Chapter 196
Even if it's because the old lady gave Wanxin the position of mistress, it wouldn't make the Fourth Madam kill someone, right?Taking a ten thousand step back, even if the position of the mistress is not Wanxin's, it will not be the Fourth Madam's turn anyway.In front of her, Wang Mei'e and the third wife still swore that they would not be able to get along with her no matter what.If the murder was really for this reason, Wanxin felt that it was possible for Wang Mei'e.

But there was no other way, the fourth lady pleaded guilty, and she confessed so firmly, they had no choice but to convict her, and then handed her over to the police station.

The truth about the murder of the old lady finally came to light, but Wanxin always felt that it would not be so simple.But now she couldn't find any other clues, so she could only wonder in her heart, to see if she could find out more in the future.

What happened to the fourth lady made everyone very calm, and no one thought that it would be the fourth lady who did it.On weekdays, the Fourth Madam had a good relationship with the old lady, and there was no bad relationship. I don't understand why she wanted to kill the old lady.

But the matter has been investigated clearly, so there is no further questioning.In short, the current Jin family seems to be at peace after experiencing Wanxin being the master of the house, the old lady passed away, and the fourth wife was sent to the police station.But everyone felt a little uneasy. Everyone lived carefully every day, for fear that something might go wrong.

These things can be regarded as an end, and the Jin family will be at peace for a while.

Wanxin also suppressed the pain of the old lady's death in her heart, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to managing the housework.Of course, I finished the embroidery in my spare time.

Tomorrow is the day of delivery, but there are still some finishing work that she hasn't done yet.

However, she had just picked up the needle and thread, and before she had time to go to the embroidery frame, the candles in the room suddenly went out.Immediately afterwards, a big hand reached out and snatched the needle and thread from her hand.

"This picture is for tomorrow, and I have to finish it tonight." Wan Xin roared angrily with her eyes wide open.

Jin Shixiu folded his arms around his chest, smiling all over his face, and said slowly, "I haven't finished today's work, why are you thinking about tomorrow?"

"Is there anything I haven't done today?" She thought carefully.

He suddenly stepped forward to hold her cheek, kissed her cheek, and said viciously: "As a wife, serving your husband every day is a must for you. How can you forget such an important thing? ?”

"Jin Shixiu, you scoundrel, let me go..."

The candle is extinguished, and in the darkness, the enchanting flower of the night slowly blooms, exuding bursts of fragrance!
Finally, when the day of delivery came, Wanxin also embroidered the picture.I sealed the stitches in the morning, and then asked the master to hurry up and frame them.

Looking at her own work after three months, Wanxin finally smiled with satisfaction.It was the first time to embroider a picture of a figure, but she didn't expect the effect to be so good. It was beyond her expectation.

Standing next to her, Jin Shixiu couldn't help admiring this embroidered picture.

"Wanxin, you are a natural embroidery master. No one can embroider so vividly for the first time. Look at the people in this painting, it is as lifelike as a photo taken."

Jin Shixiu usually doesn't compliment people, but Wanxin's picture is really vivid.

"Hehe, it's just the beauty of the person in the painting. But I don't know why, I always feel as if I've seen the person in the painting somewhere. But I've never seen her before, it's really strange."

Hearing what Wanxin said, Jin Shixiu also looked at the people in this painting again.The woman was dressed in a white dress, with a big lace hat, and raised her eyes to look at the sky.Although it is only a figure in an oil painting, the features of the characters are depicted realistically, and it is easy to see the clear facial features of the person.

"Hearing what you said, I think it's really familiar, and I also feel like I've seen it somewhere before."

Jin Shixiu rested his chin on one hand, looked at it seriously, suddenly raised his head to look at Wanxin, and exclaimed: "Wanxin, I think the person in this painting is a bit like you."

"It looks a bit like me?" Wan Xin was also shocked for a while, how could she be like her?
It’s okay not to mention, Jin Shixiu looks more and more like him, “It’s really similar.”

"But how is it possible? Didn't you listen to the owner of this painting? This painting was painted more than [-] years ago, and I was not even born more than [-] years ago. So how could the painter know that I am It's just a coincidence that the face looks a bit similar." Wan Xin didn't care, she put away the embroidery and was ready to go out.

"Let's go, the guests must be waiting for us."

"Okay, let's go."

Kim's.In the reception room of the embroidery room, the owner of the previous oil painting had already arrived.That oil painting has been painted for a long time, because the paper used for the original painting is not very good, and the paper will turn yellow after a long time, which will affect the effect of the painting.Originally, I wanted to copy another painting, but because I couldn't see the real person in the painting, even if I copied it, it would not be very vivid.The embroidery in Yunshan Town is well-known both at home and abroad, so he thought of presenting the oil painting in the form of embroidery. In this way, the preservation period of the painting will be extended for a long time.

The shopkeeper had been waiting for Jin Shixiu and Wanxin outside early in the morning, and finally waited for them to arrive, so he hurried up to greet them and said, "Young master, young mistress, the guests have been waiting for a long time." "Are you here so early?" Wanxin looked The time is only ten o'clock in the morning. It seems that the guest is really in a hurry.

"Then let's hurry in."

As soon as the two walked in, the guest stood up and asked excitedly, "Mrs. Jin, is the embroidery finished?"

Seeing the eagerness of the guest, Wanxin did not hesitate, nodded and replied: "It's already embroidered, I'll spread it out for you to see." "Okay, that's really great." The man was a little excited, full of Looking forward to the embroidery in Wanxin's hand.Because the embroidered pictures are mounted, they are wrapped in red cloth.Wanxin herself was also very confident, she lifted the red cloth without hesitation.

When the embroidered picture appeared in everyone's eyes, everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded. They looked at the picture without blinking, and repeatedly praised it.

"Wow, the young mistress embroiders really well, it seems." "Yeah, the character picture is the most difficult to control, but the young mistress embroiders all the characters' characteristics very well." "It's really amazing "The embroiderers in the embroidery room have also been waiting for Wanxin's painting, and everyone is very curious to know that this is the first figure embroidery in Yunshan Town.When I saw this painting today, I really did not disappoint. Wanxin deserves to be the number one embroiderer in Yunshan Town.

The man also looked at the painting in astonishment, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.After a long time, he suddenly came back to his senses, followed by clapping non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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