lady of the family

Chapter 49 Rectify Ye Rongguang and Help Her Revenge

Chapter 49 Rectify Ye Rongguang and Help Her Revenge (1)

"Hehe, mother, I'm just talking casually, don't be angry. It's early in the morning, don't get angry." The second lady's face is indeed thick enough, the old lady said so, she can still laugh come out.

"Remember what I warned you yesterday, don't come to test my patience." The old lady really didn't like the appearance of the second lady, so she simply ignored her and turned her attention to Wanxin, but her complexion was much better "Wanxin, from now on you will be a member of our Jin family, and you must put the Jin family first in everything from now on, you know?"

"It's grandma, Wanxin remembers it." Wanxin had a good impression of the old lady, although the old lady looked high above and difficult to get close to, she was actually an upright person.

She picked up the tea and walked slowly in front of the old lady, then knelt down to offer the tea, and said respectfully, "Grandma, please drink tea."

"Well, good." The old lady's majestic face finally had some smiles, and she handed a big red envelope to Wanxin, and then she took a sip of tea.

Immediately afterwards, Wanxin offered tea to Wang Mei'e, and Wang Mei'e naturally gave a big red envelope.As for the rest of the third wife, because they are concubines, they don't need to serve tea.After drinking tea, the old lady brought up the matter of returning home today.

"I sent someone to prepare all the presents. After breakfast, Shixiu will accompany you back home."

"Wanxin understands, thank you grandma."

I thanked the old lady wanly, and felt a little uneasy again.I still don't know what it will be like when I get home today.She didn't know how Jin Shixiu asked her to attend the wedding yesterday, but her intuition told her that the Ye family must have been uneasy yesterday.Raising her eyes to look at Jin Shixiu, seeing that he seemed to be fine, she had no choice but to keep her head down.

At the dinner table, the old lady didn't mention anything about what happened yesterday, as if nothing happened.This surprised Wanxin, she was full of curiosity about this old lady, logically speaking, her reaction should be similar to that of the second lady.But if people don't mention it, she won't mention it stupidly, just pretend that she doesn't know anything.

After dinner, Wanxin and Jin Shixiu went back to Ye's house.Along the way, Jin Shixiu was also silent about what happened yesterday, which made Wanxin confused.When she arrived at Ye's house, Wanxin found out that the gatekeeper had changed.But she didn't know that person, just when she was about to ask, she saw Amu who had been by Jin Shixiu's side come out of Ye's house.


"Go in." Jin Shixiu didn't ask too much, he hasn't told Wanxin about Ye Rongguang and the second lady, so he doesn't know how she will react if she finds out.

Just like that, Wanxin followed Jin Shixiu into the house full of suspicion.But I didn't see Ye Rongguang coming out after I went in. The house was very quiet, not even the servants were there.

She looked around suspiciously, and found that there seemed to be some unknown people in the house suddenly.Looking at Amu next to Jin Shixiu, he seemed to understand something suddenly.

"Are these your people?" She looked at Jin Shixiu and asked.

"En." Jin Shixiu responded lightly without explaining.

"My dad he..."

"Are you going to see him?" Jin Shixiu still didn't talk about what he did to Ye Rongguang, he just wanted to see Wanxin's attitude.

"it is good."

Seeing Wanxin nodding, Jin Shixiu made a show of embarrassment to Amu, and the three of them walked towards the woodshed together.

On the way, the doubts in Wanxin's heart became heavier.Could it be that Jin Shixiu locked them up?This is the Ye family, he is so courageous that he actually ran to other people's house to punish them.

When it came to the door of the firewood room where she had closed yesterday, Wanxin understood everything at once.Dare to love Jin Shixiu to avenge her, and imprisoned Ye Rongguang and the second wife here.

After opening the door, Jin Shixiu pulled Wanxin and walked in.When Ye Rongguang saw him, he looked like he was dying, but now he regained his energy.His chubby body swished to his feet, and he rushed to Jin Shixiu in three steps, but he didn't dare to touch him.

Ye Rongguang took a look at Wanxin, and his intestines were green with regret.He already knew that Jin Shixiu was difficult to deal with, and he shouldn't have listened to the second wife's suggestion to marry Wanru instead.Now it's all right, not only didn't things work out, but I got myself involved.He lost his wife and lost his army.

"Master Jin!" Ye Rongguang yelled sadly, then knelt down in front of Jin Shixiu, and said sadly: "Master Jin, please forgive us. I deserve to die. Close your heart, you shouldn't let Wanru marry. I know I was wrong, please forgive me this time for Wanxin's sake."

Seeing Ye Rongguang like that, Wanxin was startled.When did her arrogant father become so useless?He actually knelt down in front of Jin Shixiu and begged for forgiveness.Seeing him like this, Wanxin couldn't help thinking that when she was arrested that night, she knelt in front of Ye Rongguang like this, begging him to let her go.But instead of getting his forgiveness for her pleading, her hands were abolished instead.

Jin Shixiu dismissed Ye Rongguang's begging, but turned his head to look at Wanxin, as if waiting for her to make a statement.

Ye Rongguang also discovered this, and hurriedly knelt on the ground and moved his legs to come in front of Wanxin, and said pitifully, "Wanxin, please beg for Master Jin for your father. Don't you object to this wedding?" ? Dad made this move precisely because you didn't want to."

In fact, if Ye Rongguang didn't say that, Wanxin might really help to say a few words.Although she felt that her words didn't carry much weight with Jin Shixiu, it was still necessary to intercede.But now that Ye Rongguang is so confusing black and white, Wanxin's only nostalgia for his father has disappeared.

"I can't do anything about this." Wanxin's cold eyes shot straight at Ye Rongguang's body, seeing the blood remaining at the corner of his mouth, she couldn't help showing a sneer.

Her hands were crippled, and the wet nurse died tragically, all of this was thanks to her father.There was also the matter of breaking her and Bai Shaoqiu apart abruptly back then, all of these were backlogged in Wanxin's heart.From now on, this Ye family may have nothing to do with her, so why should she care about their life and death?

Turning around, tilting your head back to make yourself look less sentimental.She turned her back to Jin Shixiu and said, "I'll wait for you outside."

Ye Rongguang stared blankly at Wanxin leaving, his mouth was wide open and he couldn't say a word.This heartless Ye Wanxin didn't even help him. The past 20 years really raised her for nothing. If I had known earlier, I should have strangled her to death.

The flash of fierceness on his face did not escape Jin Shixiu's eyes, and his tall body stood condescendingly in front of Ye Rongguang.His deep eyes burst out with majestic light, and he warned him clearly, "Wanxin is now my wife, Jin Shixiu, and to put it bluntly, she has nothing to do with your Ye family. If you still imagine If you treat her like that, then I advise you to die as soon as possible, because you will never have that chance again."

(End of this chapter)

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