lady of the family

Chapter 193 The murderer is in danger, Wang Mei'e is insidious

Chapter 193 The murderer is in danger, Wang Mei'e is insidious (1)
"I don't want to do this either, but I'm just scared. By the way, Qiao'er is the thing. Did you do it?"

The Fourth Madam has always been brooding over Qiao'er's death. The girl has served her for nearly ten years and has never had any troubles. She is also loyal to her.When she found out that Qiao'er had died that day, she was shocked and sad.In fact, it was precisely because she didn't know anything that Jin Shixiu didn't continue to ask when he saw her.If Qiaoer was killed by herself, it is probably a different scene now.

Wang Mei'e confessed to Qiao'er's matter, and directly admitted, "It will be a disaster to keep that girl sooner or later. Think about it, if Jin Shixiu finds out about Qiao'er, do you think he will not be able to find out about you? Think about it carefully, have you met anyone after you took the medicine that day, you must get rid of all these people, otherwise any small mistake may lead us to a dead end." The fourth lady thought for a while, and she was sure Shaking his head, "I didn't meet anyone at the time, and there should be nothing wrong with it." Yes. I am not afraid of this, what are you afraid of. Remember, we are all together now, and our fates are all connected to each other. As long as there is one day for me, one day for you, you don’t need to worry.”

Hearing what Wang Mei'e said, the fourth lady felt a little better.She felt that what Wang Mei'e said was right. Now that she and Wang Mei'e were closely connected, she was not afraid, so why should she be afraid?
Thinking of it this way, the Fourth Madam's mood improved a bit, she said a few insignificant words to Wang Mei'e, and then went back.

It's just that Wang Mei'e couldn't help feeling upset when she saw her like that.She knew that although the fourth lady looked very strong on the surface, she was a timid woman.This woman is only a little clever, so she will be used by her.But such a person also made her worry.She was worried that one day, this fourth lady would stab her.

Therefore, she had to find a way to get rid of this person, otherwise, she would be the one who died.

The death of the old lady brought a heavy blow to Wanxin and Shixiu.The husband and wife have been immersed in pain for the past few days. They can't eat every day and can't sleep at night.Shixiu is fine, he is a man after all, he has a stronger mental capacity, but Wanxin can't do it.The old lady treated her as if she was her own, so that Wanxin could also experience the rare love of her relatives.But now the old lady's sudden departure caught Wanxin by surprise.

Now, she was sitting in front of the embroidery frame, trying to calm herself down with embroidery.During this period of time, she was indeed tired, and she didn't have a good rest.Ouyang Chen came to check her up a few days ago and warned her to have a good rest, otherwise she would wait to take a concubine for Jin Shixiu.

Wanxin herself doesn't want to work so hard, but she just can't help herself.Especially now that the old lady is gone, all the housework in the Jin family's inner house falls on her alone, so she has to work harder and work harder.

Jin Shixiu felt sorry for her working so hard.He walked to the embroidery stand, blew out the candle, and said to Wan Xin angrily, "You haven't slept well for three days, can you sleep well now?"

"I can't sleep." Wanxin was not angry, she knew that Shixiu was worried about her.

But she really couldn't control her heart, she felt that her body would really be dragged down if this continued.

"If you can't sleep, you have to sleep." Jin Shixiu stopped talking to her, and directly grabbed her needle and thread, picked her up by the waist, and put her directly on the bed.Covered her with a quilt, lay down gently beside her, and looked at her affectionately.

"I really can't sleep."

Wanxin was still trying to struggle, but Jin Shixiu gave him a cold look, so she had no choice but to shut up obediently.

"I'll be with you, you can rest assured to sleep. I won't go anywhere today, I'll sleep with you." In fact, a lot of things have piled up in the embroidery room outside these days, but no matter how many things there are, they are not as important as Wanxin's health .Jin Shixiu had already ordered him to do nothing today, and no one was allowed to disturb him.He had to take time out to be with Wanxin and let her have a good rest.Otherwise, he was really afraid of that day.

Wanxin leaned gently on Shixiu's arm, with a smile on her lips.Although she is sad, she also feels lucky that she can be loved by so many people.Especially Shixiu's doting on her made her feel that her life was not in vain.

With a pillow on his arm, with a smile on his face, and then really fell asleep.She felt that she hadn't been able to fall asleep in such a short period of time for a long time, and it seemed that she could only sleep in his arms in the future.

Seeing Wanxin fell asleep, Jin Shixiu's tense face eased a little.No matter how busy the business is, he can't let Wanxin ignore it.

Seeing a figure outside, Shixiu knew who was coming, and gently pulled his hand back, his arm was already numb.But he still showed a smile. It is also a very happy thing to let the one he loves sleep on his arm.

Go out, let the person who came to communicate come to the front hall, and listen to the other party's report.

"Master, Liu Ma came to me just now and said that Uncle He's dog dumpling was also poisoned to death by arsenic on the night of the incident. Liu Ma also found out that the dumpling drank the water from the water tank outside the accountant's room that night. It was just poisoned. I checked the water tank just now, and found nothing else, but because the water tank has been very humid, so there are some footprints. I also compared, He Bo and Liu Ma often go to the water tank , As for the other people in the house, it is impossible to get close to that water tank. I found a strange footprint around the water tank, which looks very new, and it should be left by the murderer." "Investigate the footprint immediately. Whose, but to investigate secretly, this matter can't be spread, don't startle the snake, you know?"

"Yes, master, I'll investigate right away."

"By the way, is it a man's footprint, or a woman's?"

"The footprints of a woman, and the footprints of a pair of leather shoes."

"Come and notify me as soon as you lock the target." Jin Shixiu said solemnly, a woman's footprints, hehe, women have the most people in this family.

But among so many wives, who on earth has such a great hatred for the old lady and wants to put her to death?

Jin Shixiu can't figure it out, and he doesn't want to think about it. This time he will definitely not be soft-hearted.Things finally got some clues again, Jin Shixiu clenched his fists and frowned, this time he must tidy up the Jin family mansion.Even the old lady dared to kill her, what else would she not dare to do?If one day Wanxin also offends them, will Wanxin also become the target of their persecution?Thinking of that possibility, Jin Shixiu was inexplicably afraid. If that day really happened, he would probably go crazy.Therefore, this time he must find the murderer and get rid of him.

(End of this chapter)

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