lady of the family

Chapter 195 The murderer is in danger, Wang Mei'e is insidious

Chapter 195 The murderer is in danger, Wang Mei'e is insidious (3)
On the other side, the Fourth Madam was almost frightened to death.After Yun'er came back and told her about throwing clothes today, she panicked like never before.And what scares her even more is that Jin Shixiu sent someone to search her house this morning.Although she also heard later that everyone's room had been searched, she still couldn't help but feel worried.

With a guilty conscience, she poisoned the old lady to death, so she will definitely be restless day and night.At this time, the most important clues were also dug out, and she felt that she must be doomed this time.

Thinking of this, the Fourth Madam didn't think so much anymore.Before Shixiu and Wanxin came back, she had to go as far as possible.

"Yun'er, hurry up and call Fourth Miss back." "Yes, Fourth Madam." After Yun'er left, Fourth Madam began to pack things in a hurry.She knew that the Jin family couldn't stay any longer, otherwise there would only be a dead end.

"dong dong dong"

Hearing the knock on the door, the hairs on the fourth lady's body stood on end, and she asked in panic, "Who?"


This voice also relieved the fourth lady, she hurried to open the door, saw Wang Mei'e, and let her in quickly.

"You're here, something serious has happened. I think Shixiu and the others have already found out about me."

"You are really useless. You can't even do such a thing. How can you leave footprints and throw the clothes with the powdered medicine outside? It's all right now, don't catch them What else can I do?"

Wang Mei'e came prepared. Now that the fourth lady has been discovered, she must find a way to stop her mouth.This matter must not have anything to do with her, otherwise she has done so much, all of which will be in vain.

Hearing what Wang Mei'e said, the fourth lady became anxious, "How can you ignore it? You obviously asked me to take this medicine, and if something happened to me, you would not be able to run away. Don't forget, we are sitting here now. If something happens to me, don’t try to take care of yourself.” “Hehe, you’re in a hurry, and I didn’t say I don’t care about you.” Wang Mei’e knows that the fourth lady is unreliable. Will make this trip.

"Then what do you think I should do now? You know Jin Shixiu's methods. Even if he won't kill me himself, he will send me to the police station. It's not like you don't know where the police station is. Don't even think about coming out in this life. I don't want to stay in that kind of dark place for the rest of my life." "Now you still have to save your life. You still have a chance to survive if you go into the patrol room. If you are directly killed by Shixiu, then You have no chance at all. It doesn't matter if you die, but you have to think about Shichun, Shichun is still young, you don't want her to be implicated by you?" "What do you mean?" The fourth lady is not a fool , naturally heard the meaning of Wang Mei'e's words.

It was also at this time that she realized that she hadn't seen Shichun's person all day today. Where did this child go?Wang Mei'e snorted coldly, walked around the fourth lady, and then continued: "The matter has come to this point, and I don't want to be sloppy with you, so let me tell you directly. Shixiu has already got the evidence of your poisoning , so you can’t run away. However, I want you to take everything on yourself, and this matter has nothing to do with me.” “What did you say?” The fourth lady was completely panicked and fierce Waiting for Wang Mei'e, she said contemptuously: "You have a beautiful idea, but why should I listen to you? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have poisoned the old lady. You were the murderer. Why should I go to jail? You Can you still enjoy Qingfu? Wang Mei'e, don't you think you are daydreaming?"

"Hehe, I said why are you so excited. Of course I know you won't do this, so I asked someone to take Shichun to live with me." Speaking of Shichun, the fourth wife seemed to understand everything.She asked why Wang Mei'e was still so calm at this time. It turned out that she had captured Shichun and threatened her with her daughter.

"Wang Mei'e, you are so despicable!" Gritting her teeth and saying these words, the Fourth Madam suddenly understood everything, she was over, completely over.

"Hehe, people don't kill themselves, you can't say I'm mean, you can only say you are stupid. If you want to poison yourself, you left so many clues for others to check you, who can you blame for this?" ? If you were smarter and acted without anyone noticing, would you be able to have today? Now that we have talked about it, then I might as well tell you. If you dare to confess me, then you will first give Collect your daughter's body. If you take all the crimes away yourself, if I am fine, I will treat your daughter well and let her marry a good family and live a good life. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel I believe you have also seen my methods and know that there is nothing I dare not do." Wang Mei'e was directly threatening the Fourth Madam, threatening her with the person she cared about most.

"Haha, haha!" The fourth lady suddenly laughed maniacally, and looked at Wang Mei'e with hatred in her eyes, "I can promise you, but I also curse you, Wang Mei'e, you must die a good death. Killing for life, this is eternal. The law of change, one day, you will die without a place to bury you." "That's my own business, don't bother you to worry about it. By the way, you should recognize this jade pendant, right? I remember the day when Shichun was born. You put it on for her one day, and today I took it off for her and returned it to you. You have to put it away, maybe you will have a chance to put it on for her again in the future." Seeing the jade pendant, the Fourth Madam I have to believe that Shichun is really in her hands.This jade pendant was always hung around Shichun's neck, and he never took it off even in the shower.Now that it appears in Wang Mei'e's hands, then Shi Chun will definitely be with her.

Wang Mei'e smiled sinisterly, patted the fourth lady's face lightly, and said sinisterly: "Fight with me, you are still a little tender. Go to your prison, don't worry, I will visit you. If your life is old enough, you might still have a chance to seek revenge from me. But now, you'd better be honest with me. If I know what kind of tricks you are playing behind your back, you will collect your daughter's body Right. No, I want her to die first without a place to bury her." This is not a joke, Wang Mei'e is a person who will do what she says.This matter is related to her life and death, she can't just talk nonsense.As long as the fourth lady dares to confess her, she will definitely kill Jin Shichun.

What can the fourth lady do? Her daughter has been arrested. She can't do anything but bear all the mistakes.Even though he was unwilling, there was nothing he could do.

Just like that, before Shixiu came to the door, the fourth lady herself confessed.She was jealous of the old lady who let Wanxin take charge of the family, and looked down on these concubines, so she became murderous.

Wanxin always felt that there was something wrong with this. Although the Fourth Madam pleaded guilty, the reason for the murder was too far-fetched.

(End of this chapter)

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