Chapter 71
It's just that Wanxin is really not interested in playing mahjong, and it's not that she can't. She played with the eldest lady when she was at Ye's house before, but every time she could fall asleep on the mahjong table, after that, the eldest lady would not Call her here.

Today, she was playing with Wang Mei'e, and she was afraid that if she really fell asleep, she would probably be reprimanded again.

Soon the four of them gathered around a table, Wanxin was arranging the mahjong tiles clumsily, her movements were a few beats slower than others.

"I said hurry up and play, what are you doing in a daze?" Wang Mei'e was impatient when she played poker, and she kept urging Wanxin to play faster.

Wanxin was rushed by her, so she didn't look at it carefully, just stretched out her hand and typed it out.


Hearing this, Wang Mei'e was overjoyed, and hurriedly yelled: "Touch!"

"Wait a minute." The Fourth Madam interrupted triumphantly, "I'm stupid, all of them."

"Did you make a mistake? You're so stupid, you're so stupid."

Wang Mei'e lost all her good cards in this way, so she was naturally unhappy and kept scolding Wanxin.

Wanxin is also very helpless, she said she can't fight, but they still insist on her on the table, who can blame this?He secretly slandered in his heart, but kept silent and continued beating.

In Wan Xin's eyes, the mahjong tiles are all the same, they can't be combined no matter what.An hour passed, Wanxin did nothing wrong, and lost big every time.As long as she fires cannons to others, Wang Mei'e will definitely complain and call her stupid.

Fortunately, Wanxin has a good temper and is indifferent, otherwise someone else would have been in a hurry with her.Wanxin was extremely depressed when she played this card. Not only did she lose money, but she was constantly scolded.

It was like this all afternoon, Wanxin didn't play any cards wrong, everyone lost chips when they played cards, and the final account was settled after the game was over.The fourth lady was lucky today, the third lady won a little bit, Wang Mei'e also lost with Wanxin today, although she didn't lose as much as Wanxin, but she was also very unhappy.

The final statistics came out, Wanxin lost 280 Dayang and Wang Mei'e 120.The fourth lady won more than 300 yuan by herself, so don't mention how happy she is today.

Before leaving, the Fourth Madam still did not forget to say to Wan Xin: "Wan Xin, you are so polite. It was the first time I played cards with such a big gift. I accepted it with a smile. I will ask you to play cards in the future. I just like to fight with people like you, who have a good brand, and don’t say anything even if they lose.” While speaking, I didn’t forget to give Wang Mei’e a sarcasm, which meant that her brand was poor, and she would make a lot of noise when she lost a little money. .

Seeing that Wang Mei'e's face was ugly, the third lady hurriedly told the fourth lady to leave, leaving the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law at the poker table.

Wang Mei'e was so enraged by the fourth wife that she was about to smoke, but she never refuted in front of them.After they all left, he lost his temper towards Wanxin.

"I said you are a pig. Normally you are quite smart. Why are you so stupid today? Isn't it just playing mahjong? It's so simple that you can't learn it in an afternoon. You are really stupid, stupid. Starting from tomorrow, if you come to me to learn how to play cards, I won’t believe it, I won’t be able to teach you.”

"Ah?" Wanxin looked at her in pain, didn't she?
Teach her to play cards?It might as well kill her.She swore to never play mahjong again.

"Why? Don't want to?" Seeing her reluctance, Wang Mei'e asked angrily.

"No, no." How dare she say no.It looked like she was going to eat people, she didn't want to die so quickly.

After losing so much money, Wanxin felt depressed.She does have some dowry items, but she has saved them all, so she doesn't have that much cash on her.But when the fourth lady left, she didn't forget to remind her to send the money over at night.

Seeing that the sky is getting dark, the bank should be closed. It seems that I have to talk to the Fourth Madam and send the money over tomorrow.

When he returned to his yard, Jin Shixiu had already returned.I was watering the flowers in the yard, and when I saw her come back, I still had a bitter face, and couldn't help laughing: "Aren't you playing mahjong? Why did you lose money?"

"How do you know? You've been back long ago?" Wanxin asked in astonishment.

"Is there anything in this family that can be hidden from me? Well, isn't it just a loss of a little money? Look at your worthless appearance." Jin Shixiu put down the kettle and walked to her, shaking his head and said dotingly: "Sit down." I was also tired all afternoon, so I hurried back to lie down while I asked someone to prepare meals."

"I'm not hungry." Wanxin said with a pouted mouth. After losing so much money, how could she still be in the mood to eat? "I'm sleepy and I'm going to sleep."

Jin Shixiu knew that she was worried about money, so he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Okay, it's not a big deal. You win or lose in poker. If you lose today, you can win it back tomorrow. Don't be unhappy. Look at your crying face. Xiang, when others saw it, they thought I was bullying you."

"More than 200 oceans, they disappear in a blink of an eye, can I not feel bad?" Wanxin was aggrieved all afternoon, and finally couldn't bear it after being coaxed by Jin Shixiu.

Originally, she was in a bad mood after losing money, but Wang Mei'e kept scolding her, and she was wronged to death.The people she lost have not said a word, which is too much.

"Okay, okay, how about this, I'll fight with you tomorrow, and I promise to win you back, okay?" Jin Shixiu had never seen Wanxin quarrel like this before, and he was out of control immediately, gratefully raising his hands and surrendering.

"Really?" Wanxin didn't know what was going on today, she was a little childish in front of Jin Shixiu.

"I promise."

"Okay then, I'm hungry."

"I'll call for dinner right away."

It's rare for the two to get along so lovingly, Wanxin didn't find anything, but Jin Shixiu was very happy.Wanxin is willing to be awkward and act like a baby in front of him, which shows that he is getting into her heart bit by bit.Every time she got along with her before, she always had the same expression, as if guarding him against a thief.At that time, Jin Shixiu was so angry that he would die every time, but he would not get angry with her, so he could only come back and vent his anger on others.

After dinner, Wanxin just remembered to talk to the Fourth Madam about the money.It was not easy to send someone to go there, so she had to decide to go there by herself.

She said to Jin Shixiu, "I'll go out for a while, and I'll be right back."

"It's so late, where are you going?"

Jin Shixiu, who was pitch black outside, was also worried, but he probably guessed what she was going to do.

"It's okay, I'll be right back." Wanxin didn't want Jin Shixiu to know about this, so she hurried out with the lamp.

Seeing her anxious look, Jin Shixiu shook his head again. Sometimes this woman is not very smart, and sometimes she is stupid and irritating.It's really not worth what to do with her.

(End of this chapter)

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