Chapter 81
After everyone else left, the old lady took a breath and said, "Go in."

It was very dark in the wing room. The old lady asked someone to light the candles, closed the doors and windows, and sent someone to watch outside.

When everyone walked into the room and saw the person kneeling on the ground, they all gasped and all of them changed their expressions.

"How can this be?"

The third lady's body went limp, and she fell to the ground feebly, shouting in confusion.

The person who appeared in the room was actually Jin Shiwen. As for who the man was, no one knew who it was. He should be a servant of the Jin family.Although the two of them didn't do anything when they came in, they had almost taken off their clothes, especially Jin Shiwen, only a pair of obscene pants were left naked.

The old lady was furious, but she could still remain calm, and ordered someone to take the man down first, leaving only Jin Shiwen behind.But now Jin Shiwen is still delirious, talking nonsense in his mouth, and can't stop at all.

"Bring water."

The old lady sat down on the chair and looked straight at Jin Shiwen with an imposing manner.

Soon, someone brought a basin of cold water, and poured it straight on Jin Shiwen.The third lady watched from the sidelines terrified, and she still didn't have the strength to stand up.

She couldn't figure it out, the person who appeared here should be Ye Wanxin, how could she become her daughter?

Now that the old lady saw Shiwen's scandalous things with her own eyes, how could she have the face to stay in this house in the future?

After a basin of cold water went down, Jin Shiwen finally became a little sober.She shook the water drops on her head, looked at the person in front of her in confusion, and was speechless in astonishment.Her mind is blank now, and she has no idea what is going on.

Wang Mei'e would be gloating at this. She has always been dissatisfied with the third wife and a concubine who overstepped the rules and took power. Now that her daughter has done such a shameful thing, let's see how she will gain a foothold in the Jin family in the future.

"Mother, calm down your old man first, your body is important." Now is the time for her to please the old lady, she believes that as long as the third wife is gone, the Jin family will be her world from now on.

Who knew that the old lady was at the beginning of this meeting, Wang Mei'e took the initiative to act as a punching bag, and she just sprayed it, "What's your expression? Gloating? What are you thinking? Don't think I don't know, I'm not dead yet. "

Wang Mei'e was very wronged, she was kind, why was she treated like a donkey.

"Mother, my daughter-in-law is worried about you!"

"You still dare to talk back, do you want me to die? Stand aside for me, I don't want to see you."

The old lady is really bored now, and anyone would be very angry when she passed away on her birthday.Besides, it was her granddaughter who had the accident, and it was such a shameless thing that happened. Even a person with a good temper would get angry. Wang Mei'e hit the point of the gun.

Although she was full of grievances and dissatisfaction, Wang Mei'e could only smash her teeth and swallow it in her stomach.Why did she have no status in this family?Only two concubines can call her around, let alone this old lady.

After teaching Wang Mei'e a lesson, the old lady turned her eyes to Jin Shiwen and asked solemnly, "Tell me, what's going on? Why are you here?"

After Jin Shiwen sorted out her thoughts, she was stunned.She also wanted to know why she was here, shouldn't the person who should appear here be Ye Wanxin?How could it be herself?
"Grandma, I don't know what's going on. I was framed. It was her, Ye Wanxin, who wanted to kill me..."

Jin Shiwen is also in chaos now, she only knows that she failed to frame Wanxin, she must have been beaten up by Wanxin, in fact, if you think about it for a while, you will know who hurt her.It's just that she said it stupidly, isn't this shooting herself in the foot?
When Wanxin heard that she dared to bite back, she couldn't help but sneered again.Call her Jin Shiwen stupid, she is still a little smart, say she is smart, she is as stupid as a pig.I really don't know what words to use to describe her.

When the old lady heard Jin Shiwen pointing the finger at Wanxin, she didn't immediately deny it. She gave Wanxin a meaningful look, and then she yelled at Jin Shiwen: "I didn't know I made a mistake, but I still think about rascals. I see you are completely hopeless."

"Grandma, it's really her who hurt me. She was the one who should have appeared here, but I came here out of nowhere. You said it wasn't her who hurt me, but who hurt me..." Jin Shiwen also couldn't speak Now that he has chosen his words, he betrayed himself in a moment of impatience.

Hearing this, the old lady's face became more and more ugly, and everyone present understood what she meant.The person who originally appeared here should be Wanxin, so it means that Jin Shiwen set up this situation herself.But in the end, he didn't hurt others, and let himself in.

The third lady wanted to die now, how could she have thought that Jin Shiwen would talk nonsense and confess herself.This time it's all right, it's completely dead.

"Shiwen, grandma has always thought that you are a well-behaved child, with a smart mind and a beautiful person, and you must have a bright future in the future. But today, you really disappointed me. I won't investigate this matter further, so I'll stop here So far. From now on, don't come to see me, and think about it in your own yard. Shixuan, help me out."

The voice of the old lady was heavy. She, the grandma, was the most distressed when something like this happened at home.It's not that she doesn't know that the wives in the family are intriguing all day long, but she never expected that the children will follow suit.

This Jin Shiwen is only 15 years old, which is a good age.But she didn't learn anything well, she imitated her mother's jealousy.

Although Mr. Jin only had the old lady's room when he was alive, she never had any jealousy with concubines or anything like that.But since he grew up in a big family and is a relative of the emperor, he is no stranger to this kind of thing.

What happened today, even if she doesn't need to check, she can guess.She deprived the rights of the third wife, she couldn't feel angry, and wanted to take revenge on Wanxin.As a result, the scheme was exposed by Wanxin, and Wanxin followed the scheme and harmed Jin Shiwen.Coming and going is just such a drama, how could she not know.

This matter really needs to be investigated, and who should be punished at that time?Do you want to punish Wanxin?She was originally a victim, just because she was smart and saw through other people's conspiracy early.It is impossible to punish Jin Shiwen. Now that she has suffered such a big blow, she is completely stunned. What else can she bear?
So the best solution to this matter is to let it all pass, and no one is allowed to mention it in the future.Fortunately, Jin Shiwen has not lost her virginity, and there is still room for saving everything.

(End of this chapter)

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