Chapter 70
At this moment, he was carefully examining Wanxin, pinching each finger one by one.Jin Shixiu, who was at the side, saw his hands kneading Wanxin's fingers, and was so angry that he was about to smoke.I was so embarrassed that I was going to die, but I didn't dare to say anything.He stared at his hands from the beginning to the end, and knew that he was just doing a routine inspection, and he didn't make any frivolous actions.

But because this person is Ouyang Chen, Jin Shixiu is so nervous.Ouyang Chen is the only person Jin Shixiu admits so far that he can beat him, whether it is appearance or talent, he is comparable to him in every point.

Although Jin Shixiu is indifferent and difficult to get along with on weekdays, as if he is superior and rejects people thousands of miles away, in fact he is particularly insecure.At the beginning, because of the enemy's relationship, the old lady was afraid that someone would harm Jin Shixiu, so she reluctantly sent him abroad.The old lady's older sister was quite rebellious back then, and fell in love with an Englishman despite everyone's opposition, and even secretly ran to England.At that time, even Cixi was so angry that she sent someone to England to look for her.It's just that the distance is far away, and it's a foreign country. It's not easy to find someone in the UK.

After a long time, it will be assumed that there is no such daughter in the family, and no one will take care of it.But after the Yuanmingyuan incident, my sister suddenly contacted the old lady, and the two sisters have not broken letters since then.So I have been in touch for so many years. When Jin Shixiu was in England, he lived at his sister's house.

It's really because Jin Shixiu left home when he was young that Jin Shixiu's temperament became withdrawn. When he was a child, he always felt that his family had abandoned him, and he felt resentful in his heart.Although I understood the painstaking efforts of my family when I grew up, I couldn't change my temper.

While Jin Shixiu was in a trance, Ouyang Chen also finished the examination.He said with a serious face: "The tendons in both hands were injured. In fact, it was not serious in the first place. It's just that they didn't receive timely treatment, which is why they became what they are now."

Looking at Wanxin's trembling hands, Ouyang Chen couldn't help feeling a bit distressed.With such beautiful hands, who could be so cruel to strike?

"Can it still be cured?" Jin Shixiu also asked with expectation.

"I'll give it a try, but the treatment cycle will definitely be very long. There is a saying in Chinese medicine that it takes a hundred days to hurt the muscles and bones. This injury is on the tendons and veins. It takes not only time but also sophisticated equipment to fully heal. But there is no one in Yunshan Town, if possible, I hope you can take her to Shanghai, her hand needs an operation."

Yunshan Town is not far from Shanghai, and Ouyang Chen is currently seeking medical treatment at the Shanghai Red Cross Hospital.The Shanghai Red Cross Hospital was founded by Ouyang Chen's father, and Ouyang's family is also a wealthy family in Shanghai.As the only son of the Ouyang family, Ouyang Chen's father naturally wanted him to inherit the family business, but he was only interested in medicine and was not willing to take over the business.The people in Ouyang's family are also very anxious about this.

Jin Shixiu had gone to Shanghai to look for Ouyang Chen before, but he rushed back from Shanghai overnight because of Ye Rongguang's incident.

"Then you go back and prepare first, I will bring Wanxin there for surgery as soon as possible. No matter how long it takes, as long as it can be cured."

Jin Shixiu walked to Wanxin's side and held her hand tightly. With these beautiful hands, he could definitely pick up needlework again.Wanxin's love for embroidery can be felt by Jin Shixiu. It is because of this that he is so determined to heal her hand.

"Well, I'll leave for Shanghai right away, and I'll let you know when I'm ready, and you can come over when the time comes."

It's not that Ouyang Chen didn't see how much Jin Shixiu cared about Wanxin. Although he had been teasing his friend before, he was also happy for him.How lucky it is to have a true love in life.

"You just arrived, I can't let you leave in such a hurry, it will be noon soon, stay and have lunch before leaving." Jin Shixiu is so enthusiastic about someone, Ouyang Chen didn't retreat, and stayed .

Because the family had to be vegetarian when they were fifteen, although Jin Shixiu didn't believe it, it was a taboo for the old lady, and it was not easy for him to compete with the old lady.So at noon, I went out to eat with Ouyang Chen, but Wanxin didn't like to follow, so she stayed with the old lady.

Ever since Ouyang Chen said that her hand could be cured, Wanxin's heart has been jumping for joy.From time to time, I take out my hands to look at it, dreaming that I will soon be able to pick up the needle and thread and embroider the patterns I like.

It's just that she was happy when she was happy, and she didn't forget Jin Shixiu's kindness to her.He went out on the second day of the wedding because of this matter, and it would be a lie to say that he was not moved.A human heart is made of flesh, and if she is still indifferent to someone who treats her like this, it's not justified.It's just that it's just touching.In the eight years before she met Jin Shixiu, her heart was completely occupied by Bai Shaoqiu.Now that they have only been separated for a few months, it is unrealistic for her to forget that unforgettable relationship in such a short period of time.

But Wanxin also understands that she and Bai Shaoqiu have no possibility in this life.Now she is Jin Shixiu's wife, and the only person she can rely on in this life is Jin Shixiu.She will gradually forget Bai Shaoqiu and try to accept Jin Shixiu.

At the same time, she was extremely fortunate to have met such a man at the darkest and most helpless time in her life.She thinks that God is still fair, and what is lost is what is gained.She lost her favorite Bai Shaoqiu, but God allowed her to meet Jin Shixiu who regarded her as a treasure. I have to say that this is also a blessing.

"Wanxin, Wanxin..."

Wang Mei'e called Wanxin a few times and she didn't respond, so she couldn't help but increase her voice.Everyone was chatting after dinner, but Wanxin could still lose her mind in such a noisy environment.

Wanxin, who was suddenly pulled back from her thoughts, suddenly raised her head, looked at Wang Mei'e's somewhat angry face, and cried out secretly.Aren't they chatting? Why do you suddenly think of her?

"Mom, what are your orders?"

"What are you thinking? You haven't responded for a long time. It's really impolite for you to be distracted while chatting with the elders." Wang Mei'e blamed unhappily. She was very dissatisfied with her last night, but today she has something to say. If there is something wrong, it will naturally be held on.

Wanxin also knew this, she didn't say anything, she just listened.

Wang Mei'e reprimanded her a few words, seeing that Wanxin was being taught obediently, and there were still people around, so it shouldn't be too much.

"Okay, okay, we're going to play mahjong, three are missing and one is missing, you come to top it."

"Playing mahjong?" Wanxin was really frightened, "But I..."

"If you want to hit you, you can hit it. Where did all the nonsense come from? Move the table out quickly." Wang Mei'e's only way of pastime is to play mahjong. Originally, the fourth wife of the family just happened to join the table, but the second wife has been lucky recently. Back, I lose every day, and today I won’t say anything.That's why Wang Mei'e asked Wanxin to make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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