Chapter 82
When she walked to the side of the third lady, she paused again, and said sharply: "Don't be too greedy, what should be yours is yours, not yours, no matter what method you use, you can't take it away. You Go back and think about it carefully, without my permission, you are not allowed to go to Shiwen, and you are not allowed to step out of your yard."

"Mother, don't, Shiwen...I can't stop seeing her, she is my only child, I can't live without Shiwen..."

The third lady did not expect that the old lady would not let her see her daughter. Now that Jin Shiwen has just suffered such a serious injury, she definitely needs her mother to be by her side to comfort her.That's why she was so excited when she heard the old lady say that, begging bitterly.

"I didn't say I won't let you recognize my daughter, but I just won't let you see it now. Lihua, you are a smart person, you should know why I did this. Mother also wanted to save you some face, so I didn't say it too bluntly. , don't push yourself too far."

The old lady succeeded in dissuading the third lady with a few words of understatement. Anyway, the third lady has been in the Jin family for more than ten years.For so many years, it is really difficult for her to stay in the Jin family with a daughter honestly.That's why the old lady didn't do too much, in order to give her a chance to reform.

The third lady silently let go and backed away, she knew what the old lady meant.Just looking at her daughter's sad look, I feel sad.

Jin Shiwen is not sad. She was framed and almost lost her innocence. Now she is not even allowed to see her mother. Isn't this killing her?

"Take Miss San back home and watch over her carefully. If anything goes wrong, I only ask you." The old lady ordered to the person at the door.

"Yes, old lady."

In this way, the third wife could only watch helplessly as her daughter was taken away, and she could do nothing.This matter has come to this point, who can be blamed?
This is called self-inflicted evil!
The old lady was gone, so naturally Wang Mei'e could only follow, and Wanxin didn't need to stay anymore, so she also followed the old lady out.Only the third wife and Jin Shiwen were still in the room stupidly, at a loss.

As soon as a few people reached the door, Jin Shixiu hurried over.Just now Wanxin told her that if she didn't go back after fifteen minutes, someone should tell Jin Shixiu to come to the backyard.Almost half an hour had passed, and the people in the front hall remembered Wanxin's words, so they rushed to notify Jin Shixiu.

"Wanxin, are you okay?"

When Jin Shixiu came in, the first thing he looked for was Wanxin, and he was relieved to see that she was safe and sound.

Wanxin shook her head at him, "I'm fine."

After confirming that Wanxin is fine, Jin Shixiu looked after the old lady, walked over to support her, and said with concern, "Grandma, what are you all doing in the backyard? The banquet is about to begin, and everyone is waiting for you."

"Hehe, it's okay, let's go." The old lady didn't want to mention what happened just now, Shixiu is busy enough on weekdays, so don't worry about this little thing in the house.

The old lady also knew in her heart that if Jin Shixiu knew about this matter, then the third wife, mother and daughter would probably be kicked out by him.It's not that he doesn't know how much he cares about the old lady Wanxin, it seems that she has to remind Wanxin about this matter.Although Wanxin was wronged by this matter, fortunately she was not harmed, so she had to take care of the overall situation.

On the way back, Jin Shixiu left first.The meeting is about to start, and he wants to make a final confirmation.After he left, the old lady said to Wanxin, "What happened just now is over, luckily you are fine, otherwise I really don't know how to explain to Shixiu."

Wanxin could also guess what the old lady was thinking, it seemed that she couldn't hide anything from her.Although Jin Shiwen was not interrogated just now, the old lady has already guessed a general idea.At this moment, she suddenly said this to herself, just to calm things down.

"Don't worry grandma. Shiwen is still a child. It's normal to like to play jokes on my sister-in-law and play pranks. It's all small things. Wanxin never takes it to heart, let alone talk to her. It's fussy. Shixiu is so busy every day, naturally Wanxin won't bother him with these unnecessary things."

The old lady just likes Wanxin to be transparent, she doesn't need to explain anything too clearly, she can understand it.Seeing her well-behaved and sensible, the old lady's heart was relieved.

"Our Jin family has a lot of people. Sometimes it is inevitable that we will favor one over another, which makes everyone feel unbalanced. If you can see it, you can laugh it off. If you can't see it, there will be some right and wrong, which will make the family restless. But no matter what kind of People are always a family. When everyone quarrels, it’s over, just don’t worry about it in your heart.”

"Wanxin remembers everything grandma said."

"Okay, let's go, the guests are still waiting."

After soothing Wanxin, the old lady breathed a sigh of relief.There are too many troubles at home, and she feels annoying, let alone Shixiu.So no matter how big or small things are in this house, the old lady never mentions them in front of Jin Shixiu, just because she doesn't want him to be so tired.But no matter how capable she is, she is still old, and she is seventy now.It is indeed difficult for so many people in the Jin family to rely on her, an old lady, to take care of the food and drink.

Originally, the old lady also wanted to give up her rights, but there was no one in the family who was capable.Wang Mei'e is very scheming. Although she looks weak and bully on the surface, she is actually narrow-minded.The reason why she has kept her mouth shut is probably because she is concerned about the old lady.Maybe she was just waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the old lady to return to the west. At that time, she would be like the king and queen of the Han Dynasty, monopolizing power and revenge.As for the second lady, she is simple-minded and has no knowledge, let alone.The Fourth Madam is a little clever, she loves to play tricks behind her back, even if she does a little trick, she won't be a big deal.Only the third wife has some knowledge, she is usually reasonable and has a good brain.When I helped the old lady with the housework, I kept everything in order.But the third wife is always a concubine and has no son, so it is not her turn to be the master of the house.

Now, the old lady pinned all her hopes on Wanxin.Just wait for her to get started slowly, and then she can let go.However, Wanxin is just a newcomer after all, and it will take some time to convince the public.If she could conceive the flesh and blood of the Jin family earlier and give birth to a boy and a half girl for the Jin family, then everything would be logical.

Thinking of her great-grandson, the old lady couldn't help being happy.Being able to hold a great-grandson in her arms has always been her dream.Right now, she is looking forward to Wanxin's stomach being able to live up to expectations and conceive soon.

The birthday banquet was very lively, hundreds of tables were set up in the Jin family, and the entire front yard was full of people.After the old lady was in place, she said a few words and the banquet began.Everyone stepped forward to toast and say some auspicious words. The scene was very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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