Chapter 48 Back to the Door
"Hehe, okay, what a well-behaved child. Wanxin, come, come here." Wang Mei'e was actually very unhappy in her heart, but she naturally had to act like a loving mother in front of these wives.

With a smile on his face, he took Wanxin's hand and put it in his palm, and said gently: "Wanxin, from now on you will be our Jin family, if there is anything you are not used to, please tell mother, mother will try to help you arrange it, okay?"

"Thank you mother, Wanxin is very used to living here." Wanxin had a slight smile on her face, but she didn't show much enthusiasm.

She had already quietly looked at these women when they came in just now.Don't look at the second lady's tongue, but she is a person with no scheming.The Fourth Madam belongs to the kind of person who speaks her heart outspokenly and says what she has to say.The Fourth Madam Wanxin couldn't understand, she always smiled faintly and didn't look away, for a while, she really couldn't tell what kind of temperament she was.As for Wang Mei'e, Wanxin understood a little bit.Although she was suppressed by the second lady on the surface, she was not reconciled in her heart.Maybe she is still secretly looking for an opportunity to suppress the second lady at that time.

The second lady had been holding her breath from the very beginning, and now that Jin Shixiu had finally left, she naturally had to vent her anger.The corners of her eyes were raised, and when she looked at Wanxin with a little hostility, she said very displeasedly: "I said Wanxin, what on earth is your family going to do? Why did you send your sister here yesterday? Don't you think this Do you need to explain something to us?"

Her question touched everyone's heart, so Wang Mei'e remained silent, looking at Wanxin curiously, waiting for her answer.

Wanxin still had a gentle smile on her face, and it didn't change because of this question.There was a chill in her cold eyes, but there was no hostility in the slightest.

"Marriage is a big deal. As children, we naturally obey our parents' arrangements. So I can't explain this problem. I think my father will give everyone an explanation."

Wanxin didn't speak for the Ye family, because she felt that there was no need for that.She was just explaining a fact about this matter, indeed, she didn't know anything.What's more, what Jin Shixiu did in Ye's house yesterday can be regarded as making them pay for this incident, so she feels that there is no need to apologize.

"You have pushed the blame completely, and the matter of daring to love has nothing to do with you." The second lady asked contemptuously, this woman is really cruel enough for not even helping her natal family.

Wang Mei'e also frowned. Although she was a married daughter, she didn't dislike people from her natal family so much.She put all the responsibility on her parents, and her heart is indeed vicious.

Wanxin was not in a hurry or angry, she bowed slightly, and then continued: "This is the second wife, right? Just now Shixiu didn't introduce me, but I'm still surprised, why is there a fourth wife missing?" Our family only has two rooms, so it’s easier to get along with fewer people. Our Jin family has a big business and a lot of people. Wanxin must have been inconsiderate. It’s just that Wanxin met the second lady for the first time since yesterday. I know what I did wrong and offended the second lady, please forgive me. Wanxin is still young, and there are many things that need to be taught by your elders, and I will ask you to take care of me in the future."

She didn't answer the second lady's question directly, but turned a corner and secretly mocked the second lady for finding fault.Even though she just walked in, it doesn't mean she is easy to bully.She knew very well what life she had lived in the Ye family before. Now that she is married, and here in the Jin family, there are more people here than the Ye family, and they are not familiar with the place.If she still has the indifferent temperament before, she will definitely be bullied.It's really hateful that this second lady has repeatedly made things difficult for her in the past few days.Therefore, the necessary toughness is still necessary, otherwise the only one who is bullied is himself.

How could the Second Madam have thought that Wanxin would be so eloquent, she first put herself in a very low position in the words just now, showing her humility.Then he scolded her for deliberately making trouble for her, which is really careful.

"I haven't seen it yet, but this new daughter-in-law is still an eloquent person. It's just that everyone in our Jin family is eloquent. By then, I don't know how many people you can speak with your mouth."

The second lady just didn't know how to turn when she spoke, so what to say.As soon as she finished saying this, the fourth lady immediately laughed, "What does the second lady mean by this? Do you think that the members of our Jin family are so narrow-minded, and they are going to bully Wanxin? Your clever mouth can It is your business to say that you will find fault, so don't drag us."

"When did I say you?" The second lady knew that the fourth lady would feel sorry for her, so she immediately lowered her face.

"You didn't say anything about me, but you involved all the members of our Jin family. Wanxin just walked through the door. Once you hear that our family is full of people like you, you shouldn't scare them. Wanxin , don't worry, our Jin family is not an unreasonable place. You just take care of Shixiu, and your mother, third wife and fourth mother will help you with the rest."

The fourth lady secretly handed over an olive branch to Wanxin, blatantly isolating the second lady.Judging from Jin Shixiu's attitude towards Wanxin just now, they also understood.This kind heart is very important in Jin Shixiu's heart, this person must not be offended.

"Thank you, Si Niang, for your love. I'm afraid Wanxin will have a lot of time to bother everyone in the future. At that time, don't say I'm annoying." Naturally Wanxin would not refuse.

The two looked at each other and smiled, which aroused the anger of the second lady.She raised her eyebrows, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and said disdainfully: "Huh, you are a family that loves each other. I want to see how long you can get better."

"Families are supposed to love each other." The second lady's voice sounded full of anger just after she finished speaking.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the old lady Jin standing at the door, and stopped talking all of a sudden.The second lady shrank back and moved a few steps back.The old lady warned her just yesterday not to let her talk too much.This will be heard by her, I don't know if she will attack her.

With the support of Jin Shixiu, the old lady walked in slowly, sat down on the main seat, and swept around the wives majestically.The eighteen seeds in her hand kept moving between her fingers, and her sharp eyes stopped suddenly when they caught the second lady.

The second lady felt numb all over when the old lady saw it like this.Looking at her stern look again, I couldn't help but feel agitated.Could it be what Jin Shixiu told her just now?

The old lady Jin fixed her eyes on the second lady, with a little anger on her majestic face, she said sharply: "When did the second lady realize that the whole family is going to love each other. But you seem to only know Others should do it, but they forget what they should do.”

(End of this chapter)

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