, and I am enough to live to this day. When I am old, I especially want to see the person I love. Let me be better now. I can finally go to the master. See With you, I can go to him without worries." The old lady was very peaceful until the last moment, with a faint smile on her face, as if she had seen her lover.Her skinny hands slowly raised and stretched out in front of her, as if there were hands waiting for her there.

"Master, I'm here..."

After saying this, the old lady closed her eyes peacefully, with a smile on her face, and finished her wonderful life.

"Grandma, grandma..."

"Mother, mother..."

The whole room was crying, and everyone shed tears, some sincere and some false.Whether it is true or not, the old lady is gone forever, and Yunshan Town has lost a legendary figure since then.

The old lady's funeral has been arranged for three days, and all the famous and respectable people in the town have come.Although many people were curious about the cause of the old lady's death, due to the influence of the Jin family, they could only keep silent and dare not ask more questions.

Because of the death of the old lady, the investigation of the murderer had to be delayed.It's just that Jin Shixiu will never give up on this matter. The old lady is his closest relative and someone he cares about.If you dare to attack the old lady, you will have to pay the price.

The sudden death of the old lady also cast a shadow over the entire Jin family. Everyone seemed to feel that the backbone was missing, and they couldn't find the center of gravity.

Of course, there are also people who are too excited to sleep, such as Wang Mei'e.Although the old lady repeatedly told Shixiu to treat her mother well before she died, Wang Mei'e was not moved at all.In her opinion, the old lady did this to make herself feel better.How this old woman has treated her all these years, she is like a mirror in her heart, it is impossible for her conscience to realize that she wants to treat her well before she dies.

Wang Mei'e is in a particularly good mood these days, but because she can't express too much, she can only be locked in the room alone and secretly happy.

This meeting just came back from a busy day outside, and heard the girl say that the fourth lady is here.It's not that Wang Mei'e doesn't know what the fourth lady is doing here. This woman is too timid. She has been scaring herself since the accident, and it is useless.

Seeing Wang Mei'e's return, the Fourth Madam rushed forward, ignoring the presence of servants, and said directly: "I had a nightmare last night."

Wang Mei'e shot her a look, and said to the girl: "You all go down first, and no one is allowed to come in without my order."

After the girl left, Wang Mei'e scolded in dissatisfaction: "Look at your worthless appearance, can you say this in front of anyone? It doesn't matter what the occasion is. Look at your current appearance, have you not been People found out, but they were scared to death by themselves."

"Then what should I do? I can't even sleep every day, and I start to have nightmares when I close my eyes. The old lady is bitter and wants to strangle me to be buried with me. What do you want me to do? You didn't inflict the poison, Of course you are not afraid anymore."

The fourth lady is full of grievances. Is it worth it for five thousand oceans?
Wang Mei'e didn't care at all. In her opinion, the Fourth Madam was just a good-for-nothing.He said disdainfully: "Everyone is dead, can you get up and strangle you to death? Let me tell you, now that everyone is dead, don't think too much about it. Qiaoer is also dead now, this matter is There is no proof, no matter how Jin Shixiu presses you, can you not admit that you know? Otherwise, I will not be able to save you. Remember, we are both grasshoppers on the same rope now, and I will not let you have trouble But you have to be more confident, don't make a fuss every day, you will have trouble sooner or later."

(End of this chapter)

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